Comfy switch thread

>recent buys
>whatcha playan
>whatcha anticipatan
I picked up the Mega Man Z/ZC Collection for me and Picross S to play with the gf, she loves it. Phoenix Wright is on sale this week for $15, picking that up later today. And of course just ten days until Animal Crossing comes out.

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why haven't you hacked your switch yet?

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Playing Mega Man Zero 4 in the collection. First time playing. Waiting on Animal Crossing and Trials of Mana

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Piracy = theft

I'm still on Z1, this game is pretty damn hard. Really enjoying it though.

Depends, but animal crossing and botw is definitely peak comfy

Also playing this, Zero 3 is even better than I remembered.

I absolutely loved it but I can't bring myself to replay it. It feels like the magic was in exploration, and since I spent 140 hours exploring every inch of the world on my first playthrough there's nothing left to discover. If only I could forget.

Finishing Astral Chain. Underrated as fuck

Gonna buy Animal Crossing, maybe DOOM if I don't get it on my other consoles.
I dropped BoTW for a while since I've been playing so many big games but I started playing it in handheld mode for a couple hours in bed every night and it helps my sleeping issues.

I'm thinking about getting Langrisser but I'm not sure. There is a demo but I don't know if it carries save data or not.

the switch is for babies

Are there no dungeon crawlers on the switch aside from labyrinth of refrain?

>recent buys
Murder by Numbers
>whatcha playan
Murder by Numbers, Slay the Spire
>whatcha anticipatan

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Playing though my backlog even though I keep buying shit. Finished the first ace attorney and I'm like halfway through Luigi's Mansion but I keep getting distracted by other games
Looking forward to my copy of the wonderful 101 coming in

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>Doom 64 port has gyro controls on Switch

Hell yes

i miss /nintyg/

>hack my switch
>still spend 95% of my time with it playing Ultimate online

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I hope we get more NMHIII news soon.

Would have been solid if the combat didnt feel like a side act to all the monotonous bullshit the game makes you do between battles

bros do you reckon a 128gb sdcard is enough for a while?

Bought Animal Crossing
been playing through the Ace Attorney Trilogy and BoI Afterbirth+ on the side
waiting for them to show either a new DK game or a Warioware/Land game, but really I just want a fucking direct already

I'm still using my 128gb card, most of my games are physical so it's all good.

Going to buy a 2nd copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 since it looks like this is it for the physical run and I only got the CE which has a steel case.

Been playing rune factory 4 for the past week. It's a bit rough around the edges but the characters are surprisingly charming and there a lot of interest mechanics. Clorica best wife btw

>this is it for the physical run

No more new copies will be printed.

I'm patiently waiting for more new releases since i'm not really interested in much that's coming out: Not really into 3rd parties, Indies, RPGs or Social Sims.
I think a Mario Golf game would be the perfect gap filler for the coming months, without getting too ambitious with titles i'd love to see but that aren't likely to be made.

This guy knows whats up. I'm actually doing her marriage event right now.

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y'know this silence from Nintendo is actually starting to piss me off

Playing Hollow Knight and f-zero on SNES. I'm actually angey at the fact that we are three years into the switch and still no Metroid apart from Super/NES from online. It's actually retarded. I will happily buy SR, Prime games, GBA, all of them but I get nothing.

I want Animal Crossing

>Megaman Z/ZX
>Alliance Alive HD
>Trials of Mana

Just got Alliance Alive and it scratches my SaGa itch. Casually getting through the Zero games, reliving middle school memories. I beat them as a preteen, I don't get why everyone's moaning about the difficulty.

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Do far I have marries Clorica, Forte, Amber and Dolce. I really like Dolce but it seems like Clorica was made to be the canon wife, she has great chemistry with Lest and all her interaction and newlywed episode are very interesting

We know a new 2D Metroid is in development. I'm hoping it will be revealed and possibly released this year.

More importantly the current stock in stores is almost out.
If you prefer to own things physically and don't want to be at the mercy of FUCKING GAMESTOP or the second hand market, now is the time to buy.

128 is perfectly usable if you are only going to be playing Nintendo and indie games and ignoring AAA ports

>>recent buys
Astral Chain
Sonic Mania
>>whatcha playan
Astral Chain
Sonic Mania
The Witcher 3
>>whatcha anticipatan
Metroid Prime 4
another regular Metroid
more ports

any good eshop games I can get for under 6 bucks?

Doom 64

How do you monitor this?

I was having a blast with BotW but my interest suddenly plummeted for no discernable reason. Thinking if getting FFXII but it seems a bit expensive for a port of an old game.

You can hack your switch and not pirate..

is there anything else worth doing with a hacked switch besides piracy?

i heard that cornavirus killed yoshi before he could reproduce with judd

Just go to any store's website. You can check the inventory for individual stores, and if they're low on stock, even for for online orders, they'll tell you.


Yeah you can put it up your bum hole

This happened to me too, right when I started going for Vah Naboris I stopped playing for a few weeks. I only recently beat BotW recently like a week ago but I didn't really go out of my way to do everything, just finish up some shrines and a few side quests.

The thing is the longer I leave it the less likely it is I'll pick it up but on the other hand I feel like forcing myself to play a game defeats the purpose. I'm not super shocked, I was never a big Zelda fan to begin with but the game looked fun and I really did enjoy it for about 25 hours.

I did, but I also owned and hacked a Wii U and don't care about multiplats that run worse than they would on PC so it's mostly a paperweight, I'll still buy some exclusive stuff with worthwhile online functionality like MHGU though. Am kind of getting into RF4S after a few long sessions, but apparently it's like a 50 hour minimum game and I'm progressing so slowly that I'll probably just end up dropping it for Animal Crossing when that leaks sometime in the next week.

been using android 24/7 (steam link and geforce now mainly) until animal crossing leaks

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As someone who just got a 256, I’m actually planning on upgrading to 512 pretty soon

sounds fun

Been thinking of getting a switch for Animal Crossing, Astral Chain, Rune Factory and maybe Splatoon if it's fun solo and/or the multiplayer isn't dead. Is the Switch Light a good option? I heard it's better in all aspects except it doesn't have docked mode, but I heard docked mode sucks anyway because it justs upscales low-res shit

splatoon is shit for babies

When is mhgu going on sale in Europe
There should be a sale around this time right

Is that borderlands on switch? I feel like I’m missing something here

Stop hoarding

can you pirate games on the switch lite?

You can emulate 5th gen games or play Morrowind and Half Life