Will we ever see a return of Edgy Ratchet games or are we eternally doomed to Future-esque pixarshit

Will we ever see a return of Edgy Ratchet games or are we eternally doomed to Future-esque pixarshit.

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I miss Going Commando's Verhoeven-esque comedy.

2 honestly sucks and I’m tired of pretending that it doesn’t.

how was this edgy?

Compare this to basically anything from the Future saga.

where's the edgy part?

Here's your edgy, then:

here's your protagonist bro

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Why tho ? It's the best one of the PS2 games.

you could jump over that hoverboard chick and her tiddy would become huge
this is common knowledge man come on

commit sudoku lesser being

honestly i'm kinda happy this series has been shelved? and this comes from a guy who thinks this is one of the best videogame series ever made. i don't think anything is supposed to last forever unless you wanna witness it becoming a soulless cashgrab (see CoD or star wars) or an abortion of itself (see fallout).

r&c has had a damn good run and i'm wholly satisfied with all that it has delivered, it's just that with 10+ games i think there isn't anything else to add, all that needed to be done has been done, it's not like say fallout where i've been left blueballed and longing for more

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The problem with that statement is that the series has NOT been shelved and Insomniac was bought up wholesale by Sony after the release of that new Spiderman game, with statements that Ratchet and Clank was going to continue to be a priority.

Oh and a sauce on that because I forgot:

Will we ever see her again bros?

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Did they actually destroy novalis before the end of the game?

>they blew up a planet therefore it's edgy
>nevermind that they made a major point to say every single goddamn civilian was somehow evacuated

Go play Borderlands, that seems to be more your speed.

if any of them suck its 3

1 is the only truly good one

1 is the definitely the one with the most soul. There's something about the art style that makes it more more appealing that the sequels.

I also like 1 the most but the other 2 of the trilogy are still good.

I appreciate the uptick in Ratchet threads. With that said 1=2>Deadlocked>3. Going back and playing them on my PS2 my opinion on 1 has vastly improved.

We're not getting any Ratchet games at all.
At most you might get a Going Commando remake on PS5.

The CRT theme it had going for it's menus is the aesthetic I wish it had kept.


3 is the best, deadlock sucks cock

I'll believe it when I see it. Also Shawn Layden was let go from Sony.

>UYA is the best
>Hates Deadlocked
Explain yourself

Here's something more recent:

Deadlocked knew better what it wanted to be. It also had grind rails, which were not in UYA for some reason

deadlocked is souless

i liked all the extra things that came in with 3 (like the combat drops), the characters (quark, evil clank, nefarious, lawrence) were funnier and the girls (courtney gears and new angela) were hotter. the guns were cooler (the whip, ice gun) and enemies more interesting. i did miss the spaceship segments from 2 though

personal rating would be 3>2>1>deadlocked

deadlock was just the gladiator arena over and over right? who was even the bad guy in it

there was definitely grind rails in 3, i remember there being one around a train station on the 'big city' planet, the one you go to after nefarious starts turning everyone into robots

So the PS5 game is going to come to PC too, right?
PS2 Tetrology PC ports is the ultimate Pipedream

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I'm just hoping for a proper port of the PS2 Quad to PS5, ideally without pic related.

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absolute tune coming through:

The OST in Deadlocked is one of the best in the series, though I think 1's is still slightly better for different reasons.

You know and I know that she'd be ruined by actually making her actually competent instead of a clumsy ditz
Negative character traits are sexist.

She was competent, she was just also a forgetful clutz that puts the batteries in backwards. I mean you don't steal from Megacorp by being a complete dipshit.

The funny thing about deadlocked HD is that literally only one cutscene in the game is broken, but it's the very first one so everyone just thinks the entire game is broken.

The port isn't really great but it's not completely unplayable like people say it is.

There's other issues all throughout the cutscenes of Deadlocked, the big one I can remember is the way certain models would jitter all over the damn place like HWAN-ita and Dallas' announcer booth.

UYA has no grind rails at all. You must be confusing it for other entry.

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>mfw trying to emulate R&C or Sly

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And yet they were featured in Deadlocked, so what's their excuse. UYA could've benefited from some grind rails sections or a race. Too much shooting becomes repetitive.


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I never noticed a lack of grind boots in UYA until some soiboi E-celeb told me, and I imagine it was the same for the majority of fans.

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It's like Bergeaud took all the grungy techno from 1 and left behind the classical part of it, giving us the sickest beats of the series.
That's likely because they don't do a whole lot with grind rails in 2, so they got phased out until in Deadlocked realized "we can let you shoot while you grind".

I never noticed either. is correct, shooting on them made all the difference.

Alright faggots, cards on the table, who is the best RAC waifu?
For me, it's Angela

courtney gears 100 times out of 100

Here's the thing. Ratche 1 and 2 and two different sides of a coin: 1 has style, soul and atmosphere.2 has substance, content and impact.

This is the correct order. These replies are abhorrent

What if we combine the best aspects of both?

you get UYA

Same. I have no fucking idea how anyone actually enjoys that shitty "be on the track without the bad thing/time a wrench swing or die" garbage.
Even in Deadlocked it just felt poor because then you don't have to time a wrench swing at all.

I don't think that's how that works bud

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>deadlock was just the gladiator arena over and over right? who was even the bad guy in it

A little bit yeah. If anything it's structured more like the galactic ranger missions in RC3, where every single planet is just a huge battleground that you progress through in multiple seperate missions and objectives. Some of the levels actually get pretty big and elaborate too.

The villain is a big media jew and he's one of the best villains in the series.

>UYA had the best gun system, the best movement controls, and best unlockables
>people who call it the worst in the trilogy only care about story and aesthetics
It's no coincidence that R&C threads on Yas Forums stopped saying UYA and Deadlocked were the best games around the same time we stopped talking about gameplay.

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>>UYA had the best gun system, the best movement controls, and best unlockables
I meant to post out of the trilogy. Deadlocked feels great to play and has really good guns too but it's shortness is a significant flaw.

Gleeman Vox is just straight up the best. He's the culmination of what we saw in 1 and 2.
I have no idea what Insomniac was smoking when they changed directions and made Nefarious a thing in UYA, the closest thing to the "consumerism, celebrity worship and monopolies are bad" ideas that tied the series together until that point was, really, his relationship and history with Quark, but even then his motivations and methods didn't quite fit in with the past two entires.

I honestly disagree that UYA even has the best gameplay, I think 2 cut the balance between platforming and gunplay closer to center, and I think that, while going for the multiplayer and putting multiplayer maps into the singleplayer campaign was innovative, especially on a fucking PS2, it sort of cost the game in other areas.

It's the worst in the trilogy because it has the least platforming, has the least/worst minigames, has the worst padding, has the weakest weapon selection, has the worst gadgets...

UYA's gunplay is fine I just think it has the weakest side content of the main games, to the point that it kind of makes repeat playthroughs not that fun. Like the hacker is annoying, the clank sections are the worst in the series, and the mandatory galactic ranger missions are just tedious. It kind of relies a little too much on its humour at times.