What are some video games where I can play as the good guys for once?
What are some video games where I can play as the good guys for once?
Boku no Pico
What do you mean? There's plenty of games where you play as the good guys.
History repeats. History repeats.
Its why the motherfuckers keep getting “””””persecuted”””””” and expelled from countries throughout the eras. We are taught the violent crackdowns against the “innocent” Jews, we are never however shown the painstaking attempts at compromises with Jews, and conversion of Jews, which always ended in failure. Listen.
Jews poisoned Gothic rulers, put a shabbos puppet degenerate islamophile in power (Vidiza the terrible), told him to destroy the Kingdoms weapons and fortresses and then encouraged Muslims to invade rape and murder, often opening the gates to them. Jews and Muslims are both mortal enemies of Europe especially Northern Europe and must be cleansed from the land. We are talking about a racecult that has been genetically hardwired for 1000+ years to subvert and destroy nations and peoples, and they have an autistic hatred of Germanics who are their behavioural opposites.
Watch this from 24:00 onward. Kikes have done this for CENTURIES. WAKE UP PEOPLE
I agree gas the kikes.
Heil Hitler and heil anime.
Hetza make some top tier art
t. some larping discord tranny abomination
Were female nazi officers even a thing?
What is it with this fascination of Nazis anyway? They were led by a one testicle'd jew that hated his own kind and had African soldiers fighting for them. I mean if you're one of those people that hates black and jews, you probably shouldn't be support them.
They were called the NSDAP, you fucking mutt faggots. Stop spouting jewish garbage and call them what they really were.
There's a mod for brothers in arms earned in blood that allows you play as the germans
You can play as a Wehrmacht soldier in the game "Day of infamy" (WWII version of insurgency)
I want to say Eva Braun but I'm probably wrong.
Get the fuck out of here you civcuck faggot.
Jesus christ you centrist faggots are the fucking worst. You're so fucking out of touch that you don't realize that a huge portion of Yas Forums's userbase are unironic Nazis.
None above guards at most
Ok, nazi
OK nigger.
According to the erotic bdsm porn made by jewish after the war, yes
>all those typos
Nasty habit of making those whenever I tried to get my post in fast enough before a topic 404s
>that a huge portion of Yas Forums's userbase are unironic Nazis.
Yeah, I wish he would get hired to do art design for a vidya. Preferably for something where you're part of a black-ops team specialising in dealing with supernatural spoopy shit. It'll be right up his alley and right up mine too.
they did have some top tier aesthetics and make for intimidating villains, and a lot of technology they made during the war is impressive. People who idealize them are just edgy teens or people with the mental capacity of an edgy teen though.
this, you bigots need to stop being so NSDAPphobic and respect my pronouns
Go back to sucking off Sargon you out of touch retard.
>People who idealize them are just edgy teens or people with the mental capacity of an edgy teen though.
The aesthetics. Whatever your thoughts were on them in general you have to admit that their uniforms were spiffy as fuck.
This is my main interest, aetheticially awesome but as for ideology not so much.
You've just proven his point you muppet.
forgot another image.
If the Nazis won the western standard of living would be leagues higher without the all the subhumans shitting everything up.
I'm not some edgy teen for wanting a higher standard of living, lower crime, and a non-degenerate culture.
It’s how I feel about zeon from gundam and the empire from star wars(both obviously inspired by nazi aesthetics). People can’t separate cool aesthetics from retarded ideology/government/tactics though.
>If the Nazis won the western standard of living would be leagues higher
German standard of living fell while the nazis were in charge, even before the war started
Guarantee the people here are Christcucks.
Azur Lane
Go drink semen for your false god, you filthy idolater.
Yep, can't have a talk about the aesthetics without some dude going off on the ideology
>German standard of living fell while the nazis were in charge, even before the war started
Lowest unemployment in a few years when they took charge, people were paid for the labor of their work with no Jew usury bullshit, houses were paid off if you had 4 kids, women were celebrated and encouraged to be mothers in their society, but according to you this was Hell on Earth compared to the Weimar Republic.
Shouldn't you be doing that for your kike on a stick?
a toast
to those who take the bait and prove user right
pic related, but it’s a visual novel though
but for actual gameplay there’s CoD WaW (dunno if the servers are still live or not)
he wasn't even jewish and jews killed him, but whatever you sheepshagging tree worshipper
Except that's fucking wrong. Weimer Germany was a hellhole that Hitler dragged Germany out of.
His Jewish college professor probably told him that lie.
unemployment doesn't mean shit when most industries were run by state unions that gouged wages to nothing and then took huge proportions of people's pay as "dues." The Average German diet was less nourishing and balanced in 1937 than in 1931 because people couldn't afford anything but rye bread and potatoes
1931 Germany /= immediate post-war Germany. The Weimar government had already made huge strides towards recovery that Hitler immediately ruined with his militant autism
Any artist over here?
I would like see pic related as a nazi officer
Just with simple math you get BTFO. No sane person believes 6 million people died in 4 years, while one country was fighting a two front war to save their lives, and running low on fuel and resources. Who am I kidding this shit is bait.
As anime girls? Plenty of those.
>posts the Holohoax the movie for his request.
Yikes Sweaty. At least get the terminology correct.
Germans are very autistic about uniform inspections and there are about 12 violations that would get her repramanded hard
All the Wolfenstein games, a bunch of the COD games, Brothers in Arms series, The older MOH games, just to name a few.
Happy hunting!
Open Access Primary Sources: holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com
Open Access Secondary Literature: holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com
Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination at Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau
That is literally incorrect, Hitler brought Germany back from economic depression. Also before he came into power there were Jews and Bolsheviks preying on Germany
If Hitler won the world would be a way better place to live in
Is just a reference
Just wanking your chain, senpai.
>You will never be able to wake up in the morning without facing the existential terror of your country becoming more and more of a third world country due to low IQ immigration and dysgenics
>You will never be able to feel confident that when you retire you won't be living in a Brazil tier third world shithole.
>You will never be able to feel to happiness of being confident that your children will have a bright future in a stable and good country.
I fucking hate Jews so goddamn fucking much.
>Just with simple math you get BTFO
That's cute. It might even be true if denier math wasn't based on, for instance, conflating the capacities ofAuschwitz's Kremas with modern burial cremations which are done one body at a time, usually including a coffin, in ovens that are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses, at temperatures capped by industry safety regulations.
At least the Germans got to live it for 12.5 years. Don't be sad it's over, user. Be happy it happened.
I have a question:
What does mean "af"?
As fuck.
Are you german posting from germany?
I just want a qt storm front waifu. Unfortunately the alt right is full of trannies and fat ugly trailer trash that the actual nazis would be ashamed of.
>no actual doctors are anti-vaxxers
>no actual physicists are flat earthers
>no actual historians are holocaust deniers
I wonder if there's a pattern here.
What's with these constant repeated threads? Is it bots? Or just good old autism from some pathetic creature? There's so many reposted OPs every day, for weeks and months at a time. That can't be natural.
it’s not fair lads, I just want a qt gf who is redpilled to the jq
>unironically using meme words like alt-right
Stop watching legacy media, dude.
Did you vote for trump?
Yes I voted for Trump why are you asking retarded obvious questions?
Isn't it amazing? And again, and yet again history repeats and YOU're the ones who'll lie in a ditch after your next chimpout, just like every single one before. It's almost like you're, i dunno, inferior or something..
“hey, vhat ze hell are you? A man? A voman? Disgusting, exterminating vermin like und restoring glory to ze faturland is my destiny”
this show had so many based lines in it
>b-but muh memes
What show?
Hitler was so much of a fucking hack "artist" that he couldn't even come up with a unique design and just stole the swastika from the same cultures he likely looked down on lmaooooo
>is it autism
dies irae
Pretty sure if hitler saw a single anime today he'd not even stop to consider if animefags should be gassed or not before ordering the ultimate solution.
the next time there's a chimpout i have a feeling all of the races will be on the same page minus a few self-hating whites.
Why do you faggots try to push this meme that chinless is ugly? It's evolution and makes you a better fighter unlike the apes with their disgusting large chins. A single punch to the jaw and chinfags lie chocking on the ground.
too bad the German accents were so poorly done though
you're the newfag who thinks most polposters are actual nazis. lurk more.
>Why do you faggots try to push this meme that chinless is ugly? It's evolution and makes you a better fighter unlike the apes with their disgusting large chins. A single punch to the jaw and chinfags lie chocking on the ground.
>Yas Forums stormlarpers keep screaming about killing everyone who isn't 100% NORDIC AS FUCK (meaning 1% of Yas Forums)
>Actually THINKS anyone will look at them and say "Yes, i can trust these people with my black life!"