Doom Eternal

Anyone else think it just looks too "gamey"?
It's very hard to get immersed when you have floating health pickups and points popping up, there's a reason the industry moved away from this stuff years ago

Attached: armor pickup.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

>Anyone else think it just looks too "gamey"?

That's a good thing, immersionfags ruined gaming.

>That's a good thing
Lol no, games should strive to be immersive & cinematic

i fucking hate nu-Yas Forums

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literally the biggest spook in all of gaming

Fpbp as usual, and OP is a massive fag

>It's very hard to get immersed when you have floating health pickups and points popping up
not that type of game retardo

Zoomers need constant sensory gratification. This is also why colourful Nintendo games are popular with Generation Smartphone - they cannot focus on anything that requires thought or concentration.

The health pickups are deliberately very visible and clear so you dont have to muck around looking for some muddy grey piece of shit and can play fast like the game was intended to be played. It's literally basic game design

I don't think I will buy this tranny game

Attached: file.png (1532x918, 1.48M)

>This is what TLoU does to your brain.
Not even once.

Attached: FPBP.jpg (171x218, 14.13K)

it looks like the first one - prebaked, non-interactive shit environments with outlined enemies so soibois can know when to click insta-takedown

it looks like divinity rpg game: fps edition

Attached: Team Fortress 2.png (340x255, 137.89K)

This bait is so bad I won't even give your (you).


the absolute state of Yas Forums

I hate these bastards, they think they are so smart for saying that, everytime

Story fags are the real soi bois, they hate fun and want to subvert gaming like their chinese overlords tell them to. Never listen to the chinese shills. Down with communism and up with CAPITALISM HO!

You clearly hate gaming an want it to be complete terrafromed to fit your shitty worldview. Fuck off and never play another video game again. If you want stories that much watch a fucking movie dipshit.

What are you talking about?

Attached: Kote.png (620x460, 492.86K)

I'm talking about (you).
Stop clamoring for shit nobody wants and quit ruining my hobby. I want gaming to be fun and exciting, not dull and boring for the artsy fartsy.

Wait a minute, I see what you were trying to get at. Sorry for that, I completely misinterpreted what you said. Sorry.

Please read my post again, I think you are confused

I was, sorry.

No prob

I've seen many once great pastimes get infected with posers, so forgive me for being so passionate in trying to stop them. Some get caught in the crossfire of war. My bad.

Ah, don't worry, I guess the way I said it may have caused some confusion, I just don't like immersionfags

>bing bing! wahoo!
>jump on the pretty colors bingggg
>power up ahhhhhhhh

Attached: 46734736487364826432343242.jpg (300x313, 14.79K)


my main issue is all the fucking neon. I just don't get why they made that artistic decision.

and to add to that, theres like 13 HUD elements on that screenshot. no idea why people are defending it when Yas Forums has been laughing at busy/retarded looking HUDs forever.

Yep, this is my problem with it.
Real Doom had a grit and realism to its aesthetic. It was understated. Almost like a nightmare, like an actual surreal nightmare, and Newm is somehow declawed...

The grey, brown environments of Doom16 were the worst part. That and the closed arena elements. The monster animations were pretty dope tho


Attached: 1493941904843.png (765x758, 34.99K)

Notice the muted colors unlike nuzoom which looks like a bag of skittles came all over the screen

What makes you think that reaction image represents me in any way?
I’m having a good time playing games I actually enjoy and couldn’t care less about newm. It’s just ... as an artfag I’ve noticed the difference.
Newm is a post-Halo shooter and it shows.

Red, green, yellow, not muted at all brown

Sure thing edgelord

Nah, gameplay fags, people who only care about game play are the soi boys. They are childish low IQ troglodytes that are unable to pay attention to something unless there's an explosion going on every 5 mins or they are getting a dopamine hit. Thing is they are usually the types of people who play really simple games like FPS games and generally action Games, which makes them seem even more low IQ.

If the bright colors bother you, just don't glory kill huge fuckers then

Video Games have had stories since forever retard.

>It’s just ...

Attached: you.jpg (205x246, 6.17K)

>too gamey
>my video game
>about murdering demons on mars
>is too gamey

Shut the fuck up

No game should be called to gamey and be seen as a bad thing

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Attached: michaeltism.jpg (2298x920, 674.5K)

Cinematicucks should go back to Yas Forums like the failed-film-director "developers" they idolize

Liking immersion doesn't mean that you want your Games to be cinematic.

immersion is a meme

You are a faggot.
Though I miss the old monster designs.

You are actually retarded

oh, my fucking god...

No it's not a meme, bit gamers are low IQ so generally is not the focus on most games

>This movie looks too much like a movie, I want a video game!
>This music sounds too much like music, why can't I see something!
>This video game looks too much like a video game, I want a movie!

yes it's those damn zoomers with their colorful games

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-01-31-at-5.09.43-PM.png (578x451, 671.17K)

Hey man, I remember this bait thread. Good luck.

Weebs are actually worse than zoomers.

Newm looks like fortnight. Doom looks like an industrial nightmare.

If you can't immerse yourself in DOOM, whether its old or new, the problem lies with you. Not everything needs to be an interactive movie. DOOM is VIDEOGAMEY because it is a VIDEO GAME.

It’s much easier to immerse yourself in true Doom, because of its consistent surreal quality.