Screenshot software

boomer here
what do you guys use to take screenshots with in games? I've been using fraps forever, but it's starting to feel like it is a piece of shit and I want to move onto something else. Are people using afterburner?

Attached: Fraps.png (512x512, 25.89K)

snipping tool



i just press printscreen

>10seconds of fraps recording

Attached: 1563120723568.jpg (463x399, 29.67K)

ctrl+v in paint

Steam Overlay. Shadowplay. Gamebar. Windows Key + Print Screen.

I never take screenshots.
Been taking recordings with shadow play for years though.

Just take pics with ur phone

printscreen doesn't work all the time, also it limits you to 1 screen shot at a time.

windowsbutton + shift+ s


Steam F12
Shadow Play

unregistered hypercam

nothing else needed

Steam screenshot + MS paint to crop

is afterburner good with this shit? I need a piece of software to view fps, cpu and gpu usage anyways so if I can let that save my screens then all the better.

I get an error message every time I try to save images with the snipping tool. I can copy it to my clipping board but I can't save it.

hold windows+print screen, it saves a jpeg into your screenshots folder in Pictures

Lightshot bretty gud

not to answer you but I had Afterburner's screenshot bind as same as the toggle display bind and I didnt even know that existed until one day I discovered a 5gb folder with nothing but screenshots from 5 years.


Wow. I wish I knew this 13 years ago.

Windows key + Print screen just saves a screenshot in the Pictures folder called Screenshots. You should never be copying and pasting shit to take screenshots. Windows + Alt + Print Screen is the default gamebar shortcut to take screenshots.

just press Print Screen you fucking nigger

are you a streamer or make videos? if not, then why do you record your gameplay?

windows+print screen if the game doesnt save screenshots auto with just print screen
f12 if steam

>just recorded an hour's worth of footage with OBS
>208 GB

Attached: 1460409999038.png (471x464, 325.34K)

They added that feature with Windows 8.

Oh, for real? No wonder.

I wish there was an alternative to Fraps with a simple fps counter and the ability to take screenshots.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin

what if I'm playing a game and I don't wanna tab out and manually save a photo every fucking time I do it.

>You should never be copying and pasting shit to take screenshots
why not? better to save a lossless screencap from the clippingboard than to later crop an already saved jpg, that just adds two layers of lossy.

there's literally a button on keyboards that has performed this function for this since forever

Attached: vyo26Zv5ErTBP-7Tx94QANFwHBmyaWh3eP9Kuos-DgU=w373-h256-no[1].jpg (373x256, 29.35K)

Just put your output mode to simple, use .mkv and the indistinguishable recording quality. Messing around with custom settings will only give you a negligible quality boost at the cost of xboxhueg file sizes like that.

not him but I do show small webm clips to my friends.



fucking zoomers

Sounds like a good trip down memory lane desu

the days of print screen, paste in paint. dam

you don't even need to paste it into paint, imgur and discord both allow you to paste directly from the clipboard

greenshot has customizable hotkeys for a slew of things, one being taking a picture of the current screen. has the ability to upload to imgur as well for instant sharing so it's good to me.

huh, and it actually saves as .png. Is there a key to shortcut to only capture main monitor?

doesn't afterburner do exactly that? Except it also has way more than just fps if you want it. Also it actually lets you set jpg quality from 0-100, or png if you want that.

i want to try recording now, how do i do it without any recording gear? like you, i want to try recording webms

i dont use either of those, i was referring to years ago before those things were around, and i had to print screen, paste it in paint, then upload it to a place like photobucket just to show my friends

You can make it save PNG's

1) Print screen does not work on all games, it will leave you with a black screen for some
2) Saving one picture at a time isn't convenient in the slightest, if you're playing a game you might not want to tab out every time you take a screen to manually save it
3) windows built in compression tools are dogshit, just look at what paint does to jpg files


Attached: 2020.03.09-11.11.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)


Steam's F12 except for when pirated games dont run the steam api, then nvida's alt+F1.
Nvidia saves 4Mb pngs so i need to convert them to jpeg later.

Sometimes print screen just saves a black screen, does it work if you save directly with windows button?

Just works
On Linux I had a similar binding for uh... shutter? Can't remember now.

wish Windows had a sound effect like that

Alt + PrtSc captures the current window. Adding Win key does create the file automatically but in a different folder - you'll get Windows game bar pop-up for that.

>1) Print screen does not work on all games, it will leave you with a black screen for some
the solution to this is alt+print screen. then printscreen only captures the active window
>2) Saving one picture at a time isn't convenient in the slightest, if you're playing a game you might not want to tab out every time you take a screen to manually save it
shadowplay somewhat helps in this regard being capable of saving and then playing back neat moments you can screenshot
>3) windows built in compression tools are dogshit, just look at what paint does to jpg files
this is true, but I don't save any screenshots locally, I usually upload them to an imgur album

print screen + MS Paint

so I can pat myself in the back when I watch the clips a year after I made them


what the fuck is that? are you using an apple kb?

For the same reason you record yourself masturbating. Fun