Your Turn to Die/Kimi ga Shine

Chapter 3-1b when?

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Also who do you guys think is the mastermind? I think it's meister now after the last thread

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Guess no one wants to talk about yttd rn

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There's nothing to talk about, we already had a lot of threads, just wait for 3-1B, hopefully it comes out this week

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>I think it's meister now after the last thread
Yeah but who is Meister? Can't just be someone with zero connection to anyone or that's not a good payoff.

meister is this guy who might be related to mishima based on his hair

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Something I haven't really seen discussed is Kai's emails, or rather the responses he got. It tries to appear as if he's talking with two different people, Sara's dad and a contact from asunaro, but doesn't the last email's send off make it seem as if it had been Sara's dad all along?

I want to suck Mishima's penis

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I'm trying to say how is he going to be connected to someone or multiple people in the cast? For example, if it's Sara's dad or something like that. If it's just the founder/head of Asunaro that has nothing to do with anything aside from forming the Death Game, it's not a very good payoff for all the build up.
Imagine if it was Mishima though, wew lad.



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Rundown on meister
>looks like memoriam room guy
>midori gets spooked if you give him meister's name
> you talked with midori through a painting in 3-1 so it wouldn't be weird if meister was a real person on the otherside of the painting

>he's haunted by hallucinations of Mr. Policeman just like Sara is haunted by Joe

Fuck this gay game, stop shilling it. It's bad, unoriginal. The music tracks are too repetitive and the characters are forgettable.

I spared Kanna and Reko, too. I think that Sara is the mastermind and that everyone else except her is a doll. I hate Q-Taro, too.


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You went and did it. It's Your Turn To Die, user. I'm definitely voting for you.

>giving (you)s to the sacrifice

He's the sacrifice, don't give him the (You)s.

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alright spoofeed me on this game
is it fun and where can i buy it? the one on the left is cute too

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It's free

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It’s free and she dies

It's free and the game is a sweet mix between Ace Attorney, DR, ZE and corpse Party in a sense.

no she doesn't

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The free version is actually just a demo. You have to buy the full version.

He grows in power with every chapter. Soon they won't even be able to contain him.

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Watch him be the only character guaranteed to survive regardless of the route.

the way you lads talk tells that there is more to come, is it a good time to come in now or am i late into the party?

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barafags where you at? post q taro pics please

Just play it don’t.

There's more to come. Join us in suffering

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You talk like a jackass.

There's 3 chapters and each one has two parts, it's still ongoing in the chapter 3 part 1. Just join and suffer with us

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Egg Benedict

Why are Sara's tits so huge?

it's so her and keiji can match

Mai was just trying to take him down while he was still mortal, but her failed attempt on his life only served to make him strong enough to break the barrier of mortality. Prepare for carnage everyone.


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>but her failed attempt on his life
It wasn't a very good attempt. She stabbed him once in a non-vial area and apparently paused to taunt him rather than stabbing again or doing anything else that might prevent her from getting punched across the room like she was a harem protagonist who just grabbed a girl's tits.

Kai was killed way too early and i'm still mad

She doesn't seem like the brightest tool in the shed. All she knows how to do is bake and look cute.

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Well she got shot in the head. Her brain's not in great shape.

>no scene of Q Taro taking advantage of Mai's weakened state after knocking her out
wtf where's the sex scene? we all know they fuck/want to fuck

He and Mishima would have destroyed the whole death game before the end of 2-1. They were too based to live.


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She's also the one who suggests setting off a firework in a crowded library

In 5 minutes

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I am forgotten

I am forgotten...... Why?

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Stupid question, but have we ever seen Mishima bleed or was it mentioned somewhere he bleeds? It has been a long time since I last played Chapter 1.

"Old" Mishima is only 30.

fairly certain we see his body laying in a pool of it's own blood

Why is Midori so serious about this guy?

You're a retard. Not everything needs to have a mastermind connected to someone or multiple people.

Their hair styles don't even look the same. Your argument is only that they have gray hair.

So who's older between Shin and Sou?

Definitely sou

so pretty much a pensioner in animu terms

I will never forget ElastoMania, never.

Meister is original Sou from 19xx. He created dolls to Orochimaru his death. Sou is over century old.

Screencap this

Are you serious?