

Attached: Only on playstation.png (1572x1214, 1.94M)

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>it's real this time
Pretty mediocre game though if you don't like visuals.

fuck this shit where's nioh 2 and bloodborne

no price?
if it's more than $20 they're jewing pc players, everyone played it 3 years ago

watch sonyfags go from saying this game is great to saying its shit

It's over. The console wars is finally over. There will be a new era of peace on Yas Forums.

im paying $60 for it desu
i paid more for fallen order depiste it being mediocre as fuck and only 15hrs of gameplay


so this is like BOTW but MC has a hairy vagina, right?


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lmao thats a literal declaration of war tho

So, is it okay to like this game, now that it's coming to PC, Yas Forums? Cuz I put 90+ hours into it back in 2017 and got 100% completion, and would love to discuss the amazing plot that Yas Forums said was shit for years.

>PlayStation Mobile, Inc.
Nani? It's a mobile game?

Who gives a shit?
I'm glad more people can enjoy the game.
It was fun getting to play it and be a part of the threads when it came out years ago.
Maybe this kind of shit doesn't faze me because I'm not a poorfag?

>era of peace
>Yas Forums
pick one

Can't wait for it to get ripped apart now that the Sonyffect no longer applies.

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Who asked for this?

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Killzone Shadowfall next please


who's next?

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thanks for beta testing console fags
won't even play this shit tho because it's shit because it was released on cons*le

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Is this game any good by any chance, I remember watching some cutscenes on YT and that was awlful.

I wouldn't play it even for free desu

Shadowfall was a disappointment. Don't bother.


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This, I'd take Gravity Rush as well


>Publisher: PlayStation Mobile, Inc.

It's fantastic, yes. It starts out seeming like a rather generic post-apocalyptic open-world collect-a-thon, but it turns into some really heavy sci-fi goodness. The only real fault in the game is that some of the lesser NPCs have really awful voice actors delivering lines really awfully.

You mean the vaginal discharge shit wasn't a PC mod? It's real?

jason schreier is a massive faggot but he tends to be right when it comes to leaks


why would anyone be legit upset over this? the ps4 version already sold millions of copies. putting it on pc guarantee more easy sales with out much extra work.

Now i kinda feal bad for 100% the game a year back.
I could have played a superior version.
Oh well it was a fun game might play it in a year or 2 again.

Personally i hope we get days gone and blood-borne as those games barely even work on PS4 at 30 fps.


We’ve known this for months.

At this point, I mostly wonder if this means the associated quests will make it to PC in MHW.

Fuck, why isn't this Persona 5 The Royal? Still better than nothing...

Yas Forums will just find something else and you know it. Shitposting faggotry is eternal.


Bloodborne when?

enjoy pcbros it's overhyped as fuck and it's basically an ubisoft game

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Gooks can't code to save their fucking lives.

HZD was a shit open world game on PS4 and will be the same shit on PC.

Where the fuck is Bloodborne?

I played it on PS4.
Not gonna get it on PC. I recommend you wait for a steam sale before buying. It's okay, but not worth full price.

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lmao they think they're leaving money one the table when, long term, this will hurt their console side. If 100 million consoles sold as a userbase isn't enough for them, nothing is. They're getting greedy.

>not bloodborne

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there's still retards who think that you can't play PC vidya while sitting on the couch and you need to spend $2000 on a mid tier PC


I cannot wait to see Alloy's crusty vagina in glorious true HD

You can fucking keep it, holy shit.

Nope. It's gonna bite them in the ass next gen if they keep doing it. People will eventually start spreading the idea to just wait for the pc version, just like the way people wait for goty editions now.

So does this mean Sonyfags will stop pretending this is anything more than an Ubisoft open world game knock off? Although I am curious to see what the Decima engine is capable of without being limited by PS4 hardware.

For whatever reason Sony uses their mobile brand for publishing PC games. I remember Everybody's Gone to the Rapture was also published by Playstation Mobile.

Well Sonyfags are constantly saying how it's not worth putting games on PC because everyone will just pirate it.

Nah i played it and its acualy kinda tame compared to ubi games.
The amount of tower climbing scavenger hunts is like 1/4 of a ubisoft game.
Ad the combat vs robots is acualy fun feels like a Burst of Monster hunter.
Shorter hunts but stuff including you dies faster.

But I didn't want it.
Keep your console garbotrash to yourself.

>no Judgement
>no Bloodborne
>no Gravity Rush
>no Freedom Wars
>no Ratchet and Clank
>no Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

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Daily reminder that Aloy is ugly.

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Guys, did you send your apology to him?

That isn’t how this shit works and publishers are starting to realize it. People who double dip have enough disposable income and little enough patience that they’ll get the game on launch regardless, since most exclusives have come to PC somewhere down the line thus far.

By and large, the user bases don’t intersect. People who play on console prefer a curated experience with a lower price tag and no knowledge requirements and people who play on PC are willing to put up with more technical issues and a higher barrier to entry in terms of price and know how for higher fidelity.

Consoles compete with consoles but, as a whole, do not compete with PC. It makes more sense to keep your releases console exclusive while also reaping the profits from a PC release.

>everyone alpha tested it 3 years ago

thanks for that user

They are fucking losing it

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>sony is dumping their shitty movie-games in the PC market

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>somebody posts a dude flipping right the fuck out about this in the direct announcement thread
>thread swiftly deleted
Nintendogaf my ass

More money, duh

It's happening again, we can't escape the time loop

Nobody wants that shit.

I mean I know from personal experience how hard it can be to get bad news on your birthday but even considering this bad news to begin with is still pretty pathetic.

this guy was trolling tho


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I really only want it because I was so disappointed by botw so as long as it can be better than that game which is an easy thing to do I will be happy.

There are other worlds outside this bubble, user

>i spout the obvious, i'm so smaht!
Why don't you go buy a PS4? Oh wait.

I don't care as a consumer but the business side of me finds this extremely retarded.

It's more or less a choice for short term software profit vs long term hardware profit

If the percentage of gamers not buying a ps5 increases by 10% because of this choice then sonys revenue drops by hundreds of millions

I don't understand attention whores. How little self awareness do you have to posses to throw a temper tantrum and then record the damage done and post it publicly where the entire world can see it? I know Vidya is srs bizness and all, but Jesus.

Pirate first, IMO it's a shit game, my nogamestation 4 came with KH3 and a code for the complete edition of this game, i still haven't beat it. It's easy even on the hardest difficulty, aloy is REALLY ugly and needing an endgame skill (unless you focus solely on that skill path, then you can get it by level 15) in order to reuse weapon accessories is beyond retarded.


I don't want enough games the buy a PS4, why would I buy it?

Being a playstation fan is a mental illness at this point.
Fucking brand cultists.

Nioh 2 coming in November 2020.
Bloodborne, who fucking knows. All I know is that if Sony pushed for horizon zero dawn to get a pc release then bloodborne may very well follow suit.

On a positive note, I now know that I never need to buy a console again. I would say Horizon was the straw that made my PS4 worth it on top of getting a free upgrade for FFXIV's PS4 edition, GoW, BB, and Spider-man, but now that is negated.

It's a relief to be honest

How much do I have to pay sony to fuck off away from pc?

>hardware profit
the profit margins on console hardware are shit though, I guarantee sony would make more money if their games were multiplat because at the end of the day consolefags are still going to buy sony consoles and games for their console because PC is 'too expensive and buggy' and xbox and nintendo are memes.

its nothing like botw and i dont understand the need to compare both of them
hzd is your typical script-heavy movie game, with press x to takedown or hide in the bushes from enemies like you did 10+ years ago in the PS3/XB360 era of games
there is nothing new or groundbreaking in this game and its boring as shit to me - but then again, botw isnt super interesting either, definitely more than this though