>Almost had the best Doom game made
>Throw it away because they caved into the "COD BAD" meme
Almost had the best Doom game made
>tfw my message is spreading
damn it feels good to be a doom 4 chad
I'm replying to a bait thread, so I can come back later to see how many people this extracts (You)s from.
>based Slavs offer to make a cutting-edge , FAST Doom title for next to nothing
>get denied, because "lol ur 2 puny, faggets! t: Bethesda"
>Shadman demons
No thanks.
name 1 (one) good thing about what we know of Doom 4
Other than it saved the series by being so bad the Devs realised it was a mistake
Wojak here is right. 5-7 years ago this board would shit on anything that looked as boring and bland (brown and bloomy) as these vague screenshots. But now Yas Forums has come full contrarian circle and we spam the same 2 memes all day and night which you have luckily condensed into 1 cancerous image for me to filter.
i enjoyed both, but doom 4 made out of ss3 would be shit
>inb4 hurr durr one-hundred-million revenants per frame
which never was the focus of the concept (exploring dark and claustrophobic corridors in space, plagued with horrific hellspawn) - they literally have written themselves into a hole in an attempt to raise the stakes for a sequel / expansions
contrarians aren't people
Fuck off hipster. We had this thread before today.
>, but doom 4 made out of ss3 would be shit
No, it absolutely would not be.
SS3 was the FAR superior Doom4 than the real deal.
>SS3 was the FAR superior Doom4 than the real deal.
which doom4? cancelled or nudoom?
This shitposting has to be contained
no, it has terrible pacing problems, lots of empty space to run between action set-pieces. Gunplay in nu-Doom encourages constant flow between strafe-movement and weapon juggling. In terms of shootout rhythm DOOM2016 is waltz, whereas SS3 is barely dubstep, at best.
Hitscan enemies.
lmao doom 4 doesn't exist and never will, like your sex life
>Gunplay in nu-Doom encourages constant flow between strafe-movement and weapon juggling
I don't think we played the same game.
Those arena fights + 12 enemy limit + all the cinematic padding were absolutely disgusting
ironic, coming from a fag that defends a game with literal dubstep """metal""" soundtrack.
Are an essential part of a true Doom-clone, and never an issue. Get sex.
the end is near boys. it was fun knowing you.
Wait, what happened?
there was a rip in the space time continuum, allowing OP and his ilk to escape their containment. their now spewing contrarian nonsense all over Yas Forums. it's over. we're doomed.
Contrarianism is new mental gymnastics.
>never an issue
litterally everyone hates them. Just because they are part of most Doomclones doesn't mean they are good
go fuck yourself. ss3 was the worst in the franchise which was in turn a parody of poorly designed slaughter maps.
>ironic, coming from a fag that defends a game with literal dubstep """metal""" soundtrack.
>not understanding that comparison is between the moveset+rhythm of each type of dance
you could not be more predictable. Thanks for letting me know that I'm talking to linear minded AI. Have this pity (You), on the house.
i don't mind having 1 or 2 types of enemies with a hitscan weapon, as they encourage you to always look around, be on your toes ans smoke the fucker as soon as he pops out his head (game must provide some slight delay between them spotting you and shooting you, tho)
>12 enemy limit + all the cinematic padding were absolutely disgusting
both points are bs.in the later levels the count easily goes up to 20-25. the execution last no more than a second and even less so with the savagery rune equipped.
no matter how hard you try and force this, it'll never be a meme
I have 1 post in this thread, other people are just waking up.
Soon the whole world will be demanding Doom 4 and Doom Eternal will sell less than 100 copies.
>litterally everyone hates them.
I don't, and none of the fans of any classic FPS games do. It's literally become a hate-meme after Cowadooteh generation's shit ruined it all.
In Doom and such, their attacks were signaled clearly, and they "locked on" to your last known position at that second, meaning moving fast = easy bullet dodging.
In classic DOOM-likes, hitscan foes had a clear role. They were usually the weakest foes, provided ammo upon death, but their unlimited reach still made them a minor threat. You were also expected to utilize their attack patterns to trigger in-fighting .
Kys zoomer.
SS3 was easily the best FPS game of the 2010s, and the FAR superior "D4" and "DNF", in a single package.
You are literally trying to justify turning DOOM, the quintessential high-octane survival-horror shooter, into a miniature cinematic-first-person-arena-melee-basher , with RPG menu surfing bullshit and platforming, and no modding tools.
All you need to do to win in nu-Doom is run in a big circle around the arena, taking pot-shots at whatever comes in your way. Maybe chainsaw a Baron out of existence once in a while.
That is false. And no, the literal padding zombies do not count as enemies.
Even still, a couple dozen foes is absolely pathetic compared to 1993's max of 256 enemies on the map AND screen at once, with free exploration of the whole level being an option at all times.
>That is false. And no, the literal padding zombies do not count as enemies.
play the game fag. they throw non fodder enemies in the arenas
>Even still, a couple dozen foes is absolely pathetic compared to 1993's max of 256 enemies on the map AND screen at once, with free exploration of the whole level being an option at all times.
like when plutonia? hell even quake 1's fan made maps don't put that many enemies. besides 12 imps in doom4 are far more dangerous than 12 imps in the classics,
>Kys zoomer.
>SS3 was easily the best FPS game of the 2010s, and the FAR superior "D4" and "DNF", in a single package.
behold the serious hipster. sam is and will always will be a parody of poorly designed slaughter maps. only games it will be better than are doom3 and dnf.
So whats everyone looking forward to in eternal? I like the changes they made to movement and the flamethrower that gives you armor.
How does it feel OP to be apart of such a miniscule minority that absolutely no one takes seriously and only views as a circus act? How does it feel to know DE will sell with positive reviews shaping up for another sequel while your generic military project will forever be dead and forgotten? Are you going to shitpost like a contrarian crybaby online forever?
Honestly, everything. It just looks like a straight improvement to 2016 in every way.
Wow! Impressive contrarian hot take.
>play the game fag.
Get new arguments, shiII scum.
>they throw non fodder enemies in the arenas
Never more than a ~dozen at best. Even on UV.
In fact, the difficulty selection affects nothing more than damage values in D2016.
>like when plutonia?
Learn to write English.
And no, you could indeed have 100+ enemies triggered and chasing you at once, even in D1 and 2 vanilla levels.
>Quake 1
has stricter restrictions than Dooms, which is why they made enemies into bullet sponges.
>besides 12 imps in doom4 are far more dangerous than 12 imps in the classics,
Lol no, unless you suck.
That also does not make them a better design, nor does it justify the severe dumbing down of the whole gameplay formula, just to make it "work" on a gamepad-wielder's living room toys.
>behold the serious hipster.
There's nothing "hipster" about prefering the vastly superior game. If anything, the fact that you despise a game that's in essence same as D2016, without any of its zoomer-console cancer elements and "muh engine limitations!!", makes (You) one extremely pathetic shiII, a console fanboy, and a double-faced liar.
>So whats everyone looking forward to in eternal?
it's inevitable flop. I hope all the Zenimax's faggots kill themselves and their families.
No one cares faggot. Your take is garbage and nothing is going to change Eternal from selling and being praised no matter how much you act like a snowflake :)
Ahahaha, you are actually the meth addict shaggy
Face it dude, Bethesda has probably seen the thread from yesterday and is already cancelling Doom Eternal. Doom Eternal is vaporwave.
It could be great spin-off of main series but as main entry? Fuck no.
Prove me wrong.
Only thing I'll be killing is demons in doom eternal. Its gonna be the best doom game ever.
>Get new arguments, shiII scum.
funny how the same pic is reposted over and over again
>Never more than a ~dozen at best. Even on UV.
>In fact, the difficulty selection affects nothing more than damage values in D2016.
they do throw 20+ enemies. as i said before play the game fag.
>has stricter restrictions than Dooms, which is why they made enemies into bullet sponges.
i said fan made maps.
>Lol no, unless you suck.
>That also does not make them a better design, nor does it justify the severe dumbing down of the whole gameplay formula, just to make it "work" on a gamepad-wielder's living room toys.
you realise that imps in doom4 can aim and hit like a truck on nm and making the enemy ai smarter is somehow consolizing even though the original game had vertical auto aiming
>There's nothing "hipster" about prefering the vastly superior game. If anything, the fact that you despise a game that's in essence same as D2016, without any of its zoomer-console cancer elements and "muh engine limitations!!", makes (You) one extremely pathetic shiII, a console fanboy, and a double-faced liar.
ss is core hipster franchise you faggot. infact the meme that ss was somehow a return to classic fps was started by journalist who are infact hipsters. ss3 had down sights, sprint button, reloading, poorly implemented executions and shitty dlc but some how nudoom is zoomer shit. you are the two faced lair here you nigger.
I have hated this shit game for years, faggot
>Its gonna be the best doom game ever.
Yyeaaah, about that....
>Normies are going to have shit taste no matter what
And grass is green
>funny how the same pic is reposted over and over again
Thanks for confirming us that it's always (You) samefagging and shiIIin' the ZOOM games in these threads.
And you still have no other arguments than "lol bruh, just play teh gaem!"
>the people who hate NuDoom are CoD fags
Everything makes sense now
Looks like it plays as slow as rage did. Pass.
you have to go back
Horrible design and models. Why are yuropoors so fucking stupid?
>y-you are a shill
cope nigger. cope with you hipster series that is dead in the water while nudoom 20+enemies better ai not some shitty path finding or full on rng.
Modern Warfare 2 is a masterpiece and if you disagree you have objectively shit taste
Fuck yeah. Harmony.
oh its michael
yeah that fucking explains it lmao
Yeah, no.
>t. normie
Those designs are kino, though. The final ones only appeal to furfags who want the demons to fuck their asses
This board is in a worse state than I thought
Fucking zoomer filth
I love how the one who didn't get to play the game he wanted is supposedly the smug one here, and the one who got exactly what he wanted is mad for no reason
you are retarded
>being so contrarian that you wanted a rage reskin instead
Sam games all sold millions, and 4th game is coming out in a few months, and will totally BTFO of Tranny Eternal with its 100K enemies on 1000 square mile maps.
>Actually having taste this shitty
Yas Forums has loved MW2 for fucking years you newfaggot fucks
>Yas Forums has been infested with children and normies for years
fixed that for you, zoom zoom.
Don't you have a streamer you should be watching right about now?
who the fuck is Yas Forums and why is his opinion factual?
I'm 32, user. MW2 is objectively a good game
lol nigger. their stress test showed barely anything short of ss3 and they had to sell a fucking humble bundle to manage for ss4 production. keep coping hipster.
Like I'm fucking impressed by a 32 year old normalfag.
Shut the fuck up you homosexual
>they had to sell a fucking humble bundle to manage for ss4 production
And the funding was then used for Talos Principle instead which also sold millions.
>stress test
They're not showing anything to the public on purpose, because it's not done yet.
SS3 and Talos were GOTYs that sold bucketloads, and got several console + android ports. All this they made with a mere 0.5 Million USD budget, meaning they're probably rolling in cash now.