Imagine going through 20 years of special ops hardcore military training under the tutorship of grand masters with...

Imagine going through 20 years of special ops hardcore military training under the tutorship of grand masters with hundreds of years of combat experience - transforming you into what's basically a hardcore navy seal

> never heard of chainmail
> never heard of armor in general - has her fucking bra out
> has scars and shit because too retarded to buy armor
> runs in fucking highheels through the forest
> breaks her knee or some shit because highheels are retarded to run in
> cries and has to be rescued over and over again
> loses every fucking fight in cutscene
> runs like she's afraid to break a nail
> doesn't do a single practical and useful thing the entire game
> muh vulnerable anime gurl

If you wanna make a porn game, make a fucking porn game. This dogshit i can't take seriously.
Witcher 3 was a shit game and only 15 year old coomers who cream themselves to "hnnnnnng i can see ciris BOOOBIEEEES" liked it

kys and let me have some fucking realism in my games. You can have your bikini armor dogshit anime inflation futa catgirl fetish as mods you fucking retards.

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Image smell

She dueled the leader of the Wild Hunt and won
She dueled the bounty hunter who killed 3 witchers and won
try again faggit

sounds like someone who values armor and wears it - as every witcher or male character ingame does.

apparently women are just brainlets in the witcher universe.

she's beautiful and makes witcher 3 the greatest game ever made

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Tbh she isnt dressed that different from geralt in witcher 1

it's written by a guy, remeber?

wtf u talking about???
this mfer has chainmail & padding all over - especially chest area and torso.

It's not great - but it's a little more believable than "i'm wearing a bra & blouse"

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She's dressed like any other witcher. Try again faggit.

> both are supposed to be fighers
> notice any difference?

Fucking coomers ruining my videogames...

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>leather and cloth
>leather and cloth
Try again, faggit.

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she doesn't need armor with her powers
maybe she has magic armor

Nice witcher 3 picture.

> Brings up fucking witcher 1 - a game nobody was talking about and everyone knows is garbage.

Geralt is wearing gambeson, chainmail & brigandine, which is plate armour. Highly protective against all kinds of weapons.

> Ciri is wearing blouse, bra and leggings.

dumbass coomer game.

Wtf is wrong with pic related??? Why not this?
Let me answer:
Because you fucking retards couldn't cream yourselves to this and it makes sense.

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imagine being this autistic

get help

> cries and rees about games pandering to feminists
> loves when games pander to coomers like him


300 confirmed kills

Imagine thinking it's wrong to ejaculate

Your mistake is thinking women can be fighters in the first place, every thought that comes after this is fucking dumb and should be dismissed.

You always have to find the root of the problem dumbfuck.

i have nothing against coomer porn games, i have something against coomer games that pretend like they're serious videogames meant to be taken seriously.

Like fuck - is pic related a joke?
This is supposed to be a soldier - and she wears her jacket open because she's REBELLIOUS.

Why the fuck wear a brigandine jacket anyways if she decides to commit suicide and keep her heart open to anything that might stab her??

fucking polaks

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based and ciripilled

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>Yeah women are logical
In reality these women should all be wearing dresses, cleaning and cooking for their designated husbands.

> imagine a sperglord like you could win against any female mma fighter

Does she look good? Fuck no
She looks like a roided up lab experiment gone wrong
But I don't play witcher 3 to cream myself. You can play fucking doki doki anime coomer games for that.
Gtfo serious videogames with your garbage.

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Yes, and there were two games before that where he wore significantly less armor as stated in the post which specifically stated witcher 1

good thing they changed it.

A warrior not wearing protective gear is fucking retarded, and they noticed their mistake and remedied it.

Except for muh womyns. Because they're pure and beautiful and princesses and queens and can't do wrong.

Fuck that shit.
Wear some fucking chainmail you sperg.

>20 years of special ops hardcore military training
she was at Kaer Morhen for like 8 months, then Triss took her to Ellander to train as a priestess of Melitele

Mary Sue

Witcher 3 was a serious video game?

>incel gets triggered by woman in video game
>muh realism

We get it you hate women because youre a fat retard now kill yourself

this is true tho

> Yas Forumstard talking about hating women

The irony

>and everyone knows is garbage
shut your whore mouth


Yas Forums is on the forefront of whining about muh vidyagaems are ruined by jew controlled feminists who wanna cuck the white men so blacks replace us.
> Imagine complaining about videogames pandering to feminists
> Imagine complaining when videogames don't pander to coomers

the fucking irony.

I have no problem with women in videogames, i have a problem with titmonsters in videogames. If i wanna jerk off, i'll watch porn. Get this shit off my actual games and give ciri some fucking armor.
It's a fucking joke she runs around like a streetwhore in gta while she's supposed to be a "meelee fighter"

Yennefer is the only character in witcher3 that has an excuse to run around in skimpy clothes - because she doesn't fight. She uses her looks & charm to manipulate people, and she can't throw a punch.

And she's the only one who's not fucking skimpily clothed.

Polaks are fucking smoothbrains.

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>witcher 1 - a game nobody was talking about and everyone knows is garbage
Fuckin zoomers man

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You realize Yas Forums is not someone or an entity of some sort right? What you claim is only the ravings of a couple lumatics and nothing more. I also dont know why you're furious about something so trivial but its worrying. You might need professional help.

ciri dresses in "skimpy" clothing to draw attention away from her scar that she is too insecure to realize is sexy

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The Witcher 3 was an objectively bad game in every possible regard and to say anything different is shitposting.

It is literally impossible to praise or discuss TW3 without resorting to shitposting.


fucking cope.
If that's the case, that old perverted fuck who wrote the books must've clarified it right? Because it sure as fuck isn't clarified in the games. She just runs around in skimpy armor same reason why the ninjas in senran kagura have H cup tits.

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she is sexy as fuck more women need scars

>If that's the case, that old perverted fuck who wrote the books must've clarified it right?
i don't read the faggy non-canon books
>Because it sure as fuck isn't clarified in the games.
ciri literally says it herself you dumb fuck.

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you must be gorean to think ciri's outfit is skimpy

It better be some real good fucking feelsy story that's believable. Because i didn't see shit mentioned anywhere.
I know there was that one scene where she was self concious about her scar with the old ladies on skellige or something, but she was self concious about her nakedness in general.
Just because she finds her fucking scar ugly doesn't give enough reason to ditch all armour and basically commit suicide just so you can have your tits out while swinging your sword against ice monsters who don't give a fuck about tits.

Bitch can teleport, why the fuck would she need armor?

skimpy compared to actual useful combat attire in that time, yeah.

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Ciri is always on the run, better to dress lightly.

Ciri can teleport

her teleportation combined with her combat skills makes armor needless. she talks about it to geralt on the boat, you clearly rushed through the game without paying attention to the dialogue options.

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maybe armor makes her teleport ability impossible?

> she breathes through her skin so she must wear a bikini

she utilizes a witcher's fighting style but hasn't gone through the mutations and is a woman so armor will slow her down too much

she's a full dexfag

>boomerang jaw

They mention he was fixing the scar and it was massively improved. Prior to Witcher III it was much worse.

anime has warped your brain

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except she is not wearing a bikini she is wearing a pretty standard outfit for the time

...and that's a good thing

nah, ciri legit has an inhuman glass cutting car bumper for a jaw

Try 1 year, and witchers only wear basic protection in the source material.

Imagine her smell

Are we being raided by Discordtrannies again?

I mean she's kindof a cross between a witcher and a sorceress.
It kindof fits her character.

I get the impression that women dress sexy in the Witcher games because they want to look sexy. It's not like MGS where they are just tits with a sniper rifle.

Nah hes just a headcase

She cute

Good points, but I forgive her on behalf of being a western Youmu.

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