*ruins the whole game*

>*ruins the whole game*

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I cannot wait for Nemesis to dab on you fags.

I play on assisted with all the weapons unlocked and never had an issue with him. I'm holding off on RE3 until I can confirm something similar can be done with Nemesis. My time is precious and I'm not going to waste it on a bad time

I honestly wish that Mr. Titan X was exclusive to the A or B scenanarios like he was in the original.

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I'll wait for a mod to remove him.

>thousands of games you could play
>pick one in the genre where a big monster chases you around
>"wtf why is this big monster chasing me around, this sucks"

>Makes the game actually fun

Attached: 1569134892839.png (540x384, 152.64K)

>I play on assisted with all the weapons unlocked and never had an issue with him.

>Why is this survival game about survival?
Filtered dumbasses.

I know this is bait but I was kind of disappointed with how easy Mr. X was to dodge. He was intimidating at first but quickly turned into a joke as I learned what I could and couldn't do


Yeah, for like a hour at best. Then you realize he's not a big deal, and then you're just playing hide and seek with a retard.

>autism is fun
Whatever you say, faggot.

just putting some invincible fedora lord who follows you the whole time on the map isn't a good gameplay mechanic

Hes totally fine once you figure out you need to walk, not shoot, not slam doors, etc.
However the game kind of never gives you any hints about this, so it can feel very frustrating at first.

>he getting filtered
lol get fucked tranny

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Well kinda. In original you could bring him down for ammo and moment of peace. Remake give's you nothing except a few seconds of stun. In claire scenario he stop's chasing you pretty early so later game was better, but unfortunately for Leon, he will try beat the shit out of you right to the end.

He was around for like 20 minutes, by the time he got annoying his segment was already over

He is hardly in the game and if you can't avoid him you are a shitter

This nigga is so easy to dodge fuck off

>says while posting a pozzed image

>it's a poorly implemented game mechanic so it's not a poorly implemented game mechanic fuck off

You got filtered, it's okay to admit you're shit at games kiddo

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Haha look at em go.

not even that guy, I got filtered by the fact that my RE2 would slowly fade to complete darkness in seconds and I couldn't fucking play at all

So, why buy the game? You want to complain about lack of transgenders while you're at it?

trannies can't be reasoned with

i would say going from an eerie immersive horror game to hide and seek with a retard definitely counts as ruining the game

what's with your obsession with trannies? lmao

welcome to Yas Forums

>"if you get good at the game, the game is ruined"

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I never had a problem with him but he wasn't as good as his RE2 version. In RE2 it was risk vs reward fighting him but in remake you can only run away, once you know when he triggers as well he becomes very easy to avoid.

I was disappointed at how little Mr. X there was. You guys must be ultra pussies.


I mean a spooky game isnt very spooky once you know where all the spooks are and exactly how to deal with them

But this is the same with literally everysingle game in existence.

>time is precious
>plays vidya

Speak for yourself, i love shitting on games by learning the mechanics and how to abuse them.

Anyone have that new gif where Jills boobs giggle when she is walking down the stairs? It's from the RE3 13 minute footage they put out a week or so ago

Attached: 1550284096216.png (1365x2048, 1.69M)

go here and scroll down a bit, it's up in the catalog on the other RE thread

They're less likely to buy the Remake of 3 for those reasons, so you'll be less likely to get to indulge your miserable fantasy.


WOW so hard.

>enemies are all bullet sponges and you're just supposed to run past/away from everything
>annoying immortal fag chases you around
This is why I haven't bothered with RE2 remake and why I won't get 3.
Two of my least favorite things in videogames are front and center.

Talk about making a game tedious and boring.

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Thanks user!

b...b...b...but you need to force yourself to play it so that you can validate my moment of minute achievement

On a normal File A playthrough hes in about 1/6 of the game, conservatively. You just confirmed yourself for posting about RE2make without even finishing the fucking police station

>hOw dU I bEAt hiM!!!
Just run away from him. Nemesis can actually be killed so it's less of an issue.

That small chase during ada's part was fun as fuck

doesnt he chase you like... 10 yards max? like 10 meters for u Yuros

Yeah while you're trying to bamham your way out of a dorr first and then a vent by using ada's electric gun thing.

>enemies are all bullet sponges and you're just supposed to run past/away from everything.
This meme again. You can kill almost every enemy in the game even in hardcore.

>You can kill almost every enemy in the game even in hardcore.
But it's not really a good idea to do so and they're still bullet sponges. Even if you aim for the heads it takes several shots over and over just for normal zombies.

>whole game
nigga he was barely in it and I finished all scenarios

Just aim for the legs and then knife them or run around them

Why wouldnt you just dusable and run away from zombies? Also, who the fuck thought Mr. X was an actual hurdle to overcome?

>who the fuck thought Mr. X was an actual hurdle to overcome?

Okay, let's explore the hypothetical version of this game where pistol headshots are lethal and Mr. X never appears.
>enter room
>enemies are initially not alerted to your presence
>easily shoot head
>every room is now safe forever

Making all the cute girlies scream was great for the game though


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>imagine wasting handgun bullets on zombies
Once you get the shotgun, its a wrap. Just headshot zombies. 9/10 chance of it being an insta kill

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>9/10 chance
it's 10/10 if you aim

