Why do so many remakes fail to capture the magic of the original game?
Why do so many remakes fail to capture the magic of the original game?
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I had that toy. Never liked the crotch head position so switched it up to his shoulders. Looked badass that way.
Bottom is way overdesigned.
That's why all the soulless kids go into engineering.
This one isn't as bad as the OP when it comes to design language, but the actual redesign is much further away from what the original intended.
Went from a bird thing to a humanoid
Because you are a contrarian faggot who thinks they're deep for liking pixelshit. You watch 2 hour long reviews of movies and video games and now you pretend critique every game you play while remembering the days when "games were good", which in reality were just days when you didn't even know how to critique them. If you return to old games, you'll either see how shit they are or bear through every single fault and still call it a masterpiece because of your deep rooted nostalgia.
reminder that G2 of Bionicle was garbage and deserved to fail
You mean this stuff?
Nah bro. This stuff was the best designed Bionicle had ever been.
The series immediately after this one, however...
The morons who shit on every new game while acting like the olden years were some golden age are retarded considering there are plenty of great games that still come out now, but that doesn't mean anything in the face of OP's question, which concerns remakes specifically.
The simple answer is that remakes aren't made with the same care and passion the originals were.
it was ugly Hero Factory looking soulless trash, I'm glad that shit died quickly so kids didn't need to be exposed to it
oh shit nigga this was pre-bionicle stuff
What about this one?
Hero Factory was a damn sight better than the overdesigned, under-engineered clusterfuck that Bionicle ended up with towards the end
give me the green one with the katana
that nigga was my nigga
What the fuck is that
It’s the character Slash from TMNT. Both are of the same character but one is from the 80s and one is from this year.
The newer one looks cool but it looks like it has too many 'special' parts. I remember I could make frankenbots with the technic models.
I used to build Bionicle shit so these soul/soulless pics are super retarded to me. I loved the old Bionicle/Technic sets but the build quality of these remakes are outstanding
All of these are really cool and look fun to play with
nah, HF ruined the fun of building a set from basic pieces and had an awful artstyle
thats probably the best out of the ones I have seen.
Retains more or less the same structure and is a very clean design overall.
I also really like the location of that disk.
a minus I guess would be that the original bird/reptile look turned into a more orangutan/ape look.
Can't speak for the playability like the other user pointed out
Meme pic aside this remake is actually cool
I had that one, what a chad
Forgot pic.
>Kinderegg tier LEGO kits
Figurine LEGO kits and one off sets are trash.
Real LEGO kits are those that have infinite possibilities
LEGO Technic 8880, 8459, 42100 and so on are what you should focus on.
The start was the best, they absolutely nailed the aesthetic and tone. Sets were all varied with no pure recolor squads. Rahi were all super unique designs and made for great bigger sets.
Admittedly the MNOLG was nearly impossible to have followed up on properly and that's a lot of what sold it so well.
Even transforms, the original didn't do that.
what were the underwater ones called?
What have you done to my Slizers, you reprobate!?
That bottom toy clearly has way more soul.
This one had a tiny dick if he was standing still.
all of those a sick fucking designs.
this is ugly
By fucking far the best one posted. Only one that instantly makes you think of the original when you see it and even adds its own twist upon it. That transformation is slick as fuck.
2001 was the best in terms of atmosphere and storytelling, largely thanks to the MNOG. 2002 especially feels underdeveloped to me. If I had it my way, 2002 was screaming for some more media to flesh it out, think of it, swarms of Bohrok? All 6 Toa fully decked out with golden Kanohi and all their elemental powers mastered? You could have made a hell of an action game.
The Deep Sea Thread sets.
Holy fuck what are they rebooting the Slizers? What the fuck is happening
Oh shit that one actually looks coo-
God those 3D trailers were great.
what in god's name is that?
dragon dildo
>Arm necklace
This is quite genius yes.
Holy shit, this one was the one I had.
And it's the worst fucking redesign.
I got one of these for my nephew and I was pleasantly surprised to see that they finally figured out how to have the gear function and full articulation at the same time.
Yeah, but can they throw disks, nigger? Can they throw DISKS?
They all cool as heck. Shut up. Post Onyx, he was my boy and the only I ever had
best gimmick was the stupid ripcord disc shit. god i had so much fun with that compared to any of the normal disk throwing they had been recycling since throwbots.
The bionicles I had couldn't do that either...
I always imagined those yellow arms fired lightning bolts. Also nice Iron Warriors frisbee
New Bionicles?
My older brother had the red one, I had the yellow one - or was ti green?
I had completely forgotten these things until now.
What else have I forgotten?
I hope they have tiddie
Metal Gear?!
The older lego system sets with no licenses or anything slapped on were so neat.
>Thinking hero factory was soulless
the absolute mad lad
I want this kit now. How much would a new one run me up?
about tree fiddy
it was