Tick... tock... tick... tock

Tick... tock... tick... tock..

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (600x826, 276.11K)

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>implying fromsoft cares enough about PC

Not a PC player, but it would be kinda cool to see this game in 4K/60FPS and without fakken chromatic aberration, which is a very homo graphic filter.

Nintendo handheld/Playstation/PC master race here.

Bloodborne is just okay. Something fun to burn a weekend with but not really worth playing through in its entirety.

a-any day now b-bros
we've been saying this for 6 years, but surely this time it's happening bros

The fuck you on about? It's the best Soulsbourne of the bunch you fucking homo.

>Bloodborne is just okay.

And so it begins, and the PC port hasn't even been announced yet

I hope they do a pc release. But they never patched 60fps support for ps4 pro while ds3 has that. Is bloodborne hard to code? Ds3 runs basically on Bb's engine.

If DS3 runs on BB's engine, it makes me wonder why PC bros haven't tried to do an asset rip of BB and mod it all into DS3 PC, like that mod that recreated Sonic Unleashed in the PC version of Generations since Unleashed never got a PC port

I own a PlayStation 4 Pro and want this so much. Bloodborne does not run well on my system and I want to be able to play it at 1440p 144 fps without compromise. My PlayStation can't even give me 60 or a stable 30.
It's a shame that Sony Japan doesn't care about making games anymore. A high power box for playing Japanese games would be great but all Sony California gives us is "cinematic" crap. It's nauseating.

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Sony only puts games no one cares about on PC

BB2 on ps5 confirmed!

Attached: 1560985030209.png (1534x1768, 2.21M)

As someone who bought a PS4 bundled with Bloodbourne, I want this game on PC so I can play at 60 fps and so you PC bros can finally see why Bllobourne is better than any Dark Souls game.

There was one user that put the BB dream workshop into the pc version of Ds3, though there were few textures. No new updates since.

They didn't bother with Demon's Souls
It's probably just Elden Ring or like they did with Dark Souls, whatever "Bloodborne 2" will be

Watch Sony port every exclusive to PC, every game but BB, it's going to fucking happen isn't it

They really should just go third-party at this point, there's no reason for PlayStation to stick around as a console manufacturer

Can't you get a PS4 and Bloodborne for about $250?

Attached: Bloodborne_Performance.webm (720x480, 1.51M)

Xbox and Nintendo are shit that's the reason to stick around

Look at this wiki page and then have a cry. Japan Studio doesn't know what "PC" is.



game is trash and dumb to smoke

I don't really get this meme. Game is 5 years old now on console, it's a no brainer for the company to give it a PC port and people who played it 5 fucking years ago and have had it for all this time had all those experiences and got to play the game years before anyone on PC did. Wishing for it to be exclusive for some kind of "pride" for your console is retarded.

Computers are for work not video games LOL
>p-please sir? C-can I have a p-port?

Pathetic. PC Master Race huh? LOL

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Hows the hairline, James?

It's not pride it's just the facts. The people sitting on it is a first party studio that literally does not give a flying fuck about PC.

I would slap everyone on Yas Forums for a Siren Trilogy, Team Ico Trilogy, Gravity Rush Duology, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne etc. on PC but it's not happening.

Bloodborne is great...for a console game
guaranteed as soon as it is ported to PC, and in comparison to PC games it will look not only old, but boring. A triple A console game cannot compete with a triple A PC game. Simple as.

There's no such thing as a PC AAA game in 2020 all you get is console ports and MMOs there's nothing built for it

Oh please, it's not like Sony's any better, they don't even have the strongest hardware and the only reason they have any exclusives to begin with is because Sony goes full Tim Sweeney in throwing their money around to strong-arm exclusives, Nintendo and Xbox are no more shit than PlayStation is

Any illusions you have of Sony being better than the others is your nostalgia of only owning PS systems as a kid


Considering they get more than 1/3 of all sales from PC versions...

>release bloodborne port on ps5
>people buy ps5 and bloodborne hd
>people pirate bloodborne on pc
which do you think would make them more money

is this on PS? this is how bad it runs on PS Now on PC


>Grey flinchy dark souls

Attached: Kino!.jpg (575x651, 65.31K)

I'd be interested in playing it without the PS4's horrendous input lag.

PS Now doesn't run on PC, it runs on a PS and is streamed to your PC.

>op never mentioned pc
>thread could have been about literally anything bloodborne
>but because, you see, the snoy fanboy lives in constant fear of losing his few exclusives, his mind immediately jumps into a defensive state.
>every waking moment, he is dry heaving, panting, sweating profusely, desperately clawing at his every inch of skin in sheer terror at the mere suggestion of losing his one purpose in life. Defending snoy.


>retard user believes Horizon being announced for PC an hour ago and a Bloodborne OP with the tick tock of a clock can mean anything and there's no correlation
dumb peko

That's Dark Souls III and everyone gets to play that.

Are you timing the framerate with a pocket watch?

>this amount of cope already

>5 years of portbegging

Attached: Delusional.png (1288x952, 712.5K)

>wanting to play bloodborne at sub 30fps

it's one thing to want the game on pc
it's a completely different thing to constantly beg for ports and make fake leaks, which you have been doing for 5 years

i wish the game was on pc too, but it's not happening
get over it

and souls is just grimdark zelda.
I'm trying to keep you from being disappointed. You'll have to wait until there's a viable PS4 emulator.

>it's a completely different thing to constantly beg for ports and make fake leaks, which you have been doing for 5 years

No it perfectly describes Bloodborne

Can't wait to dominate Kirkfags with a real weapon in glorious 60fps

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U must not have played bloodborne if u think ds3 is grey and flinchy

>...for a console game

LMAO you faggots have literally only had 1 game Crysis in like 20 years

go back to Factorio or whatever cringe autism simulator you fat fucks play

Isn't that about the same time it took Dragon's Dogma to come?

Fast forward and the 360 servers for it are shut down which basically cripples the game, while the PC version keeps chugging on.

good one guy. maybe instead of wasting your life on anonymous image board for weebs cough up some cash for ps4? they are really cheap theese days and i promise youll have more fun than on your laptop my dude.

inb4 the pizza cutter is broken and deals double the damage with its L2 in 60 FPS and has to get nerfed again

>fag with a splintered toothpick thinks he can compete in the big boy leagues

only thing that wrecks more shit than pic related is my dick in your moms ass

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Name 3 AAA PC exclusives within the last decade.

it doesn't ds3 is more recent, bloodborne is closer to ds1

snoyfaggots anally destroyed, how they will ever recover without succuming even deeper into mental ilness?

Never Ever PKeks. But keep begging anyways because it amuses us console chads when we get first party titles.

man theres more money in rereleasing it once on any actuall platform where people buy videogames. now that we live in the world of remasters releasing anything on PC is simply idiotic. i mean you can release it twice in the same gen sometimes thrice even. Especially japanese devs are just not intersted in the flack theyd get from the hatefull place that is PC gaming.

I hope they release it on pc so everyone realizes it was not that special in the first place. It’s a solid 7/10 with the extra points coming because it’s Sony exclusive.

What PC games? Every graphics comparison I see involves a multiplat title or console port.

PC exclusives look like stuff I played off Newgrounds almost twenty years ago.

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You dont even know the name of the game. shut up pc fag. dont pretend to be a Sony Chad

Kids, play nice now...

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yikes, how do people enjoy games like this

Did some news come out or?

>grant us eyes
>plip plop
>tick tock

The writing and voice acting in this game is one of the cringiest pieces of shit in any game this decade

No. There is none. You are delusional if you think this game won't receive the DeS treatment.

Attached: gayest post of the day award.jpg (700x460, 109.71K)

>The writing and voice acting in this game
is actually the best part.

Attached: mico_yeas.jpg (730x536, 85.07K)

Sony is now porting some of their games to other platforms, horizen zero dawn is just the most recent.

>PC exclusives look like stuff I played off Newgrounds almost twenty years ago.

Jesus christ that is hilariously accurate. I browsed Steam's front page just to check.

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There won't be a PC port. Bloodborne is a 100% Sony exclusive IP.

I honestly hope they port it so I can sell my PS4. Bloodborne is the only reason why I still have it. Every other fucking game I've had for that console was ported to PC, might as well port this too.

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>forgetting the wojak
You can't even shitpost correctly anymore. Go outside and get some fresh air.

5 years and v is still mad lol

never ever