FF7 Remake

>1 month to go

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cloud is so sexy

Hyped as fuck

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>game will be stretched full of filler to ensure that it reaches acceptable JRPG length without actually telling the entire FF7 story
>waiting half a decade to see another 33% of the story through
>on another console generation
>and a third remake version, as well
>spending 500 dollars on a PS4 + three increments of 60 dollars on a remake that will tell one (1) full Final Fantasy story

>when you can emulate the original for free
>and you know the remake will never surpass the original

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and of course doomers are posting walls of desperation

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>tfw able to enjoy both versions
>more FF7 even being a bad thing

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Cloud loves Aeris

15 years of your life + 680 dollars + tax for the full story

lol okay retard
stay desperate

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Is it not true that you will be spending 500 dollars on a PS5 + 180 dollars total on 33% chunks of remakes for the next 15 years
I love how the game looks but why the fuck didn't they just make a single 60 dollar 80 hour FF7 remake that actually tells the whole story in one shot

j-just 13 months to go, pc chads!

>he's still going

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go get your TORtanic fix elsewhere

Just answer my question
Will you be spending over half a grand on one game

fuck off retard

the demo is fun as fuck lads

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If I was a Final Fantasy fan, I'd be pissed that Squeenix was sucking you dry for this game. Shoving Sephiroth in early and shit like that to get you hyped which completely ruins his portrayal in the original
And I will remind you of that 680 dollars + tax

Let's be honest, the side quests to stretch the game out are gonna be fetch quests and bounties. Why is it only JRPGs that do this? Give me one JRPG where they had different shit for side quests like investigations and whatnot, similar to the Witcher.

cry harder bitch nigga

You still haven't answered the question, just a yes or no will do fine
Will you be buying a PS5 (around $500) for FF7R's next two games which will be $60 each?

Anyone that buys this game on release is an idiot when it'll become $30 by July or August.

are people actually having fun with this cringe piece of shit garbage?



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Not that guy but I'll be buying a PS5 for a variety of reasons, and sure, FF7Remake will be one of them, and I'll gladly buy them if they are full-content games.

Technically, I'm trying to make you buy said game you want at a cheaper price and not make you regret wasting $60 on something you may or not like.

this triggers the doomposters

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>point out that FF fans will accept Square's dicking and gladly shell out several hundred dollars to play a single game
>f-fuck off
Imagine having so much corporate allegiance that you would do this. I'd buy the fuck out of this game if Square wasn't being so retarded. I guess I can just get the whole collection on sale in two decades, at least

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literal fetch quests

>>more FF7 even being a bad thing
We already established this was a bad thing 15 years ago

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>this doomie samefagging

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>Pre ordering in general for any fucking game
Are you retarded? Have you seen current game devs?

fucking triggered

Pre-ordering a modern FF is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Except for the MMO which is godlike

>Fetch quests
>Go about said building looking at murder or where did someone go

great movie and only retards who didn't understand it hate it

I don't play episodic games

seethe harder

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How has no one on Yas Forums yet to track the guy shilling this game IP number yet?

holy fuck this thread is a gold mine

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I don't give a fuck what game it is, even if it's from trustworthy company, you don't pre order period. Let someone else take the fall and if said guy says game is good, then you buy it.


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this game will break Yas Forums's brains even more

You mean how you shilled Kingdom Hearts 3 last year?

>I don't give a fuck what game it is, even if it's from trustworthy company, you don't pre order period. Let someone else take the fall and if said guy says game is good, then you buy it.
Unless you're me, because I'm never wrong and I end up liking everything I pre-order

So what, we'll get like 1/10 of the game and then wait several months for the next 1/10?

like this thread lmao

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I want to fuck Cloud

Here's what I think about your rights:

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>onlybone month to go
>thread goes full asspain mode from the start

god fucking damn

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Can't believe the protagonist of one of the best JRPGs is getting a remake that won't be full of filler and will tell a finished storyline at a reasonable price

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second half of xbc is a complete bore

After seeing SEbabies hype up FFXV and KH3 for years I don't think I can deal with hearing them crying about another disappointment, only for the cycle to repeat when the second part is announced

no you retard I was saying the game will be good despite Yas Forums wanting it to fail so miserably for no fucking reason

>demo itself is already filtering journalists and plebs

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What developer can handle the FF IP better than Square?

KH3 only sucked at launch because of Disney

Intelligent Systems

based as fuck

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Any developer who still makes good RPG's
>it was disney's fault!
The KH shills always come up with a different rebuttal

Like how FFXV was good? Like how all of the KH fans enjoyed KH3?

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>try the demo
>get it, beat it with ease
>wasn't having fun, kinda boring
More power to FF fans but it's not my cup of tea.

they literally told SE not to have any FF characters at launch

The lack of FF characters wasn't the only complaint I heard

>both performed well and received copious amounts of praise

cool story bro

FFXV was shit, no doubt. KH3 is pretty good now I and many other fans probably agree. This game seems to be doing many things very well.

Cloud's moveset is cool, but I do have one autistic complaint and I want to know if anyone else agrees.
Does anyone feel like the upswing into slide-slash is kinda weird?

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>you mean it isn't mash x to win?
>woooow man, that's hard

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>KH fans


Int 10

There are limitless games out there, I can wait for two years after release when they scrape the game together into some GOTY with all the DLC microtransaction garbage for free.

>72 replies
>17 posters

fucking kek

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>received copious amounts of praise
In what universe? Also "they sold well" isn't really a point in their favour. They were the latest mainline instalments in big franchises, good sales was a guarantee
>KH3 is pretty good now
And it only took a year to mostly satisfy fans!

>In what universe

in the universe of metacritic scores

19 now
ff7r looks fucking boring
probably my fault since I've played the original way too damn much

oh joy another doomie

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>game isnt out
>500+ ratings

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Call the cops, there's a lot ass blood ITT.

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>probably my fault since I've played the original way too damn much
Dont you think it should be the other way around
ive played the original so fucking much that its boring as shit so the remake is something fresh i can actually enjoy

>There are "people" who think Jessie is more into Cloud than Biggs.
Imagine being so socially retarded.

demo was just that good

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>all criticism is deflected by just saying "doomer"
Why has every single new Squeenix game sucked ass for the last 10 years and people are just now acting like this is going to be any different?

but old good new bad

Low 80's and mixed fan reception isn't "copious amounts of praise"


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The remake isn't that fun.

It feels like FF13, and honestly takes way more button mashing than the original RPG style.

>80s is bad when I say it is

TORtanic was a mistake

could you sound any more like a clueless parrot

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A combination of shills, desperation, a need for validation, and Square slowly improving.
It's not good enough that 7R is pretty good but flawed. It HAS to be Game of the Decade.

>ignoring the "fan reception" part
>not knowing what "copious amounts of praise" implies