>Horizon: Zero Dawn will launch on PC this Summer, PlayStation has confirmed.
>The news comes via PlayStation's Worldwide Studios President Hermen Hulst speaking in an interview with the PlayStation Blog.
>Hulst doesn't rule out more first-party games coming to PC, but says there are no plans to release PC versions of PlayStation games at the same time as their console counterparts. Horizon: Zero Dawn launched on PS4 in March 2017.
>"I think it's important that we stay open to new ideas of how to introduce more people to PlayStation, and show people maybe what they've been missing out on," he said.
oh no no no no oh yes yes yes yes based cringe redpiled we got too cocky bros
Lucas Lee
wtf I love Aloy now?
Jace Powell
Thanks for beta testing
Gavin Lee
The only thing I care about is whether or not this means that the collaboration event for Monster Hunter World will be available on PC. That is the only value that this pile of shit could possibly bring to the platform.
Dominic Morris
I can now say the game was never good.
Angel Harris
This game is absolute trash. Not even worth the $20 I spent on it. The game has this awful draw distance that makes it feel claustrophobic as fuck.
Luke Williams
That's cool i guess, but i really want SpiderMan instead
Elijah Peterson
As someone who has already played it, its incredibly mediocre gameplay wise, it looks pretty but in a market where games like MHW exist that does everything better, HZD is kinda shovelware in comparison.
Lincoln Diaz
The game IS bad. Literally a reskinned AssCreed. >inb4 "b-b-but muh AssCreedo is gud!!"
Kayden Martinez
>Not EGS exclusive Surprising
Kevin Ortiz
Don't make the mistake of buying this garbage, it's one of the most aggressively mediocre games out there. Now if they would release Bloodborne, then you would have my attention.
Cameron Collins
It could have stayed as a PS4 exclusive, it's the rightful home for overrated garbage. Call me when Snoy takes its filthy hands off Bloodborne.
Ayden Rodriguez
Always wanted to play this game but couldn't bring myself to buy it due to controller aim. I have a PS4 Pro but there's just certain games I refuse to play on controller and certain games I refuse to play on keyboard and mouse. If I'm not offered my preferred peripheral I'm probably not playing it. Hope the mouse support for the port is solid.
Nathaniel Nguyen
I thought this was confirmed already.
James Sanchez
mustards let me save you time: watch a supercut of the game online. Theres a really excellent backstory to the world told in hologram flashback but the ingame story is Aloy does open world busywork like in every game of its time and goes to 4 locations to watch flashbacks. Its great creature design, a stellar world building backstory but the time and world its set in may as well have been an epilogue to a much better game.
Adam Wood
I'm guessing the PC ports for Death Stranding and Horizon were being developed around the same time since they both use the Decima engine.
Considering Fanboys have been threatening to shoot up their offices if they released it on PC. No wonder Sony are trying to let their fans down gently about all their games coming to PC
There's no need to keep up the facade anymore. Why do you think they're so desperate for ports of stuff like Bayonetta 2?
Nathan Evans
it's true though. the game was trashed day one on Yas Forums, only a bunch of snoygers in denial came back a few month later with their "better than botw" meme, that also only ended up with their being trashed
Christopher Williams
I’ve rarely seen praise for horizon on this site
Carson Lee
Zachary Ortiz
90% of ps4 users are normies who don't give a shit if those games get a pc port or not. It's better to piss off that 10% and still make a lot of money off mustard beggars than keeping the games exclusive for no reason. Late ports are the future.
Jayden Allen
Justin Thompson
Because PC players weren't going to buy a console anyway.
Austin Stewart
Looks cool to me, but idk havent had a chance to play it. But judging from your response you're probably just going to recommend so faggy souls game instead
Logan Wood
Wow, I expected it to be an EGS exclusive.
Angel Bell
Sony knows EGS is garbage and dead, they only took Epic's money for Cage's "games" because those weren't a guaranteed success but Horizon is, pissing off steam fans is retarded.
*Sony with Ubitrash Sony has already published games on Steam, like Helldivers.
Levi Long
profit margin for hardware: bad profit margin for software: good the incredibly vast majority of their audience doesn't care either way and for every salty drone that *actually* stops buying playstations they'll get at least ten pcbros
Xavier Martinez
Even better... its not even on EGS. Holy fucking shit where did Tim fuck up
Tyler Thomas
>I-if you hate [Generic, overrated AAA game X], y-you must liek [Generic, overrated AAA game Y] !! Wow, you Sonybros literally don't have more than 2-3 games, huh?
Sebastian Jenkins
Post your predictions for the next port bros. Days Gone or Dreams seems most likely to be next. But i'm still hoping Bloodborne gets a port though
And rabid Sony fanboys genuinely thought that it would NEVER EVER come to PC, and that it would be an EGS exclusive if it did. Oh, how the times have changed since 2015 when you first forced the P"Cuck" meme.
This, never understood staying exclusive permanently. It can drive hardware sales for a bit but eventually you're just sitting on an even bigger profit possibility and not acting on it.