How do you avoid making your significant other upset during vidya sessions Yas Forums?

how do you avoid making your significant other upset during vidya sessions Yas Forums?

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Have them watch/suck your dick

is there anything more pretentious than forcing yourself to put punctuation into everything, even in titles which should not have any?

>autistically playing for 10 hours a day
Unless there is a new game that dropped there isn't any reason to do this unless you are a loser. The only two groups that spend this much time invested in their hobby are people who consume media like tv as a "hobby"
and people who play video games to escape from reality.

no one gives a shit about your gay lover faggot

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The people you should avoid are those who speak in faux-apathetic lowercaps at all times. To be clear, I'm not talking about people who speak without grammar in game in order to get their messages out faster. I'm talking about those who sit down to compose an image board post with all the time in the world and willfully choose to omit punctuation and capitalization. They are not doing this to save time. In fact, they may take additional time to redact habitual grammar from their posts.

Their motivation for this style of posting is simple. They are trying to present an aura of apathy. They want to communicate: "I don't care about anything, least of all the rules of grammar." The reason they work so hard to cultivate this image of emotional invulnerability is because they are, in actual fact, extremely emotional and unstable people. If you become close to them you will catch glimpses of the volatility lurking beneath their patchwork mask of cool indifference. The lowercaps poster will silently catalog transgressions you have in its eyes committed. You will only become aware of them during the rare tantrum blowups that characterize these people. They must be avoided for your own good. The faux-apathetic lowercaps posters really could not be more pathetic.

ok retard

gay post alert

Honestly this is the best answer. If she loves you then she'll play with your balls with her feet or some shit while you game.

How is it pretentious? Most people do it subconsciously.

>don't have a significant other

problem solved

Lmao seething
Looks like someone hit too close to home

Had gf suck my dick while I played battlefront too.
Just stood there making stormtrooper emotes where he cheers kek.

Our computers are at a 90 degree angle to each other. We play some stuff together but I love ghetto old games and stuff like factorio. It's always been chill and fun. We played stuff together and did much the same before we lived together but usually had skype open. Yeah were obsessed with each other.

get out of my head charles

The people you should avoid are self professed psychoanalyst.

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hahahah based

this was his face while typing out this nonsense. he thought he did something

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I dick my wife down and then she lets me do literally anything I want to do without a care.

CoD is a dumpster fire that somehow keeps on burning because of retards like you OP.

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that's not true at all. Most people don't think in sentences with periods at the end. if anything i would put it down to autocorrect.

based 110 iq poster

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imagine trying to pretend you're an authority at a pseudoscience lmao

struck a nerve lol

Do Americans really?


>Our computers are at a 90 degree angle to each other.
Disgustingly tacky

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>tfw played Starcraft 2 while getting a blowy
>tfw trying to hold it in while he is harassing me and I am trying to macro, as I am zerg
>tfw getting close while my army of hydra/roach approaches enemy base
>tfw coom as I win

true story too. Too bad i'm an incel now and I will never have a GF again.

I bet a crazy faggot like you would say that

kill yourself faggot

cool, I have a completely different story about playing sc2 while getting my dick sucked off

basically I focused on the game and didn't get hard, she got tired and since the game lasted 30 (ingame) minutes she eventually went to to masturbate on the couch

Well said.

Why do non native English speakers speak in English?

Do you guys turn airport mode off when inside the plane?
I like the sound and I also sub vocalize with actors voices when reading. Reading Generation Kill was a blast because I kept reading in the actors voices. Plus there are no equivalent words in my native language or they don't have the same impact

lowercapbros we got exposed what do we do now

Please capitalize your sentences properly, you're making this an unsafe place. Thank you.

Side effect of the cultural victory.

I don't. I just tell her I'll be busy and she respects that because she wants me to be happy and have me time. That being said, if she wanted to see me this badly, I'd alter my plans or suggest we spend time together before or after, because I'm not a fucking faux-sociopathic insensitive child.

If you love someone, spending time with them makes you happy. I feel so much pity for the 99% of people that will only ever have these forced relationships in which they consider each other a burden and call each other "babe" like a 12 year old

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english is the most informationally dense language so it's a natural fit for subvocalization

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Because its an objectively superior language as well as being the global lingua franca

Dude am I retarded? I don't get what this graph is trying to explain at all.

Yes you are retard

informational density means the amount of information per syllable
syllable rate is the average speed of a speaker
information rate should be the product of the other two but it isn't so dunno lmao

>information rate should be the product of the other two but it isn't so dunno lmao
ah it's that but it's referenced to the vietnamese one instead of being absolute information/second units

take a look at this pretentious gigafaggot

There's this weird thing too that if the author adds a character from a certain country like England or India or even a state like Texas I end up reading with that cliche accent. I do like this though, makes reading some books like Good Omens or the ones from Terry Pratchett even funnier

How the fuck do you quantify informational density when every language has a different meaning per syllable?

>Most people don't think in sentences with periods at the end
A period is a signal to an end of a sentence, and most people do think in sentences that end at some point. You usually don't assemble your thoughts and spoken words letter-by-letter either.

>Calls someone else gay
>Posts character from movies about little boys learning to cast fairy magic in a british school and discuss their feelings
Whoah dude...

i only omit the last dot in a sentence, i don't really know why i do it. as for capitalization, it actually requires more effort to capitalize properly because you need to hit an extra button every now and then. i'm too lazy to do that

On average, each word carries this much information. It takes y many syllables to deliver the same information.

Compare the two and you get an average of the language in which you can say the most in less time and words. If Esperanto were here it'd be at the top because it's made to be efficient.

For example, the German Fremdenverkehrsamt gains some points for having high information density vs English, but loses points because it's less syllables to say "tourist office"


Based. Those that do everything they can to present an uncaring image are usually the most worried about others' perceptions.

Apparently, they took a Vietnamese sentence and then Google translated it to all tested languages.

Since they assume the information transmitted is the same there's no need to define it, so all you have to do is divie 1/number of syllables.

Kind of a faulty methodology, can't imagine it would've been too hard to just find a translator. They're not odd languages.

sci-hub. tw/

Absolutely fucking based. Look at all the lowercaps niggers seething.

Nice job embarrassing yourself this badly. Read the filename

>>Posts character from movies about little boys learning to cast fairy magic in a british school and discuss their feelings
Do you think that Gandalf is from Harry Potter? Or are you just pretending to be retarded?

most of academic work is useless garbage that has no real life application

By keeping it in moderation and being honest.

I got dumped by a normie bimbo like Lillian there and got myself a tryhard gamer girlfriend, instantly sympathized with what Lillian had to go through with the bitch sneakily starting a session when I left the room to take a shit and then broadcasting audio from our living room for all her friends to hear all the while refusing to estimate whether it'll last two or six hours

There's nothing you can do about it so you might as well get something done and then you're quietly cleaning the house while watching her play with her womanbaby toys for hours upon hours which makes you resent her more than watching her fuck her boyfriend right in front of you

Gamers aren't fit to breed

its me based all lower-case zero effort into grammar poster

by not having a significant other

god im so fucking lonely

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All the knee-jerk, reactive responses to this proves you right.
Witnessed. They hated you, because you told them the truth.

>not going to bed at 11 to get proper rest
what a fucking loser

Cringe and bluepilled.

Hello there kind lady, may I please holler at you?

lol so true

she sounds like she fucks a certain kind of men

>went from having a gf to becoming an incel

how the fuck did that happen user?

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I understand, user. It's like I have to purposefully try to and put effort into typing I'm as im, and I see people format entire paragraphs like this which makes me think they're shitposting or just genuinely so stupid that their opinion does not matter because they don't know basic fucking English.

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she sounds like she loves to sit on men's faces while jerking off their cocks with her feet

>tfw always fall asleep reading academic work from my area
>have no problem reading dumb shit from WW1, even roman era or user's life story #5235
I fucking hate myself

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yeah bro bcuz spelling everything with 100% accuracy and perfect punctuation just so your slow ass can keep up is exactly what we all strive for

I'm a gamer, gamers don't have gfs, at least not attractive ones, this thread is pointless in this board

this is true i am extremely emotional and unstable but i type in all lowercase cuz i think its cuter :p

>Typing like this.
mobileposters need to be gassed and not by braps


get the fuck out of my sight, german

>he dates women
If you dated another man you wouldn't have this issue, unless said man was some wannabe female flaming faggot.

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It takes less than one second to type words correctly if you're not brain damaged.

Why do SO's want to come over only to watch something? Why not play some tabletop or paint miniatures like normal people?