What are some other games that were only ever popular because people were desperate?

What are some other games that were only ever popular because people were desperate?

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Was this game popular? All people know is the epic meme

It was pretty popular/looked forward to back in the day, but now all people remember is Dobson. It was okay, nothing special, but fun.

This game isnt bad. Played it again last year.

>LOL at the screenshot

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People looked forward to The Conduit because the idea of a well-made FPS on the Wii was appealing for obvious reasons. I remember finding the character designs pretty goofy and weirdly dated, but they somehow get more appealing with time. I still haven't played the game, though.

People thought Haze would kill Halo. Also Titanfall was supposed to be a big competitor to COD. I never played the multiplayer but the campaign of Titanfall 2 was amazing and I wish they'd make a sequel

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

It was a cool game actually, the story was interesting and it was graphically impressive for being on the Wii. The controls were also cool and pioneered what newfags praise VR for.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>the idea of a well-made FPS on the Wii was appealing for obvious reasons.
This. If there had been a decent first person non-Metroid Prime game during the first 3 years of the Wii we'd be living in a different world right now. By the time Red Steel 2 came out nobody cared anymore.

Literally all "mature" games on Wii. The single best example is No More Heroes. The gameplay was fucking abysmal but it had style and gore and swearing and sex appeal, so people ate it up.

> could have been a cool classic arena fps with wii controller
> have great customization for the control
> decide to have lock on feature, even on multiplayer
> fuck up everything. You basically gimp yourself if you don’t use it

Red Steel 2 too
but Madworld was actually good

Madworld was fucking awesome. I replayed it this past year and it's aged with grace and beauty. The commentary track from the announcers is golden, the gameplay is so cathartic, the ost is bangin' and best of all, it's nice and challenging. It's such a shame that it sold horribly but what else would you expect?

>but Madworld was actually good
Maybe for a Dreamcast standards

You say that like the Dreamcast doesn't have good games.

Torchlight II
Cities: Skylines
Planet Coaster
Stardew Valley

All mediocre clones of better games that only became popular because the last game was either a victim of publisher stupidity, or was simply MiA at the time

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I liked Red Steel 2 but it felt unfinished. The ending came out of nowhere and it was underwhelming as fuck.


I remember pre-ordering The Conduit, but pic related ended up being my go-to FPS in the days when I only owned a Wii. Four-player online deathmatch was rough.

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I don't remember anything about the campaign, but the multiplayer was pretty fun.

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Sounds a lot like Red Dead Redemption 2

Lol at the screenshot. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Red Steel 2 played fine though, better than Skyward Sword and ironically. Felt like it would influence the Shadow Warrior reboot too.

Red Steel 2 was one of the many games I saw in Nintendo Power that I thought looked awesome, but never heard about ever again.

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God of War. Decent game but so many sonyfags built it up like it was the second coming of Christ

That long list of Wii/Wii U/Switch games that Nintendo fans have spammed over the years. All always trash that you know they haven't even played.

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Ps2 had a shitton of games lol wtf are you talking about

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Came to post this.

that explains the constant pc port begging

Oh man, fuck that's a blast from the past, not this one, but the Wii U one

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>Little Big Planet
>God of Cucks

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God of War
God of War 2
God of War 3
God OF War
Little Big Planet
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Trash Cart
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Last of Us
Press X 2 Jaysun
Ellen Cage Simulator
Golden Sun
Death Stranding
Entire Xenoblade Series

i skipped it after hearing it was pathetically bad

Sonyroaches really only steal and have no creativity.

It got a sequel too

Every snoycuck movie ”game” exclusive

Fuck snoyfags

red steel 1 was actually good

>Dude it's GTA on the go

And in the end, the good portable GTA was on the DS

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Nintendo never should have let Ubisoft release Red Steel 1 in the state that it was in. You know how Wii Sports was the game that sold people on the Wii? Red Steel was like the opposite of that.

Only correct answer in this thread

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I loved the shit out of CW and am incredibly disappointed rockstar never made another game like it.

The doll level was kindo and I greatly enjoyed going full nonlethal run. Feels like it was intended that way anyway because disarming gave you so much bullet time meter you had it up permanent.

it was pretty great disarming an entire group by intimidating their leader

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the problem with Red Steel was that it wasn't what it was hyped to be as a killer app. it was a pretty straightforward shooter with the occasional awkward sword fight, rather than this advertising train of some super awesome action game of impossible capability on a wiimote.

And Red Steel 2 is actually better than it

This would not have gotten so much hype if people weren't so starved for a good 2d sonic game.

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This and 2 were alright games. I don't know why you think this game was shit.

Man the wii was basically the perfect formula for vr games and then pc vr came out and was teleporting trash with crappy fucking tech demos everywhere. I am so glad dolphin vr exists.

>It was okay, nothing special, but fun.
so it was good

Fuck the invisible mines though.

>but now all people remember is Dobson
Because the game shows up in that one mock comic? The "has anyone really been far" meme sticks to mind far more.

>this wouldnt have gotten so much hype if people didnt want it so much

Imagine being starved for a good 2d sonic game when freedom planet exists and is releasing a sequel soon.

>"A-S-E Dropped"
>"A-S-E Dropped"
>"A-S-E Dro-"
>"A-S-E Dropped"

>Noclips through walls while shooting rockets at machine-gun speeds.

runs on multimedia fusion and is easy to break. I liked the game but if you didn't play in classic mode only you can FUCK OFF

I admire the ESL who tried to communicate with some online translator.

Huh? Red Steel 1 was shit. The sequel was a 180º and a pretty solid FPS on the Wii with motion plus.

>freedom planet
>2d sonic
Just because it started as a Sonic fangame and has you able to run fast doen't mean it's really a Sonic game. It's more like if Treasure made a speedy mascot action platformer game.

So it wouldn't have gotten so much hype if people weren't so desperate?

Your turn.

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This game is fun but I agree. However, I think what it really set out to do was show incompetent a dev team Sonic Team actually was and it did that amazingly. Why Sega has not axed the entirety of Sonic Team after Mania came out I have no idea.


Play zangeki no reginleiv for the real shit. It's EDF but norse mythology and the best motion controls ever implemented on the console.

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>The commentary track from the announcers is golden
That's because one of the commenters is fucking Bender.

and the other was Greg Proops from Whose Line

For me nothing comes close to this. I don't know if it happened in Yas Forums or not, but the amount of people claiming it was going to be the definitive Halo Killer back in the day, and the final result of the game, made everyone go back to the shithole they came from.
You couldn't even read the "whatever the reviews say, I like it" after a week it came out. Shit was a disaster.

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