Tfw you finally realize you are bad at videogames

>tfw you finally realize you are bad at videogames

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Find good genres for you. Some games require brains over reflexes and hard work will alway spay off if you do want to git gud at something. Practice.

>tfw you realize your a videogame

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>tfw "Just okay" at vidya
>New game comes out, do pretty good. Hover in the upper third of the board
>Game matures for a while
>Start doing worse as people figure out the game
>Just don't have the patience to play one game and one game only and get really good at it
>Take a break for a little while
>Come back
>Get utterly stomped by people that have been playing the game since release and have everything about the game memorized and have everything completely minmaxed

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This, but without the stupid anime girl.

>really good at games
>never done anything with it
>every game that gets popular and monetized i hate
>Shit at everything else and lazy

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90% of games are easy as shit
It's only a problem if you play Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, Souls games or Spacechem

>tfw used to have godlike aiming and reaction times in ut99, q3a and cs 1.6
>get old
>decide to download the half life remake since it's been literally decades since I've played an fps
>feels like I'm an old boomer trying to play video games for the first time
>realize my neurons have all rotten away

you'll never be a real woman

>tfw reactions are a little slower and made worse by overthinking and over analyzing situations where quick action is far more beneficial

I feel that feel you feel so well.

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Thank god
>realize i'll never be a real man either
Wish I drank less milk as a kid

Yeah every game is easy and you're some game god.
You realize there are plenty of people who would say your listed games are "piss easy" right?


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what does milk have to do with anything

fuck are you me

this was the only reason to get games at release, because nobody had developed meta yet

I want to play Monster Hunter with people online, but I feel like they'd lose their patience with me. At least I have a couple irl people to play MH with.

I can say with complete confidence that if you bother to read the tutorial and understand a game's basic mechanics you are already better than ~80% of people who play. Even now the bar is pretty fucking low.


is that even true? if you drink milk you'll be a trap?

Does it even matter whether you are good or bad at videogames as long as you are having fun?

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>tfw you finally realize you are good at most of the things you do.

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>tfw you do nothing but play video games
>tfw you suck ass at all of them

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>cant beat the game
>stop having fun
>get depressed

>Even now the bar is pretty fucking low.

>tfw bad at vidya, below average intelligence
>always marveled at how super smart people sere to figure out exploits and super optimized gameplay
>spent my whole life believing im low iq
>still btfo my coworkers and boss with basic problem solving skills

i've yet to see the bottom of the barrel, and that scares me.

>tfw you only come to Yas Forums to fap and nobody post anything remotely fappable

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sucking ass at video games is not very agp animeposters

>Find good genres for you
this. I can't accept that there's nothing that you're not at least adequate at.

life is zero sum game

why not just go to /trash/

Literally me.

Basically the dude who reads the instructions and tricks people are posting online, I get ahead because of it while everybody is clueless, and then I start getting stomped when everybody else catches up.

Of the billions in the world, is it so strange to think some people out there are just shit at everything? Just because other people can do stuff and it's easy for them, doesn't mean it's the same case for me. I was born to be mediocre at best everything I do, but considering the amount of time put into said thing, it gets very depressing.

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>Those people on Yas Forums who told you that reactions don't degrade with age were lying
I've never dropped video games for any real portion of my life, but I'm so clearly getting worse at them.

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people who say reaction times don't degenerate with age in the average person have not aged.
I just hit 33 and it is still happening. the only person I know who it has not happened to is my 62 year old uncle, and that's only in flight sims, and that's only because he was an actual military fighter pilot and only quit because he lost an eye, he still loves that shit and plays exclusively flight sims/games. as for us normal people though, I would say my reaction time internally is about the same if a little worse, but my hand eye coordination time is much worse, so I now see shit happening and literally know I can't do shit about it, I just have to watch it happen because my body won't respond quickly enough. when I was a teenager my hand-eye reaction time was 8-11ms, it's now nearly 30ms, that feels like shit.

This has honestly whats been killing my motivation to play video games lately.
I just come here to shitpost now, i don't even play anything past ps2.

Don't fap every day dude. Do it once every ~3 days. You'll feel less lethargic and better in general. Plus when you actually do get to fap it'll feel amazing

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videogames are shit

I always thought I was average but then I see people online struggling with shit that was easy for me.
Or they hype up a boss to be fucking impossible and it only take me a few tries.
I'm still average, right? Everyone else is just bad?
Anyone else have this same feel?

You can't be shit at an old school crpg, user. It's just numbers and d&d rules. You can certainly fail, but that's not from lack of skill, it's from simply not putting forth any effort to understand the game.

It's getting to the point where I'm becoming confused by events in video games, like straight up baffled at what's going on to the point I'm like a deer in headlights.

>Could handle huge clusterfuck fights no problem when I was younger
>Now if 2+ people are attacking me I just shut down

>don't have time to keep up with multiplayer metas so just don't bother with multiplayer
Esports and metas ruined videogames.

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I am on a two week fapcycle and I am just as lethargic and demotivated as when I fapped every day

at this point you'll have to define "being good at games" to me. have you not beaten any games? or is this not enough?

This but without the stupid anime girl.

Not him but how do you actually do this? Like i use the urge to fap as an outlet to help me sleep. I live by myself and its all i really do. I just get bored, take a break from whatever im watching/playing to fap and usually pass out in like 30 minutes. It doesnt even spring from anything anymore. I just start scratching my balls or something and it feels nice so i start going at it. The only time i ever can take a day off from it is when im just completely exhausted from work and literally just want to pass right out.

I've been there, then I realized that doing it multiple times in a day feels better

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not him but I doubt I'm top 10% at any game. Don't have the smarts for strategy, the reactions for shooters and other fast shit, or the autism for fightans.

who was that starcraft gook who said "to any aspiring professionals, don't even try, you aren't cut out for it, this isn't the same as just playing the game" or something like that? The difference between you and a shitter is the same as the difference between you and an actual good player in almost all situations. In reality, the shitter is the "average" player who in our eyes is just fucking bad, but imagine how someone who is at the top of the game looks at those people when they see you the same as you see them? The key is to never attempt to be the best at something, you will almost always be happier, and that doesn't just apply to games; I know that mindset is unamerican and my boomer parents are currently calling me a commie, but, just give up on your dreams and you will be happier.

What is Dead by Daylight

I really would like to cut it down to just once per day, but often I just get bored/frustrated and really feel like it, even when I've done it twice or three times already that day.

Does it even matter? I'm very good at video games but it doesn't fucking mean anything. I don't enjoy anything that has a pro scene and even if I did, being very good doesn't mean you're suddenly pro. You need to put effort and fuck doing that.

then you have no pressure to play good because you can't. You're free.

>Minmaxing faggots and meta retards just suck all the fun out of everything and turn any game into basically a spreadsheet simulator
>Honorable mention to sniperpussies that have the map memorized and just lay on their belly with their mouse in the same spot and just clicking once any time something moves around the corner into that spot

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>i use the urge to fap as an outlet to help me sleep.
I don't understand how people do this, is this the normal reaction? for me it's always been that after I fap, whether it's for 10 minutes for 8+ hours, I am always wide awake and it's impossible for me to sleep, if I fap at night before bed I will -always- be just laying in bed all night, I physically cannot sleep after I do it.

>tfw you realize you are too good at videogames

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Minmaxers are a fucking cancer upon everything they touch, literally anti-fun, they never seem to enjoy it themselves either.

You sound like you voted for Bernie.

That's a boy

>mfw my wife wants to have sex every day but doesn’t understand it feels better and I’m harder if wait a day or two between fucks

Drop the idea that doing well compared to others is required for fun, user.
I played path of exile for over 1000 hours on HC and never once "completed" the game because what I did the whole time was try to get through all the acts and difficulties while leveling as righteous fire, which damages you and everyone around you at the same time. I never "succeeded" but I always had fun.
It's okay to find pleasure in one good dodge or throwbreak in a tekken match even if you lost the match.

The only one I am bad at are old tactical games like the original Ghost Recon but that is probably because I am out of practice on that genre.

nope, trump. I respect him as a valuable asset to shitposting, anyone with the energy at over 70 years old to call people losers at 2am on twitter has my vote every day of the week.

And why should that stop you? Keep practicing, that's the entire appeal of console gaming.

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>have two hours a day to play games
>oops I died
>oops I died
>oops I died
>I made zero progress
No thanks I'd rather read a VN

>I’m harder if wait a day or two between fucks

your dick is fucking broken man

it should be like that

this both of these types of people are fucking aweful to play games with. Faggots who use sniper rifles get captured and tortured to death in real life for a good reason, no one fucking likes you. if you use a sniper rifle you are a huge piece of fucking shit go out back and noose yourself

Seconding this

>Maybe all this jacking off is burning me out
>Because, borderline obsessive compulsive masturbator
>Obsessive cumpulsive, if you like
>Want to turn some things around
>Spend about a year masturbating no more then once a week
>Don't feel any better
>Fuck this
>3 faps a day
>Don't feel any worse
>All faps feel pretty much as amazing anyway
>Small health complication with my dad lights a fire under my ass
>Do the bare minimum to turn some shit around
>Couple more vigorous hikes with the dog
>Few minor changes to diet
>Just a little cardio, just a little weight lifting
>Radical changes? Fuck no. Just a time or two a week and slightly better choices with diet
>Still have cake, still have days where I sit on my ass and vidya
>Feel fan-fucking-tastic
>And still jacking off three times a day
Don't fall for the memes. Just jack off and take a hike. You'll feel great.

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Of all the things to be bad at, vidya isnt the most tragic option.