Are you still playing? what are your hopes and wishes for warhammer 3?

are you still playing? what are your hopes and wishes for warhammer 3?

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a game

I was just installing the balance beta thing.
My main hope for WH3 is mostly just more things. More races, diversity, more things to do over all. I would really like to see improved siege battles, but fewer of them over all, and deeper diplomacy like region trading.

There are a lot of little improvements they could do that start to stand out after you play enough, but honestly I'd even be happy with just more map and more races now that turn times are fixed.

better AI, sieges and diplomacy is by far the most important for me

Better Sieges, 3 Kingdoms diplomacy and AI, Beastman/Wood Elves Rework, Ogre Kingdoms/Kislev/Chaos Dorfs/Ruinous Powers as races.

What said. I want better and actually interesting sieges, I want AI that actually builds a unique stack instead of 20 doom divers, and diplomacy that actually matters.
I also want /ourguys/.

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No. Stopped when the Vampire Coast DLC came out and added some literal who rabble to be on the same level as the Empire or the Dark Elves. And with embarrassing original content too.

Plague Marines and Genestealer Cults

Better AI is far too subjective to get a proper measure of.

What hero was it for Dark Elves that makes slaves better so you want to have a pile of them hanging out?

how will ogres work with the large/small entity system?

>are you still playing?
>what are your hopes and wishes for Warhammer 3?
That it doesn't get made and CA actually make good Total War games again like Shogun 2, Rome 2, and Empire/Napoleon instead of this gutted and watered down dogshit.

Maybe just give them them some defense bonus vs anti large or something idk. I just want to play a bunch of fat mongols eating everyone.

All of them? Except maybe Hellebron, that's debatable.

Radious + mixu triples the content of the base game, i know it kinda fucks up the balance but i couldn't care less. More is more, and humans are too weak in vanilla anyway

They'll all be large entities, probably, with Gnoblars filling out the expected chaff unit option. Even basic Ogre infantry have an above average stat line with armor so I expect them to be expensive with smaller than average unit totals, but with armor and high charge bonuses and damage. Their downside will be their naturally large size making anti-Large and ranged weapons more effective against them, and Gnoblars sucking in general.

I'm so sick of ordertide, norsca and chaos warriors are currently beyond pathetic

Eat shit 40kiddo, this isn’t asetting where everyone whines about the Horus Heresy for ten thousand years, there are other factions beside ebul humans

40k would be grate
But it is only faint hope

what the fuck are you talking about? can you even read?

If you're trying out new LL campaigns is it better to play them in vortex or just do mortal empires every time?

For example, Queek has bonuses to fighting Greenskins and Dwarfs, but you hardly get to use those bonuses in the vortex campaign because you start in the Southlands.

vortex sucks unless you aren't in the race (tomb kings and vampirates)

>hopes and wishes for warhammer 3

No standalone campaign. Focus exclusively on Mortal Empires from day 1. Improve AI across the board and have them role play a little more both in and out of combat. Give a toggle option to have AI treat the player as another AI, I don't want Archaon to zero in on my position every single game and my allies to turn on me the moment I finally create some peace and quiet in the world because "hurr the gamer wants epic gamer war moments, someone must always attack the player". Chaos Dwarves. Nippon. Cathay. Expand naval combat.

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Mortal Empires sucks for races that aren't in it for massive land takeovers. Ershin and Vampirates come immediately to mind.

vortex is much better than the slog known as mortal empires. Maybe if they had actual campaign goals that didnt take 350 turns to reach

>are you still playing?
No I got burnt out on warhammer
>What are your hopes and wishes for warhammer 3?
That every lord gets something nice by the final patch so we we don't end up with characters or factions that are objectionably bad. That is it and maybe make ogres fun as for everything else I either don't care or I know that ca won't do it.

is this bait?

I just play dark elves.

No beacuse managing late game total war is boring as fuck, especially in mortal empires

desu I've watched too much LegendofTotalWar and now I go into Warhammer 2 and immediately cheese fucking everything simply because I know how to do it and can't stop myself.

I've been playing a bunch of Three Kingdoms TW lately. Love that game. Still easy to cheese, but there's enough depth to the campaign and diplomacy that it's still interesting to actually play for long games.

I want orcs to stop fucking sucking

I agree.
Its more fun with a no confederations mod, but in the end you just have 3 or more megablob factions + you on the entire map.
I never played vortex and i dont plan on doing it, but there ought to be a way to have a diverse amount of factions without them being so weak that you just end up steamrolling them.

betta boyz

that's lame

>Rome 2, and Empire

They're supposedly next in line to get an update.

Hero? Master for slave decline reduction or khainite assasin for bigger income. With enough masters you can reduce decline to 0.

I pirated the game and dropped it within 20 minutes fuck total war shit series

Just let me roleplay with whatever faction I pick for 6000 turns, I'm not trying to speedrun or "win the game" like some pro gamer nerd who plays these games past the point where the original interest expires but "something to prove"-ism syndrome kicks in.

I'm sorry that you have bad taste, user-kun, but we still love you.

>Watching legend
Why would you watch that salty bitch ass crybaby with terrible opinions on army comp?

Game feels a bit stale right now, but it's still fun. New beta patch seems intent on spicing things up a bit though.
Hope to see a more fun diplomacy and sieges for the new one. Heard chinkdoms did interesting things there.
Wait for another 1-3 months, next DLC will be released by then and most definitely be focused on revamping Greenskins.

four player coop please, the map is so big i'd love to play with my friends and we all meet up at like ulthuan and fight for the maelstrom.

how are they on the same level? They always die out come the midgame, never ever get stronger than middling power and can't hold a candle to the big three (HE, DE, Empire)
balancing is fucking fantastic, lorewise

Cope more, faggot. CA are actually updating and working on the game far more than any other total war game they've ever shat out. They actually give a shit about this one, unlike the shitty medieval ones you're stuck on

Waiting for this thing to go on sale ffs

Campaigns can take a bunch of hours. Good luck getting 4 people to be there and fully committed for so long without the campaign taking months to complete. 4 people is a big enough number that someone will always have work or something.

Buy the base game and creamapi the dlc faggot.

it's currently cheaper on keysites than it will ever be on a sale

Late campaigns are such a slog. But that's the case for all the TW games really.

The game gets very boring and samey without win conditions. That and the fact I cant play it these days without 90+ mods

too spooked to do this

Which is why I play one faction a year for about 20-30 hours and then uninstall until next year. That's plenty of fucking time spent on WH2, you guys need to play other vidya.

the vortex has 1 extremely boring win condition, you can freely set your own goals in ME

Yea but the win conditions you set dont have an actual endings. I want a goal to focus towards that I can complete in 200 turns or so, which vortex usually gives

it gives you the same win condition, underwhelming cutscenes and ending with every non-dlc race

Ogre kingdoms, Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos Gods and Nagash. 7 New factions in total.
Tzeentch will have the Inevitable City. The only city in the game that can move and spread chaos corruption.
Nurgle will have a special attrition damage. Be ready for that your units will have half their health when a fight against a Nurgle army starts.
Slaanesh has a special unit called vessels. While useless in combat they are needed for Slaanesh special cities called flesh gardens.
Khorne will have uncompared units but they are expensive and takes forever to build. Your typical 5 man army.
Chaos Dwarfs are like Dwarfs but with a lot more focus on war machines. Kind of like mecha dwarfs.
Ogre kingdoms has strong units but are very weak moral like.
Nagash felt betrayed by the tomb kings for his death. While not an enemy of them he is not allied with them. If he dies the faction is beaten. Nagash can flee combat at any point which makes him an incredible nuisance, even with a small army. Think of him like the Skel-Monsta from Bubble Bobble. You can never truly beat him but you can keep him weak.
Chaos invading force should remain and be unchanged.

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all i want is for an option to completely disable diplomacy prompts (except people declaring war obviously)
i fucking hate pressing end turn, alt-tabbing to some porn, and tabbing back in just to see some dwarfs offering a trade agreement, like fuck off with the diplo

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the Ogres themselves wouldnt have low morale would they? The gnoblars maybe but the Ogres are driven by hunger and anger. Hopefully they also add more original units like they did vampire coast sdince the ogre armylist is pretty small

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There is a mod that does that, decline diplomacy.
I hope some of the recent experimental balance changes make it through, and for WH3 specific redo the sieges once again.

You can already do that with a mod

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