Operation Metro

>There is literally just one thing wrong with this map. Other than that, this is the greatest multiplayer map of all time.

What is this thing, Yas Forums?

Attached: battlefield_3_operation_metro.jpg (1920x1080, 372.83K)

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>single MG can close off entire sections of the map
Yeah, "great" map.

Aftermath had the best maps but most people had moved on from the game by that point.

>single machine gun with suppression upgrade can shut down the map
>add 3 others can lock down the spawn
DICE was stupid. DICE was double-stupid thinking "Flank routes" meant more hallways to spam explosives and suppression in with 4. NU-DICE was triple dumb bringing it back for WW2.

>There is literally just one thing wrong with this map
Yeah, the fact that it exists at all.

No flanking options.

>What Elevators and one hallway added isn't enough for you!?

not made for 64 players

Defender perspective
>Defending your objective
>Not doing anything you can to stop your enemies

Attacker perspective
>Attacking your objective
>Not doing anything you can to stop your enemies

ah fuck I remember this well
I fucking loved this map, it was so easy to get people fucking raging
>drop a spawnpoint in the left metro tunnel, behind the wall where nobody looks
>drop a spawnpoint in the town on the left, behind the dumpster where no one looks
>jump out the window onto the small awning, drop a spawnpoint where no one can shoot
if you smoked the fuck out of the enemy team it was so easy to sneak way behind them and drop a spawnpoint way back by the road or in one of the kiosks

>Vehicle Heaven: The Map

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Operation Metro is possibly the worst video game map I've ever experienced.

It's not Lockers.

Love locking down chokepoints in that map.
I remember mowing down 20+ in a row just on one corridor with an LMG

Don't mind me, just posting best map

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>go to PC server list
>only active server is [GER] 24/7 Operation Metro 1000% Tickets | TxXx Clan Server
>Server Rules: -No grenade launchers! -No RPGs! -Sniper class limited to 10 players -No flaming in chat!

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BF3 is the best Battlefield.

Why do you morons play conquest ?
It's braindead and not fun, it's in fact just frustrating because of the way you get to play, the spawns and also the mode takes way too long to end without excitement either. Casual meatgrinder mode.
Half the maps in bc2/bf3/bf4 etc are unfit for conquest as well.

The worst thing about Battlefield games is there are retards playing Conquest instead of Rush splitting the community and the [spit on ground] Hardcore-enable servers. This shit option should be removed. Play the game the way it's officially balanced faggots.

I hate that practically every modern game that has a server browser is now infested with 24/7 map servers with hardcore enabled instead of rotations.
Go to hell.

64 players Rush on Damavand was where the franchise peaked.

Literally this map is 1 of the things that ruined this whole franchise
People were to lazy to play on normal maps and wanted non stop action so braindead faggots only played this map 24/7
Dice saw it as a hint that people want a more CQC infantry based game so they delivered
Bf4 had awfull maps compared to bf3 and they had the odacity to add this shit map to bf4 over kharg island,damavand peak and many more
I dont see how anyone can enjoy this crap map, it was only good in 32 player rush only because of the start and any other map over this has a better experience
I never played bf1 or bf5 but i watched videos and my brother playing and i see that infantry overshadows everything in those games now and vehicles are just there so you dont forget that you are playing a bf game

Battlefield was already a franchise for dumb people from the start but they dumbed it down even more

I don't care if this is a pasta or not, it's true.

the Conquest experience is avoiding combat to back-cap as many undefended objectives as possible. Since the average Battlefield player is cognitively two years old, they will completely ignore you and just mosh at the middle objective. If your main goal is to win the match then ideally you don't fight anybody the whole time, you just flip flags.

At least in attack/defense gamemodes you are incentivized to fight people

>I never played bf1 or bf5 but i watched videos and my brother playing and i see that infantry overshadows everything in those games now and vehicles are just there so you dont forget that you are playing a bf game
I guarantee you that you don't know enough about either game to say that with certainty

64 players are overall just too many

Conquest is the vanilla gamemode in the series and it's the only enjoyable mode so far (except in BF1), it's only frustrating if you're playing solo and not teamstacking with 1 squad.
Also, Conquest in modern Battlefield games mainly sucks because DICE wants all maps to be played on multiple gamemodes e.g. Damavand plays better on Rush compared to Conquest.

>everyone complaining about choke points
you can easily smoke your way through the lines and then get an easy 5 kills or cap the farthest objective and mix up the map again
Think outside the box faggots

Fuck off and kys

>Think outside the box faggots
Well, if someone throws smoke then i'm just gonna spam C4 then just to fuck anyone who tries to pass through.

So, like actual warfare?

Most BF maps have the problem of being so open that vehicles and sniping are your only real ways to do anything. Metro was top tier for allowing actually decent gun combat.

they clearly don't spend time working on the conquest mode and they shouldn't
rush is simply better with clear objectives, defined combat engagement areas and tactics that both sides can employ to win

>conquest is only frustrating if you're playing solo and not teamstacking with 1 squad.
this is how 90% of people play. not in a group with friends with le epic ebin c4 placed on a vehicle

I will fuck your mom and kill you

>Gets banned for killing an admin despite following the rules

Both teams meeting a fucking stalemate that ends in a Defender victory 90% of the time is not how a map should function.

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I love how left is just basically how it looks like in BF4

I don't understand where scrub niggers like you come from and why you willingly expose yourself. Every fucking thread we see the same bullshit that's constantly aped online by shitters. If you can't break through the stalemate, then shut the fuck up. Then again, you're most likely the shitter spamming grenades from the re-supply box.

DICE had managed to balance this issue a long time ago in BC2 by making Rush and Conquest-exclusive maps only. It all went downhill from BF3 and onwards.
>not in a group with friends with le epic ebin c4 placed on a vehicle
Not necessarily, one squad filled with competent infantry + vehicle players can easily pub stomp and carry the team.

>server clan member clearly cheats on the server and can see you permanently spotted on his side
>call him a cheating bitch and get kicked
>Failure to connect to server : "noob."

right final version with the filter looks better
bad company 2 had visual style filters and effects too and nobody complained

>meat grinder
It's a garbage map

I miss BF3 TDM Noshar Canals like you wouldn't believe

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The vast majority of people couldn't break through the stalemate. That's the exact reason Operation Metro was used as the fucking XP farming map, you twat.

>Set timer to infinite
>Everybody stuck in the subway
>lol bro so much XP

Fuck off, get better taste in maps.

I actually really enjoyed Operation Metro...
On 360. When I made the leap to PC, it was a clusterfuck. 64 players on that map is a nightmare.

Only good for unlocking stuff.

>le I miss contrarian map guy
off yourself, retard
shut the fuck up, the "ideal" scenario in every bf match since forever is spawn-locking the enemy and "xp farming" them
metro has your attention because the natural stalemate actually occurs in the middle of the map, because you're a shitter

Imagine unironically defending Operation Metro, considered by the vast majority of the community to be the worst map in Battlefield history.

yeah, some maps clearly don't benefit from higher playercounts
I still remember when I was a kid dreaming of 200+ player battlefield matches, how fucking stupid I was

>it's fixed in bc2
except it's not
maps like vantage point in vietnam and other maps with just 3 conquest points where it's easy to defend are awful to play

>Not necessarily, one squad filled with competent infantry + vehicle players can easily pub stomp and carry the team.
I don't care how easy or hard it is to win or be on the top on the tab screen. Inconsequential since the mode is not fun to play besides to goof around in. There is practically no consequence to your actions, dying or not making a frag and your experience at the end is lukewarm

>shut the fuck up, the "ideal" scenario in every bf match since forever is spawn-locking the enemy and "xp farming" them
Yeah, that ideally happens when you're better than the other team, not because the map is such garbage it forces that outcome every single match.

the vast majority of the community played metro all day every day, who are you speaking for?

How am I being contrarian? It's no different then those posting about how they miss rush on damavand peak. I like all 3 maps anyhow

when you realize that all people want to do when playing a shooter is have one big constant firefight, you'll understand why metro is one of the greatest maps DICE ever made

>the vast majority of the community played metro all day every day
For XP farming, like the other guy said. That was literally the only reason it had dedicated servers. Any server that ran it "legitimately" went to extreme lengths to ban grenades, rockets etc. so that the attacking team could actually advance.

because you have dumpster taste if you didn't only play remastered BF2 maps, Seine Crossing, and Operation Firestorm
that's just the way it is

>considered by the vast majority of the community to be the worst map in Battlefield history
I wish this was the case.

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Typically in Rush mode, people played it to cap the fucking point. If you wanted brainless TDM, go play some other game.

The only thing fun about metro was in BF4 hardcore mode where I would hit my team with poison arrows until they all killed me and got banned from the server.

Twitter posters aren't human, everybody on that website is immediately disqualified as an individual with rights. We saw the same shit with Halo Reach and people defending DMR stats.

and finally we arrive to the point where the butthurt metro haters realize metro is a fucking awesome rush map, and that kiddos xp farming on conquest have fuck all to do with anything

congratulations, you played yourself

>Other than that, this is the greatest multiplayer map of all time.
That's not 2fort

>Inconsequential since the mode is not fun to play besides to goof around in
You clearly don't how how tickets in Conquest work then.

64 players Hangar 21 is where the franchise peaked.

Attached: BF4_hangar21.jpg (923x516, 116.84K)

imo the way rush is now with defenders closer to the point than the attackers doesn't work well with 64 players once there is just one point left to attack/defend of the pair/trio

>durr metro is good because brainless shooting!
>That's not what people who play Rush mode want
Retarded schizo.

Still doesnt make me a contrarian, the majority of people legitimately enjoy Metro and the other maps mentioned.

nobody plays conquest seriously or to be engaged or to tryhard
it's like quick play in overwatch

look at him cope!
note how all the shit you've been crying about applies to so many rush scenarios at different stages of the map, so by hating on metro you were hating on rush all along

played yourself like a fucking retard fiddle ahahahah

Literally no other map suffers from the chokepoint issue to anywhere near the same level as Metro. You are retarded.

>rush maps dont have chokepoints
nigger you even play battlefield?

>take DAO-12 with oval choke
>wait until teammates toss a few frags up right stairs
>run up the stairs and quickly dump the drum, racking in 10+ kills
>if I have time, pull my frag out so when I die and they rush I get another 3 or 4 kills
Man, good times.

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I see you haven't sampled Fjell 652

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You are a fucking ESL retard. Chokepoints exist in every map for Rush, but they're not as bumfuck retarded as the subway on Metro. A good attacking team can easily push through all of them, hell a single person can sneak through. This isn't the case on Metro, it requires the defenders literally going full retard for a few minutes if the attackers want to stand any chance. It requires the enemy being dumb, not you being good.

Can anyone explain to me what the point of this conquest map is and how you're supposed to play it?

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Not the guy you quoted, but it's pretty clear he said other maps don't have chokepoints as bad as metro, not that they have no chokes at all, which is absolutely true. Even lockers has less choke potential.

friendless losers like you that get btfo in one post then keep coming back for another shot while doing nothing but repeating what has been said already, are just so fucking unbearable

don't bother replying to this, just know that "I" lock out teams 75%+ of the times I play rush
have a shitty life, shitter

>that guy with 100,000 hours using the attack heli everyday all day
>hasn't touched any other role in years
>completely unbalances the map

I am literally seething at someone with more skill but goddamn these 1-role autists are so fucking annoying

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>nobody plays conquest seriously or to be engaged or to tryhard
I could say the same for default Rush, Squad Rush is where it gets real.

That's the entire purpose of LMGs. In CS and CoD LMG's are just worse assault rifles, no incentive.

>just know that "I" lock out teams 75%+ of the times I play rush
Congrats? That's the common outcome on Metro for the defenders.

do you want to gaze upon true autism?

Shit like this is why DICE brought back the SRAW in BF4, Until DICE LA came along and nerfed it.

Bad Company 2 opened my eyes to how much better these games are when jets are removed entirely.

>tfw this is me
>pilot and A&P mechanic in real life
>just love aircraft too much to play anything else
>routinely kicked for imbalance and 100-0 k/d
Forgive me, I can't help what I love.

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>492 kd

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Is this you? I'm wondering about the state of air vehr in BFV

>bad company 2 had visual style filters and effects too and nobody complained
That's because an actual art team and visual designers put them together.
The BF4 filters were literally only put in place to match the general aesthetic of military action movies at the time.

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