State of the board Yas Forums

As per Yas Forums rules we are allowed one active thread to discuss the state of each board. Let's discuss shall we, what are some ways we can improve our shitposting haven

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theres no hope, internet culture is dead in the water. you can thank a whole heap of things happening over the last decade for that.

meta threads aren't allowed, they get booted to /qa/.
So fuck off there you doomsayer redditor.

As much as I agree. This is still a "community". Its a giant cesspool, but if we change a couple of individuals mentality it can overall improve the quality of this shithole

>shill threads 24/7
>jannies do nothing
>mods do nothing

Just ban wojak.

>a redditor starting a meta thread

Smells like summer

Yas Forums needs a "this post/thread is using video games as a front to discuss another topic" report option. Anything to get rid of "what are some games" posts.

Stop thinking of Yas Forums as "the place to let out the poison". That's such a retarded mentality that perpetuates bullshit and makes the place just a worse place to be. There's a difference between calling people out on being retarded and specifically just invoking ire for the sake of a vicious circle because it makes you feel a little better. This isn't what our forefathers wanted. Guaranteed the people with that mentality weren't here before 2010.

>Guaranteed the people with that mentality weren't here before 2010.
wrong, the shitflinging back then was more like a sport, but it happened.

Does it even matter when Yas Forums hardly has active mods?

Banning Pepe and Wojack from this site would tremendously improve site quality

>Let's discuss shall we, what are some ways we can improve our shitposting haven
we can wait until gookmoot pulls the plug

Correct. What ruined it back then was the "muh secret club" mentality

auto ban platform war comments and threads
Seeing this shit in 2020 instead of realizing just how cringe it is shouldn't be a thing

>some ways we can improve our shitposting haven
Clearly banning you would be a good fucking start.

They're around, but they only respond to obvious shit. You post a big hairy dick it's not going to last too long. A thread that starts with "how do we fix JRPGs" but is actually just a bunch of schizos dumping jew conspiracies lasts a whole lot longer because mods are lazy and don't want to sift through a thread to see if it's really Yas Forums related.

I disagree. Ban autists that get triggered by Pepe and wojak instead. You faggots are way more annoying.

this, people use the anonymity here to just say retarded shit without consequences rather than to speak their mind and be able to talk genuinely about something they care about

Lets unpack this. No, fuck off.

It's one of the most overmoderated boards though you clueless redditor.

>New or upcoming game
>Shill shill reeee
>100% total shill threads for gatcha shit an VNs
>It's okay because muh Japan
>Can't even shill good Japanese games, only generic shit and gatchas

The answer is simple, really: have mods that actually give a shit about enforcing the rules. So many offtopic threads reach bump limits here because mods go ''Well at least the OP pretends to be about video games so I'll let the thread be''. Until we get mods that actually care this place will remain fucked until the end of times.

Boards in general were supposed to be an edgy clusterfuck of bitter and resentful people. It was brutal, ruthless and unforgiving. Now people call edgy and cringe at any attempt of being harsh or maximalistic about something.

Any op post that screencaps a Twitter post should be banned on sight

>There's a difference between calling people out on being retarded and specifically just invoking ire for the sake of a vicious circle because it makes you feel a little better.
People use Yas Forums just to be assholes to one another and calling someone out on that just makes it worse

Maybe nobody gives a shit about your garbage thread then. Ever consider that?

Permaban all wojaks. Whatever replaces it by necessity has to be better than this

Pathfinder has had a general for a few months now, Monster Hunter has had a general for a year. That's perfectly fine but if they're not going to enforce those rules they can fuck off with the other ones, which they have. Thank got the jannies quit

Why don't you make something better instead of whine endlessly about it?

Shitposting has been casualised.
Just post a random hivemind approved image and a few buzzwords and you have instant replies to bump limit.
Shelf life of jokes and memes has heavily decreased where it's flavor of the week since everything is quickly ran into the ground at top speed unless it's forced as fuck.

Remove all the racists
Board improved by 1000%

ban the reactioners and posters, wipe it from the face of this board

Now we're unironically called "internet terrorists" ever since the election, and the crackdown on internet freedoms has only gotten worse

One person/month dies on stream. If you've made one post in 30 days, you're in the raffle.

Pepe and wojak are part of Yas Forums culture and you’re obviously a triggered redditor

Ban anyone who posts a photo of an IRL female

Seconding this

Normally memes fall out of fashion when the wider internet adopts them. But wojak is so disgustingly shit nobody actually wants to steal it, so the cycle needs to be helped along a little this time
Plus it'd curb low effort posting because it is by definition, low effort

Hi newfag!

That sounds like ResetEra

this plus this board being unable to self moderate. There are bait threads and off topic threads on every board but Yas Forums replies to these every god damn time
>thread about god hand dies before 100 replies
>“OH NO NO, WE GOT TOO COCKY X BROS“ thread hits bump limit
yeah the mods do fuck all but dont reply to this shit in the first place and if you do atleast sage the thread. bring back visible sage btw

Based Wizchaner.

unironically start banning everyone who replies to off-topic and NSFW threads again
the userbase is 90% newfags that don't know how to ignore bait and garbage

How about no, reddit

good thing i'm just a sexist

t. "normal person"

whew, glad im only homophobic

Ban waifufags and trannies

Ban phoneposters.

Quite the contrary. I've had an on-topic thread almost reach bump limit with actual discussion of the game in question, but some disgruntled hotpocket consuming fuck decided to report it to the mod because I linked the related manga in the OP, which wasn't even the main point of my post. Meanwhile, I constantly see ''What are some games...'' with Yas Forumsbait pictures attached to them reach bump limit even though the entire discussion is lead by Yas Forumsacks who don't want to keep their shit in their dedicated board.

So blame the meme instead of your own lack of creativity. Sounds like you're the problem here redditor.

ding ding ding

This is the smartshit. Worst part about nowadays is too many people not showing restraint and giving (yous) to garbage shitposts or helping garbage threads.

Ban phoneposting, actually enforce the rules.

Yas Forums was never a place for normal people newfag.

This is the correct answer.

I think you could try fixing things from within you as a start. Post high quality content, don't get baited by trollposts, make good OC for the things you love. The internet is too easy to take in as srs bsns nowadays, so just take things in stride and don't get easily riled up by posts that is clearly meant to fuck with you. Do the old sage+report if you have to, and avoid feeding the trolls. Create posts that you would be proud of and make your posts as the shining example of how posting should be. With a bit of luck, maybe others would take up your example as well.

or just bring back old /g/ to filter all the newfags. either works.

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yeah i make some of my worst posts on the toilet using my phone, adding 0 to any topic of conversation and ultimately deteriorating the overall quality of the board. banning phone posting would only improve the site 4 sure


I was trying to reference pic related

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Glanced and saw Yas Forums mentioned though and now I know you're just a triggered leftist

I'd like to see how creative people get once the standard shitposts are banned.

Yas Forums has banned those shit memes and their board is all the better for it
Don’t give me that shit about them being board culture they’re fucking shit and no one finds the console war edit memes funny

This is literally the best place to start
It's time to stop using Yas Forums as a shitposting ground

People posting feet pics as thread openers just to get feet discussion

They should just choose a shitposty buzzword every month via lottery system and just ban it. Would be kinda neat

No no no, feels guy and feels bad man/feels good man are Yas Forums culture. This Pepe and wojak shit is all reddit cancer.