goty 2020
minorities btfo
Goty 2020
nazis aren't far right
they're nazis.
Far left you mean.
>SJWs make a FPS
>get Doom and Half-Life
>anti-SJWs make a FPS
>get Ethnic Cleansing and this
The right can’t game.
> Hitler
> "Christchurch Mosque Shooter"
Kinda weird that this person doesn't seem to have a name but that seems significantly less evil than Hitl--
>Donald Trump
Okay I'm done here.
John Carmack is a SJW?
>Thinking Doom and HL are SJW
you black-and-white thinking retards are fucking retarded
>>get Doom and Half-Life
>rightwing extremists aren't far right
pretty sure he's not a "race war rah rah" kind of guy
John Romero said trans rights, and Gaben has criticized Trump and donated to Democratic candidates.
>socialists are far right
Fucking nazi spider
they are just games autists
>minorities btfo
So what's the actual game called?
The Nazis were socialists.
national socialism is not far right stupid.
You realise it's the creator of the game who put them together and not the person reporting on it?
and does that mean he is a sjw?
When's the console port?
Who isn't, by Yas Forums's standards? But Romero definitely is.
If the Nazis are socialists then why does Yas Forums pretend to hate Bernie?
Can bernie even survive a term? The guy is like 700 years old
I can hate jews and niggers without being a nazi.
“SJW” is just an attempt by the right to make “person who doesn’t hate minorities” sound negative, so yes.
That's why Tulsi is still in the race. Her only competition for the nomination are two dudes who are old enough for sickness or age to take them out at any minute.
>durr it says socialism in the name
Nazis are as socialist as the DPRK is democratic
But it does mean you have more in common with Nazis than any actual socialist.
t: SJW
BASED. Tell 'em like it is!
So what?
Nazis only hated jews and had the standard non-US opinion for niggers at the time.
so you're basing your ideals on hatred instead of standing for something
you're an empty husk of a human
where are those extremist and what extreme things do they do?
Delusional to say the least.
Buzzword at this point. I don’t “hate” animals but I recognize that they are objectively lower than humans. Same goes for primitive cultures.
standing for hatred is standing for something.
no it just means you're a bitter sperg
Is this based or cringe?
>John Romero said trans rights,
I would expect no less from the icon of sin.
You know, genocide, and shit
Genocide doesn't have a political leaning
Critisizing trump and being a democrat isnt sjw
When your political platform is genocide I find it hard to believe that
Ah, I see you have a double digit IQ
Because he's only advocating for economic solutions rather than anything final
Where is my game where I play as Duke Nukem oh wai-
yeah i don't give a shit
Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day. The news article is old as dirt. The game itself like Ethnic Cleansing or ZOGs Nightmare 1 & 2 is very low quality.
What genocide?? what are you even talking about?
Nazi's wanted eugenic purity. There is no political leaning right now that wants that.
I know that's already plenty impressive to someone who can only boast of a single digit, so I won't crush your little heart by revealing the truth.
Why would they mention nothing but the game and nothing about its developer? People are dumb. The game did not fall out of thin air.
They also wanted to kill Jews and Socialists. That was their main deal, really.
romero is a hack "ideas guy" who rides in the sucess of carmacks game.
That was a means to an end you retard. That's like saying "You just wanted to buy some wood, not build a house!"
LMAO peak backpedalling
they actually tried more peaceful solutions like deporting the jews but no country wanted to take them in as refugees, hence why it was called the "final solution"