Are Animal Crossing fans just closeted furries?

Are Animal Crossing fans just closeted furries?

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No, closeted furries like to sexualize animal crossing.

Not even sexualizing Animal Crossing makes you a furry. It's one of the games where it's okay to sexualize it's anthropomorphic characters. Like Star Fox and Sonic the Hedgehog.

It does, and it's not okay to sexualize childrens video game characters, it makes you a coomer degenerate and also a faggot.

Yes, post more.


>it's not okay to sexualize childrens video game characters
get a load of this guy

speak the truth user

why is Yas Forums ok with sexualizing characters from literally every video game except for animal crossing?

Fuck off resetera retard

Liar. It’s okay to sexualise children’s video game characters as long as they aren’t animals of children.

Animal Crossing is straight up furry programming so you run the risk of becoming one yourself just by playing it

Same with all the young anons who were watching the disney afternoon

>I'm not a furry but

>I'm not a furry, but...

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No, I'm out of the closet

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>You're a furry
>No you're a furry!
Grow up and stop giving a fuck.

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There's nothing wrong with being a furry as long as you're not a fag about it. I've been jerking off to furry porn (straight and gay) since I was 13 and now I'm a well adjusted adult with a normal job that nobody would ever suspect likes furshit.

spoken like a closeted furry
t. furry

Animal crossings is big enough to be Animal Crossings

Most furries are eye bleeding shitty OCs

How many furries are on Yas Forums these days?

Everyone knows user. They all know.

>I'm a well adjusted adult with a normal job that nobody would ever suspect likes furshit.
Just like most furries
Furries were always part of Yas Forums

Hard to say
Normie furry like Lola Bunny more than you think

Fur suit furries tiny

There's a difference between being a furry and jacking to furry shit.
One is joining a community full of people who wish they were anthropomorphic animals.
The other is just a coomer.

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that's the spirit user
now let's learn 2d/3d art and spread the joy of yiff

They genuinely don't. I still fuck my ex gf semi regularly and she has no idea of my degeneracies. She thinks I'm pretty vanilla but I can make her cum so whatever.

I wish I could openly be a furry but I'm a politician so that shit has to stay under lock and key

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>I wish I could openly be a furry
Fucking why? There's literally no benefit.

So it's ok to just like the porn? What point do you stop being ok?

/trash/ is a blessed board

Where do you represent?

I honestly prefer weird monsters and reptiles.
Fur seems openly unpleasant for attractiveness purposes.

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thanks for reminding me about that one politician that got his flist leaked that showed he's into cubs and he had to resign lmao

Not him but I assume he wants to fug other furries

>Yas Forums logic: furry porn bad, but blacked porn good

>What point do you stop being ok?
When you make the porn your entire personality. When it becomes a "lifestyle". When you take your fucking fetish, which everybody has their own of, so fucking far that it begins to interfere with your social interactions and you begin bringing it where it doesn't belong. That's when it goes too far.

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Weird, I'm a furry too and I work high up in the government in my country. Why are furries so regularly in important jobs?

We just love the game but also like to cUm, that's it.

Got an article? Shit sounds hilarious.

it's an IQ thing

>Mutts law

>What point do you stop being ok?
I never said jacking to furry shit was ok. It's not. But you're not a furry for doing it.

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if people draw the dog with tits and I find it attractive what the fuck else am I supposed to do

The best thing is even if people find out as long as you only keep it to Yas Forums then you're anonymous and it can't properly be linked to you.

I love anonymity so fucking much.

An hero?

lmao the denial

yes, they can go fucking die

Furries are more common in society than you think. They've existed for tens of thousands of years.
It's high IQ to transcend to the superior anthro.

AC girls are boring
Sonic girls is where its at

For me it's furry characters from games that otherwise contain no furries

Fucking based. I love animal crossing, but if you coom to it, you're gay as hell

At least you can put that taxpayer money towards a good fursuit and go to a con and nobody would ever know it was you

Nope, I love Animal Crossing since I was a child. It's disturbing seeing how all the thing I used to love as a kid are now user by deranged people to jerk off. WTF? How are pokemons or AC villagers any saxy you degenerate subhumans. Stop ruining my childhood.

Nope I'm a fan of AC and not a furry.
While I do love cooming to anime girls, I can't understand the appeal of cooming to animal features or animals themselves.
I'm not even into nekomimi for that matter.
Furries, I want to understand. What about anthropomorphic animals makes you want to fap?

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Damn straight

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No, they're very open about being furries.

>canadian politics

>most useless class of people also has the worst degenerate fetishes
Not even surprised since crypto-pedos and fags are in government also.


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Eh, it's 3/5 on furry scale and depends on the artist.

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It's always tiring watching underages trying to discuss things they don't understand

Furries are retardedly common. You are in a place of authority so people would not want to tell you they are furries.


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If you killed every furry on this Earth there literally would be no downside.

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nobody ITT even knows what a furry is

Your secret is safe with us Beto.

Suicide is wrong user.

Fapping to anthro is fine, you are only a furry if you make it your identity. I don't go everywhere proudly proclaiming my love of futanari and pegging.

Not a furry but I assume its the taboo nature of it.

No, but it seems after NL a significant amount of mentally ill people became fan of the series.
Animal Crossing used to be a deep game about being the "outsider"; Zeitgeist being one of its defining characteristics.
It's really sad what this series has become.

As fucking if. I would never become one of those sick in the head disgusting furries. I mean aren't human women enough?


People are just sick of ankha and isabelle hype. We get it you fapped to the minus 8 flash you fucking secondaries.
Sable is the true OG AC waifu and always has been.

kys furfags

>porn of cartoon/vidya/etc. characters that are anthropromorphic in some way is mostly the same as human but with maybe animal accessories and a pun
>furry porn all have the same artstyle (with varying degrees of art ability) with weird fetishes and always gives off a disgusting feeling
I can't put my finger on it, but you can easily identify "furry" style art immediately

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I coom to some images and I ain't a furfag lmao.

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>Animal Crossing used to be a deep game

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>pasta shrinks every time he posts it

look at me I'm older than you do I'm right and better fuck you

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So good art = furry now?