You have bought the three 2020's certainly great games haven't you user?
The holy trinity of 2020's pre-orders
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I don't play nudoom, never tried or and I played resident evil 3 at release and don't feel like buying it again
The only good game on there is Ori. Nuzoom is ok but not worth full price for a single player game. Resident evil is just hot trash.
>Doom: Eternal
Glory kills ruined Nu-Doom
>Ori 2
Didn't bother finishing the first one. It was ok.
>Resident Evil 3
Remakes are for niggers
I actually can't preorder the DE version of Doom Eternal.
At least from Best Buy.
Dude you're so cool. Whoaaaaaa
>pre ordering
>day one soomer
why? out or stock or some problem with their website?
>pre ordering ori 2
nigga where’s your gamepass?
I can't get it shipped and the closest location where I'm able to pick it up is like 30 miles away.
I would go elsewhere but I have a discount on Best Buy so it's better to go there.
no i don't buy games
pre-order mistakes are only a problem for consolefags and physical buyers
t. retards who got BTFO in Doom threads
this I really doubt my country will have it at day one anywhere close to where I live so I just ignored the physical goodies and got the digital version
>Zoomer trying hard to defend their pre-order.
congratz you are the person destroying this industry
I don't have it user, I was just looking at their catalog now and it seems like it is indeed really worth it, well, already bought it now...
I don't think anything in the DE is physical anyway.
It's a Year One pass and some bonus packs (like the "DOOT" thing).
Name one (1) thing bad about them.
I'm 33, I'm old and will probably stop playing in a few years, I don't give a fuck about "muh fight against games corporations" and the zoomers that will be affect by me if I indeed cause a problem, furthermore, steam has a great refund policy user, the pre-load alone is worth the pre-order
They take your money right away rather than when the game launches.
Doesn't matter if I was going to buy it day 1 anyways. Try again.
Trials of Mana
Everything else is shit, simple as.
Based. I love DRM and lootboxes.
We don't know whether the game will be a success, or a flop bug riddled incomplete game. It is Besthesda after all. Giving them money before the game reviews are actually out is pretty stupid.
>not worth full price for a single player game.
fuck off EA fag
I'll probably pre-order DOOM but not the other two.
I don't think I'll be playing them at all
>preferring to let reviewers (aka payed shills) to make your opinion for you instead of testing and returning if you don't like it
I never said anything about a payed "gaming journalist" review.
to all the "pre-order bad, bad gamer, bad!" crowd: pic related
several of the reviewers that shit on bad games are banned from not only getting copies but attending events, I just can't trust anyone but myself since I can refund anyway, that skill up guy is a very educated guy and even by pointing out game defects without shitposting on youtube he got banned from getting/attending anything from EA and Bethesda, I just have to assume most people are soft on the criticism to continue to have access, at least for pre-launch reviews
Why can't Sony and Nintendo have a similar refund policy?
So far most indicators point to it being a sweeping success.
>It is Bethesda after all.
It's ID, not Bethesda, dumbass. I'll just refund the fucking game if it turns out bad.
>i don't play nudoom
you should maybe reconsider, eternal looks so much better than 2016doom
Thanks god I didn't pre-order cyberepunk, I'm not into both the cyberpunk setting and RPG shooters, all of them have bullet sponge enemies, but I was willing to give it a try because of the Witcher 3, until I saw all the sjw remarks and employees photos, I'll have to wait until after launch on this one
yes, i've preordred the GOTY.
at this point I just have to believe everyone with this fake point against the game is faking it, there is NO WAY people still don't know the difference between a publisher and a developer studio
holy zoom zoom
Probably because steam refund policy is PC only and it is not enough to get more people out of console gaming and into PC, Sony and Nintendo control 100% of their ecosystem and if they say "fuck off" to costumers and consumers continue to buy at the same rate, why change?
same as "why apple charge so much?", well, because people still pay anyways...
Until they deny it since you've been using it too often. Good goy, leaving out that little detail.
based niggas
i'm not even sure what audience nudoom is aiming for now
the fucking commercial has rap
If I was a fucking dumbass who buys 20 games and return them all I would deserve it, last year I returned only 2 and had no problem with it (Gears 5 and DMC5)
>Currently playing Ori thanks to gamepass
>Got a gamefly trial just to get Doom Eternal
>Got RE3make re-ordered
Right now I'm on the fence with buying AC now just using that money to pay off REmake 3.
I've never played an AC games, and my friends are obsessed with with it now, so was thinking about getting into it.
Why are we supposed to hate preordering again?
>We don't know whether the game will be a success, or a flop bug riddled incomplete game.
>preordering RE3make
Yikes. I'll wait for the Yas Forumserdict on that one. If there's any debate over its quality it'll probably be good, but it's also possible it will be a universally panned rushed and buggy cash-in.
That's quite pessimistic
>Yikes. I'll wait for the Yas Forumserdict on that one.
let me rearrange that in the correct order for you:
>I'll wait for the Yas Forumserdict on that one.
I'm gonna wait on the new Doom. The 2016 one was fine but I'm not really itching for more. Still haven't played the first Ori. Pre-ordered RE3 of course though.
not that user, but i see it as more realistic. these days, games are often released unfinished. why buy the skimped version when it comes out, instead of waiting for the complete edition? i can wait, the games arent going anywhere.
They've had a year to work on it. It's in the same engine using the same assets as 2. It's not an unrealistic dev time. We're just so used to every game taking 5+ years to develop we forget how it used to be.
I'll pirate RE3, no interest in the other 2.
You forgot Half-Life: Alyx.
I've tested VR a few times and I have strong nausea every time, I don't get nausea even from small boats on the sea but this shit gets me, not for me user
>no FF7Remake
in the trash (Those are good games though)
>Preordering games
You're definitely missing out. Whenever you can try out VR again, make sure to sit down and take it easy.
Dipping below 90hz makes it fall back to 45hz which is noticably uncomfortable, even for me.
No. I have Animal Crossing preloaded though
and everyone hated it
Why would I buy a game before it comes out?
Why not
If you think pre-ordering games is a waste of money you're a poorfag. Period
>B-But it ruins the industry!
A bloo bloo.
>holy zoom zoom
Why? It's a digitally distributed game, it's not like they'll run out of copies.
There are only three (3) games worth preordering in 2020
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Nioh 2
>Utawarerumono Prelude