Does your pet play video games with you?

Does your pet play video games with you?

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i just put mine down

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Nothing of value was lost

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You are a very pretty rabbit

So pick it back up

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god i fucking hate rabbits. kill em. kill em all.
worthless prey animal bullshit

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Sadly no.

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dumbass piece of shit animal, bottom of the food chain for a good reason

That's a big rabbit

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A cat is fine too

crocs are pussies

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How does rabbit taste?

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Sorry user, losing a pet is always hard

Better than retards that have rats. But I agree with you. I'd let my German shepherd rip them apart while I furiously jerk off over their mangled corpses

But they're cute

What did rabbits do to these guys?

I accidentally scared my 2 rabbits to death
Retarded fucks

pets are luxuries. might as well get the one you want
>muh dogs
only a small percentage of dogs are trained as for something useful nowadays. a gun will protect me better than a dog

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They're shitty and stupid animals. Not as bad as niggerfaggots that keep rats, but still any pet rabbit and their owner should be executed.

My little spergouts scare my dogs.

My pet died but he would be to stupid to do anything besides bite the analog sticks

For context, the smaller one is a male rabbit and the bigger is a female.
They're a couple.

Good, fuck them
I hope you accidentally shoot yourself with your gun you disgusting Amerimutt. Hopefully you don't die, but it mangles enough of your face so you have to live like that the rest of your pathetic life. Also the sound of a gunshot will give you retarded rabbit a heart attack. Win, win for me and the rest of the civilized world

They don't know such concept

I bet your Muslim neighbours will kill your dog

Yeah, I play with my dog. Sometimes he sneaks a lick inside my mouth when I'm concentrating.

This. They only run on instinct which is shit, fuck, and eat. Also the dumbest of animal's (rabbits) definitely dont know that concept

I'd enjoy watching my dog chasing down all these bunnies.

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Did a rabbit chew through your electrical wire, you poor soul?

Looks like this is your brain on Amerikkkanism
There's no sandniggers in my country you stupid mutt. Go have a heart attack and go into debt for paying the medical bills. I genuinely hope you fucking die

Worse a rabbit ate his balls

No, I just hate people that get shitty pets so they can be "different" or "special". Also most animal lovers are retards

I highly doubt that, what shithole are you posting from? Also I’m not even an American

>a rabbit owner that has gay fantasies about other men's balls
Like pottery

What's that in his ear?

Poland. A bastion of non shitskin. Now run along and get beheaded by Achmed

dammit user

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The tortured soul of a fallen rabbit

Monogamy exists for more animals than you think

I want to make out with that rabbit

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Faggots, the lot of you

Poland has plenty of nonwhites and muslims. And even more are coming, you shouldn’t have accepted Germany’s money

I'd enjoy pounding his boicookie

Very nice bunnies in here!

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>a shitpost is definitive proof of my argument
Fuck off, I'm not reading that bullshit

>not getting a dog, a rabbit, a cat, a rat, a bird and a lizard, raise them together and train them so you can be some kind of beastmaster

Is that your purse?


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My dog used to sit in my lap when he was a puppy but he's like 30 pounds now and my lap is too small and uncomfortable for him :(

Are animal lovers the biggest pozzed pussies on Earth? More pozzed than Drumpf supporters

t. doesn't know anything about animals except what he learned in highschool

handsome lad

ban wojak faggots

wiązać w wiązki

Just find it again.




>ban wojak faggots

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i'd rather change da world


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Cute buns! Really like fluffy ones.

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Then inject then with mutagen, like ninja turtles?

I would've fucked the girl rabbit myself.

based retard

It's a she.

pick one
now, wasps otoh


That nigga big

Thanks, user.

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most animals are monogamous
despite what your liberal arts professor told you

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I keep my birds close to my desk.

>liberal arts professor
Leave it to Yas Forumstard amerimutts to bring up identity politics

I wanna see the big one take some big black cock

>getting mad over animals

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I want a fancy bunny to finger

Most birds do this, you fucking retard.

avatarfagging is a bannable offense, stop including your selfies with your posts

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what kind of birds?

Pets are fine as long as someone else pays and takes care of them