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>all these boomers deathly afraid of the Coronavirus


Glass him.

It's ok I found a potion of cure disease in a barrel

It’s based because boomers are the only ones still buying into the stocksmeme so all their investments tanked and now they’re panicking even harder. Nigga nothings changed stop looking at graphs n shit lmao

Sure, hand sanitizer is mostly only effective against bacteria anyways.

>work at a pharmaceutical plant
>they're seriously considering closing the facility for 2 weeks and paying us to stay home
>my school is considering having all classes online
>lift 6x a week and do cardio 5x a week so have the immune system of an ox
>my face

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Hand it over....That thing, your toilet paper.

Attached: gael.jpg (1024x576, 121.27K)

Take it.
I stole 4 liters of hand sanitizer and another 2 liters of different hand sanitizer from work in the past two days and i dont plan on stopping.


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Based US surging into top 8 most infected. WE'RE GONNA BE NUMBER 1 SOON BABY

Thank you for your confession, employee 143, we will be sending a T-850 to retrieve you.

light it all on fire

Thats like 10k on the scalpers market bro no way

My parents that read reddit can’t stop telling me on whatsapp about the “funny” news articles on toilet paper being sold out everywhere. Truly a fact worth knowing and sharing for the good of the economy.

>don't touch your face mouth or eyes to help stop the spread
>licks finger to turn page
based boomers

>just got a 3M full face mask
>as soon as SHTF the crazed animalistic plebs will want to steal it from me
>only have pepper spray to defend myself

So how about them video game, eh?

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Despite being only 13% of the population Khajiite are responsible for 50% of Cryodiils crime.

That doesn’t make sense.
Is he only going to take your life and leave the hand sanitizer?

I’d imagine he’d take both, and not just one or the other.

>falling for the jewish fearmongering
you literally have nothing to worry about unless your are 80 years old or some shit

never should have come here.

just a reminder that even though your chance of dying is very low if you are young, your lungs still end up looking like swiss cheese

also holy shit dude, italian hospitals are actively sending 80+ away to die so they can treat younger people now

does any game actually let you be a plague bearer? seems like a fun gameplay mechanic. like not just posion effects but being actively sick yourself to the point of looking like a disciple of fucking nurgle

>Have an intensely sore throat that hurts like hell when I swallow

I'm dying bros...

cough in his eyes

Your barbed dick or your life.

>surviving the pandemic relies on Americans obeying the advice of their doctors
You Amerilards are fucked

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>lowish fatality rate
>in ICUs
>ICU spots getting filled up really quick
>Just a nothingburger, bro!

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i've had this for the last 10 months straight (tonsillitis). i just need to pay several thousand dollars to have the procedure done because im a burger.

Just use regular paper. Its crunchy on the bum but gets the job done. Just dont flush it down though.

It's been hurting slightly for the last week, but last night it became painful enough that I'm constantly thinking about it. I think it got worse when I started turning the fan on when I sleep because my mouth is usually open and it gets dried up.

Or it's Corona and I'm kill.

>this obsessed and trying to make it sound like only americans are doing this

The people freaking out like it's the end of the world crack me up. Yeah, it's a mess. Yes, wash your hands when you get home from outside. Stay in as much as you can.
But christ, people act like it's megacancerAIDS and that it'll be Fallout when it's all done. What a fucking joke people are.

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cool user
it's totally nothing

>only 7 cases in my country
One has to be in my fucking middle of bumfuck nowhere town, and it had to be moved from one clinic to the other until they found one with suitable equipment

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>pee on it's paws

>i just need to pay several thousand dollars to have the procedure done because im a burger.
This is actually scary, not having a healthcare. What happens with bill if the patient dies? Don't tell me the family gets to pay it. Way to fuck up your children.

That's not what I said at all, but this scaremongering is completely absurd. People are acting like it's a death sentence when even in older people that isn't the case.
I'm not saying don't take precautions, of course you should. This is obviously worse than just a flu, and it's made worse by the fact that we don't know much about it.
But it's not THAT fucking bad.

Do americans really go months with pain/numbness just because they don't want to go to the doctors and fix it?

Yes. Even just a visit to the doctor, assuming nothing else needs to be done and you're fine, will run you around $500. That's just to see them.

I have no insurance. It literally costs me 500 dollars just to go into his office and speak to him, and then another couple hundred for whatever meds he gives me

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just get insurance bro lmao

so get insurance or stop complaining

>the absolute STATE of Americans

No wonder the Jews are trying grip onto that industry.
Then you have those experiencing sunken-cost fallacy saying others need to earn it because it isn’t fair that they paid already.

I think people were overreacting, but now the US is in the midst of an outbreak, and with covids mortality rate if that happens it's going to fuck shit up. Kids are going to be dying, grandparents, parents, people you got sick, our economy will continue to dive etc. The government is still trying to play the "plz don't panic" card and I think they're taking it so far as to be detrimental. People need to be staying the fuck home.

Or if you are regularly in contact with young or old people who you don't want to die, hard to imagine I know.



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Vote Bernie. Free healthcare is a western world standard and america is the only country which has such a joke of a healthcare system. That shit is free up here in canada and meds are fairly cheap on top of that. Like seriously, get your shit together guys lmao.

>People need to be staying the fuck home.
My boss refuses to temporarily close down and fired someone for refusing to come

You'd be paying that much in taxes on top of other shit in Europe
You're between scylla and charybdis m8

where the fuck do you anons live? For me it's like $200 for a medcheck and $50 for basic meds.

>just get insurance
>marketplace was fucked to shit in December
>unclear, nonuniform and misleading rules for special enrollment periods
>even if you have it you're still probably paying everything out of pocket untill you break $4-8k
Our healtchare system is absolutely toast

>Free healthcare is a western world standard
Even these poor euro countries have it all in taxes so all that US healthcare is literally an alien concept to them.

>You'd be paying that much in taxes for a health care plan that actually covers you more than the absolute bare minimum

sounds great

Well it certainly doesn't help that we have anti-science retards running the show. Trump keeps saying "it's less bad than the flu" which is patently false and then he put Mike fucking Pence in charge of combating this shit. They won't even let experts talk about it, the fuck is up with that?
We may as well have been told "you're on your own, ride it out, good luck", because that's exactly what the case is.

>People in my small town start wearing those paper filter masks
>"Yeah we just want to be extra cautious
>Tell them it doesn't filter out molecules and won't prevent illness, it's literally used to try not to get other people sick
>They just stare at me like I'm retarded

If they really want to go balls deep they should get a real gas mask with canister filters, I have one but I'm not gonna start wearing it unless things go really tits up which they won't

Yea I guess needing to wait 6 months for a doc appointment is worth all those taxes

It can't happen because people are literally so stupid and stubborn that they'll cling to their shitty personal insurance policies rather than pay a little bit extra in taxes so everyone can have coverage that doesn't drop them whenever it's convenient.

Nice try europoor, we're not going to cure this just because you tricked us last time.

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Whatever happened to that guy in the end?

Our problem is deeper than it being private. Hospital admin costs, gouging pharmaceutical companies and the like won't be solved by a socialized healthcare system. It takes care of faggot insurance companies but not the other middle men making far more profit on healthcare than the value they're putting in.

And nobody wants to address that because Healthcare is a staple in our stock market. Basically every american over 30 has investments in healthcare. We're all staying afloat on the backs of ourselves getting fucked in the ass. So people like bernie offer bandaids like socialized healthcare.

Not the case if it's something urgent. You are aware of "triage", correct?

So 650ish cases is 8th? Dumb faggot.

Patently false. I live in Canada and you can make an appointment within a week

It's almost unbearable that eurotrash faggots are this goddamn retarded

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No, he's so stupid he thinks you have to wait months just to see your doctor at all. Brainwashed retards from burgerstan are just that complicit in their shitty system that they have to try to rationalize it by pretending literally any country has it worse than them


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what's hand sanitizer?

Why don't you have insurance? Everyone I know has it. you're a dumbass, you could get indigent care.

You have 808 cases and yes. Are you bad at math or something? Oh wait! American...

Yes. Our healthcare system is fucked, pharmaceutical services are extremely privatized, and health insurance is the leading cause of bankruptcy here in the US.

why do you think someone who can't afford $500 to see a doctor could afford $500 a month insurance?

That's the thing, I'm American and even I'm aware of how it works. That other guy is probably just one of those shmucks that would rather die than admit that the US could be improved.

He ascended beyond our mortal comprehension.