Why play with original eyesore shit graphics?

Attached: FFVII Part 1_ An Epic Tale Begins 3-25 screenshot.png (3129x966, 3.59M)

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Holy shit bros...

Attached: MODS.png (2736x949, 1.81M)

If you enjoy the appeal of early PSX boxy models. Personally the mod looks off in ways I can't really put my finger on. But if you prefer the mod go for it

Because you’re just swapping one “eye sore” for another. The former is at least a part of someone’s holistic vision, whereas the latter is someone else’s lense that may be completely inconsistent with the vision. It very rarely goes right and most of the time is just a gimmick.

The environments lose texture, the character models clash, and the original looks fine.

Attached: Untitled.png (1720x1258, 2.73M)

I always play my first run of a game unmodded, I want the original experience as envisioned by the developers. Then I go buckwild on mods if I want to play again.

The fact that they were munchkins was the point.

I didnt expect /v to be reasonable
what the fuck?

because i'm playing the original PSX version on a CRT

>zoomer ESL can't handle soul
surprise, huemonkeys are garbage

Just play the game however you want. Why do you need someone to argue with you about it? Can you not be content with your decisions without being able to smear them at someone's face?

I just wanted to know why would somebody play with the og graphics if mods are available

the mod looks like shit dude

Pebblit tourist don't be fooled.
>needing mods for anything
Just don't fucking play it at all retarded zoomer, you are way too late to the party.

>you are way too late to the party.
Do you only play new games fucking cuck?
Lmao back to your ps4 nigger

why?the mods like quite better to me? especially the backgrounds,the original models look like a joke and the backgrounds a blurry mess in modern displays

Not a graphics mod but I'm actually replaying FF7 with a fan translation. There's some nice difference and nice to play it in a way that works than original shit localization. I mean it's not great but better than what is available.

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They clash with the overall art design, it's incredibly obvious.

>modern displays
not even worth discussing



>using the term zoomer

I just want a mod to fix the blow-up doll mouth that happens on the PC version.

>Just keep a CRT to play a few games bro , totally worth it,fuck modern displays

If you think that's weird Phoenix Down is Phoenix Tail.
The real nice thing is that when picking up items there's the item symbol when you do. So it's not just a text for the item but you can see if it's a normal item, materia, or other things

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>They clash with the overall art design, it's incredibly obvious.

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So you could enjoy soul.

okay tourist

if you don't like the game then don't play it

just because the flavor of the month remake is coming out doesn't mean you have pose and stunt for your discord friends

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Just emulate and play with a shader.

Define "soul"

the intended art design of the game's creator

Im not buying the Remake ,you will probably do tho

Yeah I don't know why changed it since the extra T is weird there and maybe should have just changed it to normal Barret but just kept hitting confirm to keep going.

Why does that make it soulful?

>",you will probably do tho"

another garbage huemonkey thread

looks fine to me

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I dont know what is a ESL sounds gaming to me , huemonkey is brazilian?
Dude fuck off the first world is more than Muttmerica and UK,yes Im from Europe and I wouldnt want it other way

That's how Square spells it in Japan. The mod creator doesn't understand the concept of localization. Guarantee he went with "Aerith".

it doesn't make it "soulful"

i'm saying that when you alter the piece you're removing the soul

Right? The OG models literally pop out, they look bad and out of place on top of that.

Those mods would be excellent if the animations were fixed too


look, you asked for a reason not to play

i'm telling you that you're essentially taking a painting and "updating the graphics" to appreciate it

it's an old JRPG game, it's not exactly a thrilling thing to play, if you have to mod the graphics just to "stomach" getting through it then maybe
just maybe
you don't actually like the game

you don't have to play it

FF VII modding has taken literal giant steps these last years but I dont think we are there quite yet.

do whatever the fuck you want faggot

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the same reason you’d play an old and busted game: to see what it was originally like

Backgrounds are okay, but I wouldn't use updated character models. I remember watching a video of the Tifa slapfight, and the update Skarlet model had the wonkiest looking dress.

original models for comparison

>the same reason you’d play an old and busted game: to see what it was originally like
Best reason so far,nice

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>that new tifa model
>getting thrown a rope from the old Barret model

lmao got too cocky

Why is the elevator so fucking bland in remake ?

Its a 11yo video most of it its fixed now

Possibility to make a trip to 1997.

this scene is gonna be changed into some le "epic" boss fight duel showdown in part 2 of the remake, just wait and see.

just take drugs bro

just crack your back bro

Until then, i refuse to play with those HD models, they look terrible without proper animations fixes.

yeah just like they skip the buttons minigame and how they removed the squat minigame
implying they wont just do it a qte mini game for fun

do we know if the motorcycle game made it in?

user, you have to be fucking kidding me
ill just assume you havent seen anything at all since 2015
but yes.

i'm trying to maintain my interest and hype at "passive"

i saw the gameplay compared to KH and then someone said there's no jump button and I've noped out since

>no jump button

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The background is good the new character models have had some soul removed

i didn't like crisis core's gameplay desu

zoom zoom

It's autological

>the new character models have had some soul removed
You know I would agree with you but they could have atleast tried to blend original models with enviroment like in latter games,the original models just look bad in all senses

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