>Dollar is currently at the roof in Latino countries
>Taxes on consoles, electronics and games
It really feels bad to be a gamer in Latin America these days
>Dollar is currently at the roof in Latino countries
>Taxes on consoles, electronics and games
It really feels bad to be a gamer in Latin America these days
Doesn't it generally feel bad to be in Latin America?
take a bath, paco
>brazil with blonde hair and blue eyes
are you sure op?
t. brazilfag
>mfw I'm an okay artist and commissions are paid in dollars
Feels good.
Nigga just pirate, lol
Don’t worry South America is trending to become a global power pretty soon with the Lithium shortage crisis coming up around the corner. Invest in lithium ponds and mines. Preferably local extractors to avoid the rape and pillage of your country by the unworthy like the americans.
how do you promote yourself through patreon as an artist tho? My gf have like 10k followers in insta bcz her illustrations, but she doesn't use patreon yet. How can she reach the north american audience to support her in patreon? Atm she makes more than me, and i have a professional degree in my fucking country.
Any tip?
>Preferably local extractors
our politicians are too retarded for that, they love the chinese/american cock
>South America is trending to become a global power pretty soon
Your politicians aren’t retarded they are getting bribed.
I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I killed you, I'm not gonna crack
Spicunny best cunny
Twitter is the fucking worst but it works fine for getting followers. Just sell your soul and draw fanart of anything popular; anime like bnha and games like pokemon always get a lot of attention. Draw OCs from bigger artists and do raffles every now and then to get more followers.
Porn is always the easy and fast way to get people but I understand if she's not into that. Just rinse and repeat until she finds a specific character who gets a lot of attention and then start milking it. Once you're done and have enough followers, around 20k, you should be able to draw whatever you want after that.
>dat brasilian though
Announcing sage is against the rules
>C&C Remastered Collection is region locked in Brazil and ONLY Brazil
Who will be a super power first, any country in South America, or India?
>not in south america anymore
where are you now
what are you talking about? i'm posting off-topic images in this off-topic thread.
Pretty sure Bolivia just got "FREED" by Americans for that exact same reason. I doubt anyone in South America is educated and competent enough for that.
Oh, nevermind. They fixed it.
In Americuck. At least I can play Vidya and be a neet here. No one in my country would allow me to live like this.
still a subhuman, though. always and forever.
that's not blessed for me then. the US does not need more spics.
So? I already know that.
True. I apologise but we don't have the awesome internet you guys offer here.
This. Used to be one, but not a buyfag anymore.
Mexican here
>Have 150 games on PS4
>200 games on Steam
>45 games on Switch
>30 on 3DS
I bought these at full price and I haven't even opened them yet.
Even easier now that more publishers are giving middle finger to regional prices.
you're also lying, illegal aliens have to work 12 hours a day to make ends meet because you only get paid $4 an hour. why do you insist on being the most annoying people in the world? that's a sign of an inferiority complex.
maybe he's shacking with someone else or married in for citizenship. it doesn't really seem that hard to be a "citizen" of the US.
No you're on track to becoming the next africa now spread those cheeks Paco it's time to pillage your resources
Lying about what? Who the fuck said I was illegal? Have you ever heard of savings/inheritance? Even the illegals I've met still get paid around $10-12 an hour of they work part time and they usually do not work more than 10 hours a day. In fact I've been more Americans work 12+ hours at the same rate as illegals. I bet you've never even talked to a fucking spic in your life.
So just how high ranking on you with the Cartels or where does that money come from.
I have a job
I bought these games last week while drunk
Which one should I start with?
It's harder now to get citizenship but I've been here way before any of those changes. Also yeah I'm shacking up with someone to split expenses cause savings won't last forever.
Im waiting for the free COD BR to drop on PS4
Latin Americans pirate. Nobody denies it.
Don't you get tired of making the same threads?
Must be a pretty amazing job. you certainly have more games than me or more games than id feel safe spending money on.
Can confirm. We're also so stupid that we get the pirated copies with RATs and viruses most of the time.
land of the free, got a scholarship
how is complaining about taxes on consumer electronics not vidya related?
jesus why the fuck cant nonwhites besides japan and south korea get their fucking shit together? is it really that hard?
I live and was born in Pernambuco, Brazil.
Mexican here
I only pirate when something is unavailable or hard to find
Otherwise, I bought my games
Pic related, I could emulate the games of these but I decided to buy them instead
unfortunately I have to talk to you clowns every day because you decided that my town was a good place to hide from the authorities. you have caused more problems in ten years than blacks have in 400.
Should we be congratulating you on your shit taste or what?
it always feels bad
why the fuck would you buy those emulators in a box, dude?
could have gotten an actual snes and an everdrive instead
Actually yes. Just look at how everyone is shitting the bed with corona chan even white countries.
I don't care buyfag
Probably Central Americans then. They are the worse spics I've ever had to deal with as well.
I'm a ninten drone and I like collector's items
>ir de working holiday a estados unidos a trabajar
>ganar harto dinero para comprarme un PC y un celular
>ahora estar a punto de recibir de vuelta los taxes
>Con el dolar terriblemente caro, recibire mucha mas plata
>por fin comprarme todos los juegos que quiero
no I mean before that, like electing someone who doesnt completely decimate your entire country, cleaning up drug cartels, not being nanny state spics (hispanics overwhelmingly vote for insane amount of government control despite their people not being able to handle that much power)
like is it the native genes doing it? make some fucking checks and balances, goddamn
No one cares, m*rdestino.
>tfw your PC is worth what the majority of people in your country makes in a year
the hilarious thing is that we keep importing spics thinking we are creating a multicultural haven but what the fuck will happen once whites arent around forcing you to play nice? hispanics literally hate each other, and dont get them started on blacks holy shit
haha this place is gonna be so funny once whites are gone. Hopefully you retards learn from us before we go
I am looking forward to these games developed in Mexico, they have soul :
Are there any latino developed games that i should look forward to?
It seems like Mexico is the only country in Latin America that produces games these days
>be a slavshit
>want to buy an actual gaming pc
>almost have the money for the things I want
>the prices skyrocket overnight
Well, it is not that bad, but I still have to pay more now. It will become worse, so there is no way to wait until it reverts back.
because that's not what you're doing, you're having an off topic social general on a board that specifically banned generals. you are like a virus everywhere you go, can't stop talking about yourselves and imposing your garbage culture on people who don't want it. you are the biggest danger to the free world because you are natural slaves and do not wish to rise above that.
I mean they kinda act the same way Americans react when they hear less taxes, free college and free healthcare. Those south American politicians promise bullshit because they know the majority of the population is not well educated. Also a majority of candidates have been backed by corrupt media/corporations in said countries. Even the Venezuelan and Bolivian presidents or what not are backed by America as well. You can't really trust anyone because the systems have been fucked for over a century.
Can’t you spics go to Spain where you’ll fit right in
Fuck off out of America we have no healthcare no education school shootings, spics everything bad. Plus we’re full