Granblue Versus

>lmao what if we make a DLC character that's just a costume for one that's already in the game

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keep crying djeetafags

>still no steam page

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when is this coming to pc again? is there a way to get online to work if you pirate the game?
i would buy the game on pc but >no code

Moni moni when?

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Reveal in may for sure.

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>lmao what if we make a new game for a character that's just a recolor for one that's already in the game

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how do you know what she is when they only showed off 3 moves?

Man the scratch cards have been almost nothing but cock teases so far, really hope i get something good before they end.

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Because 2 of those 3 moves were special moves and that's like 50% of a GBVS character movelist.

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How much more do these dudes have to work compared to creating a character in Tekken or SF? Realistically, how many more characters from GBF will there be in this game?

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Supposedly on the 13th

>characters have 3 special moves
>2 supers
>less than 20 normals
>work more than sf and tekken

What 6th anniversary weapon did you choose

I'm not crying I'm glad shes finally in soon

Enjoy your berries

>catgrill sidetits

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Ca Ong stick. I just need one more scales drop to FLB it so I didn't pick that one.

Anubis stick. Just got Caim so seemed obvious. Only thing that was making me question was getting a Windhose since I missed out on it when I literally just started, but the day that comes back it’s an easy grind before the 1000+ Anubis raids I just probably saved myself from

I just picked a random one since I started playing this shit like 3 days ago and don't know anything

No idea what to pick, i remember Anubis stick was the new hotness not long ago so may go for that.

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I ended up getting Zeph but I already have a M2 wind grid. Is it worth investing in Zeph?

a clone character is hardly the most pathetic thing granblue fans have ever paid for

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Anyone got some Hard mode RPG tips? Where the fuck do I get full arsenal 2, and how the hell do I level up all the other characters to at least 60 without wanting to jump off a bridge.

Buff Charlotta pls

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Scratchy scratchy in an hour losers. Anyone who gets grand weapons should hang themselves. Thanks for tuning in maggots.

ignore that, I hope you get what you are hoping for today user!

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I think I will wait until the last day to scratch all of them.

Post hopes for the scratch cards.

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Ticket for Ilsa(light)

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Answer this noob question. Is there any reason why I should have one m2 weapon in a primal grid if I can use a good grand weapon instead? Especially for a Caim grid


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Cute Draph(fake).

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djeeta is shit and not canon MC.

jesus fuck this slime boost is the shit

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how did arcsys get away with selling so many dlc characters still so close to release without much backlash?

post your favorite doujin pls

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Last games weren't that bad so they could get away with it.
FGC's whipped.
Average gacha player can't smell bullshit these days.
whatever excuse really
The first victim has been claimed.

>full arsenal 2
Hard Mode Ferry Quest

Well scratch was just some half elixirs and i got frenzy already, 7 rolls and just a gold moon.

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keep defending your stupid clone fag.

BB, nor any of the games linked to BBTag have clone characters.

DJ should have costume changes since thats the true main gimmick Gran and her have over the rest of the collection of paid JPEGs. if the problem is time and resources, then release her as part of the second or third pass so they have the time to make the required assets and make her right.


Thank you! Any particular levels in tower or should I just drag one low level guy with a high one? For reference I'm pretty early in hard mode, only got the first 4 islands unlocked.

Only if you have a bunch of grand weapons.

if nothing else, I've won 3000 Crystals twice and some Ultima Units. I'd love to get another Ixaba to finish uncapping this one for free but whatever.

Time was never a problem since she was in development from the start like Gran was. Then they cut her so they could put her in an incredibly overpriced season pass

Nothing this time but I still have hope

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oh yeah, you are right, the devs downright implied she was made for a quick cashgrab.

So, how are BB characters bad or clones again?

I need to buy the DLC.

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I'd like to win a Sacred Standard tomorrow so I have a single decent Light limited character.

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