FFXIV or OSRS, which to play?

FFXIV or OSRS, which to play?

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>game for tranny erper jizzheads or game for tranny autists that rock back and forth while sitting down
Idk man maybe neither????

XIV ARR can be a bit of a drag and the post MSQ feels endless but then it picks up in Heavensward and Shadowbringers.
The game is literally "it gets good X levels/hours in", crafting and gathering are legit endgame options and I like the story

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If you must then play xiv though the truly best path is staying away from mmos.

I enjoy social games and I hate shit like FPS and ASSFAGGOTS.


It all just boils down to raiding in the endgame. Crafting and gathering is fine and I have a max level of all of those but gil is useless unless you're just buying a bunch of dps potions, so again, it boils down to raiding. And raiding is a 1 or 2 week ordeal as you take savage down which is tons of fun, followed by several months of repeating the same exact shit which will eventually bore you and start feeling like work because you DO have to show up for raid times weather you want to or not. Alternatively you can not join a proper group, but let me tell you the random player in XIV is worse at the game than anything I've ever seen in my entire life. It's out of this world how bad they are.
The only other thing I can see people doing in endgame is housing autism. If you're one of those kids who played the sims back then (and got bullied for it) you can do housing stuff and that might give you something to spend your gil on and therefore add another reason to craft/gather. So that's something though I'd still insist the engame is not worth being subbed for. Game's lead dev himself tells people to unsub.

Long story short play xiv and enjoy the journey until you reach endgame. It is a fantastic journey. Once you do reach endgame consider fucking off so you save yourself some disappointment. As for the game only getting good x hours in, I enjoyed it from level 1 so take of that what you will.

So here's an idea: instead of each raid tier dropping a new set of gear, the raids instead are a continuous upgrade path for your relic armor throughout the entire expansion. This set will always be a few levels ahead of the tome gear even with upgrades. This also keeps older floors relevant as if you intend to gear alternate jobs to BiS you have to go back and do previous raid floors for the upgrades instead of just short cutting to whatever the current tier is at.

So new Diadem has Fate bosses right? Mounts drop?

>Copying... (1%)
>30min later
>Copying... (23%)
Ps4 bros... Not like this...

No. It's a gathering zone. The hardest "boss" you'll encounter are the fish.

>This also keeps older floors relevant as if you intend to gear alternate jobs to BiS you have to go back and do previous raid floors for the upgrades instead of just short cutting to whatever the current tier is at.
Nah. All irrelevant content will die. Tomes and exp is what makes people do raids/dungeons. You bet on the fact that everyone have multiple jobs they want to play in BIS. Also jobs share gear. And there is no any rpg mechanics. So there will be no difference between artifact tank gear for example. And technically this is just same system but worse.

>300 mb update
>need free space of 50gb+ because you reinstall entire game during update

Damn, is that really how it works on PS4?

I play runescape for 14 years already and recently tried FFXIV just about a month ago
FFXIV is plastic garbage compared to runescape
FFXIV is just a barbiedoll dress up game for transvestites plus you can talk shit on OSRS all you want, but talk a little bit of trash on FFXIV and have fun with your perma mute


>FC member logs in after the patch
>Complains about DX11 crashes and lag
How to spot someone playing with nude mods.

I want to get GNB to 80 asap. Do I just spam dungeons and do daily roulettes?

I'm 90% sure. Copying time is always long as fuck no matter how big content patch is.

>tfw garbage at crafting
Should I dump these sub 90 items?
Can I actually use these for anything?

OSRS has more stuff to do. FFXIV end game is the most unfulfilling thing I've ever done, it just felt so meaningless.

>OSRS has more stuff to do
Such as? Honest question.

Can you use a real argument instead of nothing?

Lots to grind, always something to get.

He's just saying he liked OSRS better.

Well okay, can't you say that about any game with an endgame? Including xiv.

the game crashes for me too but its because of my music mods

Sure, I believe you

More varied and engaging questing, you quest because you want to not because you have to. More varied ways of leveling with multiple options and areas for leveling including minigames--not to mention more skills, rather than just spamming the same dungeon over and over with bots and such (FFXIV). I can't give specific things I haven't played in years but have been playing RS back in 2006 and FFXIV for 2 years, the variety in the world, areas, objectives, means of leveling and so on are just better and stop you from getting burnt out, not to mention you don't get capped in RS like in FFXIV every week.

True but you have variance in what you can grind out in OSRS, most of which is solo content.

what argument would like for me provide?
I made a comparison implying that in FF you do nothing but play dress up OSRS is a lot more sophisticated type of a game than the bland garbage that FFXIV is

>The game with raid and rng drops
>The game where you need to grind for literally hours just to level up one skill
>And not even the fun kind of grind, literally just click this and let it run in the background kind of grind, or completely mindless "click feathers and arrow to level up fletching constantly"

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>you quest because you want to not because you have to
What do you mean? Grinding mobs = main source of exp? XIV is story based game but no one force you to do sidequests

You said literally nothing except buzzwords. I don't care which you like more but an actual reason would be nice.

FFXIV MSQ locks basically all the content in the game, requiring you to quest to do anything at all. So if there is something you heard about that you'd like to try, chances are it's locked behind a lot of quests that may not even be part of that expansion.
>The game where you need to grind for literally hours just to level up one skill
Vs XIV where you spend those hours maxing a job to do things you've already done on another job, and play the exact same way every time and play the exact same way as everyone else. It's not different and it's an MMO issue. Fighting a boss as a tank or anything else, no matter which job you play, it's still the same thing over and over again--same steps, same procedures, just a different coat of paint and glam.


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More grind means MMO is gud

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Well not shit it’s locked behind the story. It’s a story driven game.

All story based mmos should lock content. Because otherwise it makes no sense, ruin experience and spoil story. Like in ESO. Or XI.

Yes, and I was comparing it to RuneScape where things you want to do are not necessarily locked behind hours and hours of questing. Do you realize this is a thread for comparison? Do you realize that may be a negative in OPs view? Do you realize if he thinks that is a positive then he can use that information to go play XIV?

do you guys realize this is the stealth XIV thread

>thread is literally different strokes for different folks

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Shit OP, thread is good as dead

Both XIV and OSRS are good games and the only good "big" MMOs these days, it's ultimately a matter of personal taste

It's almost like two different things attract two different types of players but yet can also have a comparable overlap that can inform someone's decision of what to play.

Neither holy shit, how much do you value your fucking time

>the only good "big" MMOs these days
What about ESO?

>throwing time value into the equation when talking about video games


but MMORPGs suck your time like a motherfucker and most of the time progress is dictated by how many hours you sit with your butt on the computer rather than your own skill

You can literally say the same for every video game.
They're all created for time consumption in exchange for enjoyment.

>implying people enjoy OSRS


FFXIV is a garbage game objectively, but it has a wealth of side-content. If you're a casual and love to fall into cliques, build houses, take part in events when Square tells you to, and play minigames, FFXIV is the game for you.
If you like gameplay, you should probably pass because while mechanically it's superior to RS, RS has more direction and is completely free.

The whole problem with something like xiv is not how much time it consumes, it's how empty it is to smash hundreds of hours against the endgame wall. You could play an amazing 30 hour game and experience something truly great in the time you spent repeating the same fight for the 2000th time because the next tier is still 2 months away. You can lie all you want but nobody's brain is getting the same amount of fun when they're doing something for the 2000th time.

No one play ESO in Yas Forums really. Anons only meming about ESO without playing it.

>expecting any sort of xiv discussion in this thread
There were some poster asking question earlier in this thread, start with that if you want to move anywhere else.

Why are you asking? Just start discussing XIV. Every thread mentioned XIV is hidden xiv thread. Why do you think OP mentioned fucking XIV?

What am i supposed to do with these new crafts? Spam hasty touch?

Haven and Hearth

Thoughts on nuDiadem?

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fucking shit
i miss the NMs

mfw (my face when)

>hurr me hate diadem! me hate grindan!
>ok we changed diadem
>hurr me hate diadem!

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>been jacking to nude mods for months now, starting to get a bit stale
>put my catgirl in the basic mythril tanking armor
>see the subtle curves in the breastplate, pop a boner instantly
Is this normal bros

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>Gather for 3 hours
>2k scripts
I see