>A genie appears in front of you.
>"I can make Bloodborne come for PC. HOWEVER, Bernie Sanders will be elected president in the US."
Would you do it, Yas Forums?
>A genie appears in front of you.
>"I can make Bloodborne come for PC. HOWEVER, Bernie Sanders will be elected president in the US."
Would you do it, Yas Forums?
Nope, don't want communists in the white house. No thank you
I'm not american and therefore don't give a shit about what shepherd those sheeps follow, so why not.
Absolutely. I don't give a shit about bloodborne, I just want a socialist in the White House so that this country finally crumbles and I have an excuse to start shooting politicians dead.
Sounds like a best-case scenario so yes
Fuck no. No game is worth having a socialist ruin up your country.
The money I woulde lose in taxes woulde easily paye fore a PS4 ande Bloodborne
Sure. Us politics barely impact my country anyway
Ya, I dont give a shit about us politics and its better for the world than trump
That's such an easy win-win situation. You'd have to be a braindamaged Yas Forumstard to pass it up.
Buying the game and a console would be cheaper than having Bernie in the white house
The USA is the most powerful country in the world and will absolutely affect your irrelevant country. You should care.
im not american so yeah, also I think he is the better option as well.
good luck on the 2020 elections anons
Isaril is the most powerful country in the world
Can I have no bloodborne and yes sanders ? Just to see Yas Forums melt
God, Americans are so fucking obnoxious. More so than beaners, in fact. Shut the fuck up, no one cares about your cancer elections.
Im not american, why should I care?
I'll take Bloodborne at solid 60fps thanks.
It honestly doesn't matter which puppet you Yankee fucks have as president, the corporations are in control of both parties. Bloodborne can come to PC for sure. Nowhere else on earth would anyone complain about free healthcare.
I'm not an amerifat so who cares lmao
Yes, I'm not an amerimutt so I don't give a shit and it would be pretty funny to see all the seething from Yas Forums and alt right faggots
I just want healthcare.
best case scenario for this shithole
I’m not American so say yes. Why should I give a fuck what Israeli puppet runs them
One game is not worth the shithole that Bernie would cause.
American politics are trash no matter who wins.
these things are supposed to have a downside you know
healthcare pls
Have you ever heard of China? It’s been a couple years since US lost that title.
Unironically based.
As a PS4 owner who has been a bernie supporter since last election?
Is it that kind of genie that tells you right after that Bloodborne is already on PC for PlayStation Now?
that's a win win situation
cute (可爱)
Not if Bernie is in charge lmao. So bring it on
mfw I have no face
>actually being american
Sure. Not much will change in the US anyways.
I dont give a fuck about US for all i care it can burn.
Gime the game.
Don't threaten me with a good time.
I'm not american and I don't care about pc BB
I work for Ford Motor Company, even though the company makes a profit it has no future.
The stock price is almost a penny stock now.
Investors dont even want to invest in the company because the company still offers pensions for its retired workers.
Basically, if this company wants to exist in the next few years, I'm fucked without Bernie.
I was going to vote for him anyway so...
Absolutely. I don't give a shit about presidency, the source and foundation of politics needs to be completely reworked and it will literally not matter who is president. It won’t get better until the system is rebuilt from the ground up
Hell yeah. Feel the burn trumptards.
What’s the downside?
But I already own a PS4.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
I'm not American and I don't plan to own a PC but yes :')
The game was coded for 30fps so if a port happens it would be dark souls all over again
>The USA is the most powerful country in the world
...but lost a war agains farmers with outdated weapons.
You're a funny guy
Yes, fuck Amerifags. Fells good to be in europe and on pc.
Ta gueule fils de pute
have you guys even fought and won a war on your own at any point within last century?
What's the downside though? I get to play Bloodborne and the jews have slightly less control over my life
It's a win-win. I can finally play bloodborne on PC, and I won't go into so much debt I'll starve to death if I have to go see a doctor
win-win son
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This is fantastic bait