Current devs grew up with game generations that still had soul but still create disgusting soulless shit exclusively

Current devs grew up with game generations that still had soul but still create disgusting soulless shit exclusively

What do you think the industry will look like in 20 years when all the devs will be people who grew up on the current crop of games

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charm > soul

I hated Spyro when I was a kid
Polygons kept melting and glitching

They're both fairly soulful.

>still assravaged after 25 years
They will never recover

Nowadays AAA is synonym for normalfags,only nerds are capable of creating good games.

Mario 64 was ok but nostalgia niggers are starting to make me hate it.

Ah yes the infamous "PlayStation" feel with infinite fade-to-black into loading screens with music not stopping until the loading screen actually hits into another fade-to-black into unskippable cutscene. LOVED IT as a kid

Based SpyroCHAD

My favorite level was the haunted mansion, I love the piano haha

I don’t get the appeal of Mario 64, I played it back then and hated it and got in on the VC and tried it again and I still don’t like it. It’s definitely one of the worse 3D platformers of the era. Spyro was easily one of if not the best.

Spyro loading screens had Spyro flying. But I’ll take loading screens over the ugly muddy textures of the N64

Mario 64 has the best controls of any 3D platformer.

Attached: argaergh.jpg (2552x718, 715.46K)

zoooooooooooooooooooom zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

The british spyro soundtrack was much better than the american version.
It was so good that you can't even buy the game with that soundtrack anymore.
You an only buy the american version now.

Spyro feels like SHIT to play. Tank controls, collectathon garbage, no sense of weight or physics. Super Mario 64 outclasses it in every way except the art style.

Mario 64 is a collectathon but you get booted out of the stage every time you get a star

Mario 64 is a way better game though

Spyro is a bargain bin mascot, only propped up by Sony losers who had no other platformers to play. Same with Crash Loseicoot.

Mario 64 invented the 3D platformer.
Spyro only exists because Miyamoto trailblazed.

>Mario invented
Oh you poor, poor Nintendo kid

Who could forget those pre Mario 64 3D platformers like

64 is NOT soulful its shit.

Let me guess you believe that ocarina of time invented 3D action games too

Based. Fuck bing bing wahoo horse shit and its fans.

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Shut up, why should I have to take a history class to talk about video games Old Man.

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I need proof of an alt ost existing, user.

Spyro's soundtrack is fucking garbage

Spyro has some of the shallowest level designsi've ever seen on a platformer
Despite the better graphics it somehow feels more like a tech demo than Mario 64. It feels closer than one of these 3D Sonic proof of concept engines than a 3D Platformer.

>you can only buy the american version now
Uhhh. Probably because america is better than crooked teeth faggies.

I, Robot
Alpha Waves
Geograph Seal
Jumping Flash!

Mario is like Spyro but even worse since each star gives you vague instructions on what to do, so half the game is finding the description the star gives you and the other half is figuring out what to do when you actually get there.

100% of the game is deciphering sometimes cryptic descriptions and then wandering around huge levels looking for what you have to do. Boo's Mansion is one of the worst examples of this.

name a better one

super mario 64: game loved by everyone. most influential 3d game of all time
spyro: literal who liked by small dicked subhumans.

Difference between these games is that Spyro fucking sucks to play.

>list of games everyone has forgotten
See what I mean?

rather have no teeth than weigh 30 stone bro.

>sonygroes thinking their crash and spyro shit compares to the N64 platformers.
Mario 64 and the Rare stuff really made you butthurt. Keep SEETHING like the faggot you are snoy.

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Think this was Mario 64 vs Sonic Adventure last time I saw it, wonderful falseflag bait.
skip to 1:40 and tell me that isn't the coolest, most soulful shit of the 90s

My point was that nobody cares about them because they sucked. You posted a list of games that nobody cares about and suck.

This. The only people I know who like Spyro are Central/South Americans and eurotrash

Mario 64 was the first mainstream 3d Platformer.
I don't think it really counts if only 3 people played your shitty Net Yaroze games

Goalpost moving cope

How is that moving the goal post?

I haven't played either before emulating them. SM64 is far superior, it's simply fun to play despite the outdated graphics. Spyro is not that fun, remastered or not.

>Mario invented the 3D platformer
May have been more popular, but the concept of 3D platforming did NOT start with Mario. The only reason Mario was so huge then is because preexisting games established his growing character. The game itself is gay as fuck and nostalgia clouds your judgment. I grew up with the shit and it was fun but it simply doesn't hold up whatsoever.

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That's hilarious. The only nice thing I have to say about M64's controls is that they did the best they could with such a garbage controller.

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Can you imagine how awful those poor Nintendo kids must've felt, having only five games total on their console, grabbing onto what little they had and worshiping it with reverence. Some still do today, claiming the wonky blurry messes held together with duct tape and prayers Nintendo called games, are the pinnacle of 3D gaming. Meanwhile you could play nothing but quality PS1 games for the rest of your life and never run out.

I got all 120 stars when I was 9 years old. Take that as you will.

That's a first person platform game.
It's like comparing Mario Sunshine to Metroid Prime.
You fucking retard

>The game itself is gay as fuck and nostalgia clouds your judgment. I grew up with the shit and it was fun but it simply doesn't hold up whatsoever.
You're talking about Jumping Flash right? this is the only track thats different on EU spyro 1. But it still plays on NA spyro 1 if you stand idle in certain levels long enough.

The controller was invented almost specifically for Mario 64

lmao this game is dukey, look at how long it takes him to turn his character around

>first person games on a console
never ever

Look at that little bastard playing the bongos.

It's like saying that Wolfenstein 3D is not the grandfather of the modern FPS because Maze War.

Literally any Mario that came after

Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye were the heights of gaming at the time. The Playstation couldn't even hope to compare

this thread is a good critical thinking exercise

user, when they say they Mario invented it they mean it set the foundation of true 3d platforming and movement.
Prior to it platformers often used tank controls or had some kind of grid based movement.

So Mario didn't invent shit, gotcha

>Mario 64 has the best controls of any 3D platformer
>of any
>user names several
That's moving the goalpost. Changed the requirements to meeting demands.

Learn to read before posting in a thread please.


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>People are STILL perpetuating the console war of 20 years ago
can you fucks at least move on and argue about 6th gen

Except, you know, modern 3d platforming.

We're talking about the first 3D platformers.
Not controls. Go to bed babby.

Except it didn't

Metal Gear Solid. Resident Evil. Final Fantasies. Klonoa. Parasite Eve. Crash Bandicoot.

Must be why most platformers use tank controls.

All cheap knockoffs of the superior N64 games.


all im seeing is singleplayer games for friendless losers

Banjo Tooie. Hands down better overall.
>Mario: jumps, wall jumps, triple Jumps back flip jumps, basic ground pound, music rating from decent to blad, bobomb battlefield the most memorable and overused track, and that's not saying much. Story is as usual, just save peach. Very little bosses, many enemies recycled several times.
Vs Banjo
>Banjo Tooie: double jump that also DOUBLES as a short semi glide, can move and attack left and right on ledges, increase speed via Kazooie, use pads to fly or increase jump height, shoes to spring extremely high or run exponentially faster even on water, feathers for flying or temporary invincibility, 5 egg types with unique effects that can solve puzzles, kill enemies and collect pickups as well as being able to shoot them in front of you, behind you, or aim in first person, multiple attacks while moving, standing still, jumping, ground pound, stronger drilling ground pound, can separate characters and play individual as just banjo with new moves unique to him, as Kazooie with moves unique to her, as mumbo for temporary moves and magic for puzzles, transformation that alter appearance with unique abilities and movement animations, opening new and different lateral pathways, they speak, giving them more depth and character, they interact with each other during idles, have MUCH more bosses and enemies to fight, better music, better level design, better game story. There you go. But really, even crash and spyro stomp Mario 64. Ratchet and clank is a good contender as well for some of its platforming mix with action.

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That's a bad bait user