enjoying it?

Attached: AGB_WZ_0309_TOUT.jpg (1920x1193, 451.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>80gb for a fucking BR
aint downloading that shit nigga

Attached: 1544611614471.jpg (750x750, 90.9K)

normalfags get out ree

I don't have any friends so BRs suck for me.

It's good

>air strikes and claymores in a BR

no thanks

same feelsbadman

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I assume it's permadeath like most BRs

Is it out? I've not bought the first one, so I don't know what time I can download it on PC.

its out + free

uh bros?

Attached: file.png (993x610, 985.98K)

Normie shit

throws you in a Gulag and then it's a 1v1 to see who respawns and who permadies. not even joking.

ps+ gets a early, everyone else gets it 10 minutes from now

>being a poorfag with a 500gb hdd and a 1000kbs connection
Must suck for you m8

Another timed exclusive for them I guess.
Is this BR crossplay also btw?

Wack. If there's solo then I might give it a try

It's only on PS4 or is it coming to all consoles?

Played two matches and went back to Apex and Siege lmao
What a fucking shitshow this mode is, airstrikes and most importantly UAVs are fucking broken

All. By timed, I mean the extra hour they get.

Gonna use it to benchmark new card and maybe have fun along the way

Should be like all the other game modes.
But you should also be able to turn off cross-play too if you wish to keep it lock to consoles.

It's coming to all consoles, 10 minutes from now.

it fucking sucks.

>150 players
>still see no one

if being rich means playing shitty BR I would want to be poor
escape from tarkov is 17gb
apex legends is 36gb
there is no reason for that piece of shit to be >40gb

Attached: 1583786191892.jpg (1920x1279, 262.68K)

whats the map like lads

Despite Tarkov and Apex looking like absolute dogshit. It would be well over 40gb with or without the other stuff. The full game is close to 150gb btw.

Dude i download it in 30 minutes and times have changed. That's a pretty normal size for a AAA game.

Probably because those games look like dogshit. The COD BR map is fucking huge and you need all those textures.

prety sure EFT looks better than it
>That's a pretty normal size for a AAA game.
but its not an AAA game its a shitty battle royale


Attached: 1583865602947.jpg (1920x1193, 612.06K)

>COD isnt a AAA game.


>being a console pleb

Where am I supposed to download this gay big ass file


Attached: th.jpg (474x267, 16.43K)

Do any of the other battle royales allow you to just never pull your parachute until 10 feet from the ground?

>EFT looks better
The absolute state of tarkov shitters. It looks like a big pile of dogshit. Stop kidding yourself. The textures are shit and you either need prescription glasses or a decadent sharpen filter so it doesn't look like one giant messy blur filter. Its a good game, but it doesn't change the fact that it looks like a shooter from 2011 with okay lightning.

I don't see it in the battlenet store

The Games page just updated for me after the client crashed. Restart client.

It's just under games, the "buy now" button for MW should have changed to "play for free"


more like the absolute state of COD fags that need a BR mode just so people play the shitty IP
looks like something the unpaid interns did in 3 weeks

>no weapon attatchments

Attached: 0182 - EbOxDzB.png (400x335, 117.72K)

I'm not. I'm was staring at and all I could see was Modern Warfare, but it's there now after restarting

Restart your client, it appeared for me

Yeah, it updated as soon as I updated. Here we go

I fucking hated Fortnite, and tried Apex for a while and didn't really like the aesthetic or gunplay. Played Blackout during a free trial and it was easily better than the former two, but I didn't care about it enough to pay for BO4. I guess I'm willing to at least try this.

>downloading at 63MB/s
Kek poorfags seething

Attached: 1583865602947.jpg (1920x1193, 608.38K)

downloading at 3MB/s

Attached: 1580862337914.jpg (453x455, 40.43K)

the TTK in warzone is just shite

You obviously don't understand how much time was put into the warzone map. It's like 20 COD maps in one.

Jokes on you, i play Tarkov way more often end enjoy it more, but it still looks like dogshit. And no reshade setting will ever change that fact.

i like this honestly
mfw was dling with over 100mb/s nuthin personel

will this be on steam or only on client?

>mfw at 60MB/s and almost done with my download

Attached: Sentai.gif (320x180, 892.91K)

this is litterally the best money can buy

Attached: 1570158654197.png (341x71, 17.13K)

>havnt played in 3/4 months
>104GB download

kill me

They really should have made Blackout F2P it was way better than the others

I found out about this yesterday and thought to myself that I was going to give it a shot but now I'm installing Max Payne 3 instead

Post 'em

Attached: Downloadin.png (961x150, 63.3K)

Been playing for a couple hours.

Weapons are found with preset attachments. Plays better than it sounds, takes the focus away from scavenging. It's nice to find a rifle and not have to hunt for a scope.
You carry very little, can only carry a single grenade at a time. Ammo is class specific
Toned down from blackout, get a blue reticle when shooting armor and a popping sound when the enemiys armor breaks.
It's nice to have a chance to come back and gives you reason to keep going if you lose a team member early on. Can only fight at the gulag once.
Have to be bought, but I have found one scavenging. Other than UAV a waste. To much cover and early notice to the enemy to be effective.
>match making
Pretty weak right now, gettingto a game takes ten minutes

any inventory managing autism?
or is it just loot and shoot

Has a nice loop to it, and from the few matches I played there were no stale mid game because the effective lives in a match isn't 149, its double because of the gulag. Ontop of that, you can just buy squadmates back in for 4.5k. So people are respawning all the time.

The only things I don't like so far are buying a full MP loadout, its way too good and its pretty easy to acquire the money to do it. The second one being no quicker way to heal since stims are limited. In every other BR it feels like you always have a chance to turn it around if you get around a corner. Since you wait for health regen in this, unless you have a stim, its hard to stop people from rushing you while you slowly heal.

Matchmaking should pick up because F2P version didn't launch until 15 minutes ago.

I could get 10, but I don't want me downloading shit getting my girlfriend kicked off Minecraft (using gamepass on Xbox)

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Lmao I just updated the season 2 yesterday so war today the download is only 18 gig

>Having internet that shitty

can I get it through something like Steam or do I have to install another botnet? asking seriously btw.


I mean, I live in London in one of the upper areas. I cap it at 5mb.

>no solo
Oh boy it's Apex all over again

What characters can I play as in this?

>It's coming to all consoles, 10 minutes from now.
I don't see it on the Nintendo eShop

Dude... this will take forfuckingever.

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>Dude i download it in 30 minutes and times have changed
but I don't. I shouldn't have to download a crapton of useless shit

It's just shoot. You drop in with a pistol and find gear everywhere. Good gear is in boxes/crates. Have yet to use the inventory menu.

Stop using dial up then

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Your inventory is just ammo types and cash layed out in a row for quick and easy drops for your team mates, everything is like normal Call of Duty

Solo and duos are coming, I personally can't wait for solo, having my two team mates quit because they don't know I can buy them back in fucking sucks.

Literally the fastest connection available at my house right now. Getting fiber next year.

>thinking it's about money not coverage
brainlet detected, get aids
get aids as well
you too

Will Warzone kill Fortnite?

Got 3rd my first game with a good team, every game since has been teammates dropping on opposite sides of the map.

woah woah woah wait, it's team based? as in, you have to pair up with other fucking chump cunts, no solo mode?

>complaining about 13mb/s


I want a quad

BRs are casual shit and not worth taking seriously, which is perfect for CoD. I think this might be the first time in a long time they've done something right.


My first game was 3rd as well with my two team mates quitting when they didn't pass the 1v1. I wonder how many people skipped the tutorial.

try being me
I will be downloading all night and some tomorrow

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>85 gig download
how about no

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I still remember taking all fucking day to download 5mb big Max Payne mods.

Seething poorfag

>Wanting to play a running simulator
I'll never understand the mindset of casuals

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is ps4 crossplay with xbox one?

I download at 700KB/s