If FFVII Remake does well, what other classic rpg would you like to see remade?

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Super Mario RPG

Let's be honest, it'll sell millions but the Jews at Square will say it barely made cash.

Just make a Tifa thread.

Chrono Trigger

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barefoot is gross

I'd be happy with just a port of Breath of Fire 3 and 4.

legend of mana

>not liking any part of female body.

I'd rather not see my favorite games split into multiple "episodes" and sold at full price

Anus > feet

Why are you lying?

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This man is a true patrician.

Final Fantasy 8.

Describe the smell

>what other RPGs do you want to see made into a bastardized demo of disc 1 where most of the content is gone?

Is it true that Tifa tits got nerfed?

Breath of Fire 2
Dragon Force (not really an RPG though)

All the turn-based Final Fantasy games.
Turn based RPG is for autistic retards.

Who cares about smell. Soft and silky texture of sole skin is most important.

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These are the only two jrpg girls who have canonically had sex


Who is actually sitting there for hours making all this shitty “art” that gets posted everywhere?


Why wouldnt they? Fetish artist are paid well. People are getting really autistic and addicted to porn so they are not satisfied with regular stuff for free anymore.

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FFVI with the new Mana engine, that'd be cool.

I know, right? She isn't even having her ass eaten out. Terrible artwork.

How do I get a saucenao button on 4chanX?
I always go through iqdb to get there, but it's annoying to do every time.

Yeah like who can get turned on by this art where feet are shown so... delicious.. i mean dusgusting. yes disgusting. Who even enjoy soft and clean and silky feet anyway, right guys?

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Dude that's a good fucking idea

This in 3D without random encounters PLZ

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I'm STILL mad they changed the hero's name from Abel to some gay shit in the localisation

This thread is incredibly dumb but this post is currently the dumbest around.

Parasite Eve

I'd keep it ATB, what do you think?

Yea I'd agree, it could even be done by the same studio potentially if the Trials of Mana remake ends up good, it looks great so I imagine it will.


how the hell did this game escape so many BLACKED jokes anyway

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ps2 version

>mfw thought the foot was a benis from the thumbnail

Because people weren't obsessed cucks in the 90s.

Not everything needs a fucking remake. At the very least maybe a re-release so that they are available on current consoles, remastered with QoL features.

because barret has a heart of gold under the jailhouse nigga demeanor

I remember this game was way ahead of its time

Anyways I'd like a FF8, FF6, or FF9 remake but I really want a Terranigma remake.

I guess Americans weren't as obsessed with black cocks as they are now

Will literally never happen

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Would you let Tifa dig her dirty, sweaty feet in your face?

It's hardly a classic and everyone who's played it did so with fan translation, but I could (wish to) see Capcom reviving Sweet Home IP for reimagining especially since RE7 and remakes proved that there's still mainstream demand for horror games.

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Breath of Fire 3

This game was really shit. I grew up broke and got to get 1 used game a year on my birthday, and I spent that game on Quest 64 when I was 7. It was a boring slog of a game.

Rather Jessie’s, but sure.

Legend of the Dragoon would do so well on newer consoles, it was way ahead of its time gameplay-wise as an RPG

I'd settle for an hd port. Still my favorite Square game.

Feet are gross
God invented socks for a reason

It's a Sony game though, on Steam one day I guess?