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Its around here somewhere but falseflaggers and autistic fags are detirmined to shitpost the game to death.
I'm also in work Friday and Saturday so I've gotta wait until Sunday to play.
But by God am I gonna play the shit out of it on Sunday.

Nioh 1.5
Shit loot
Barely anything added
Broken y shift copying sekiro perilous attacks
Shit prequel as well.
t. platted Nioh

When the game comes out. The beta threads were active af.

When it comes on PC.


every PC thread

My copy shipped today, hope it's here tomorrow

You and me both, brother.

Game unlocks in exactly 1 day for JP

We been having active thread for the past days even after the beta. Expect them by thursday again

Nah, that doesn't happen. Every PC player uses cheat engine once he runs into a bit of trouble and then pretends that the game is too easy.


...what the fuck do Jewish pensioners have to do with this game

Its literally the first game with barely any graphical improvement ontop of le generic orange purple enemy types across the entire roster. Plus le red and grey backgrounds. SOMETIMES orange. yiiiikersssssssss in the house tooonight

literally me with sekiro on trannychiro

Currently on the fence about getting the game. On the one hand I fucking love custom character creation in action games. On the other hand the co op is kinda gimped. I would have preferred proper co op throughout the entire game. That’s just me though. I’m a co op fag.

You can assist people or play a stage with up to two others for a three-person melee beatdown squad.

What more do you need?

Well it’s not so much me that has a problem with the game, it’s my friend.

He doesn’t really understand why we can’t just play properly like the single player checkpoint system but with a friend. The beta had levelling up in the co op which is nice but it’s not quite perfect.

Nioh 1 was shit so I don't know why I'd be excited for another one
just play Sekiro lmoa

Fair enough, my guess is that the stages aren't really big enough to accommodate full multiplayer like that.

yea just play the game with zero builds and no variety
1 playthrough is enough of that one

His argument is that some of the stages in the first game are too long or just plain tedious. The poison mine comes to mind.

I was bitching and cunting about missing the last chance trial but I'm going to buy that shit anyway.

Call me a consoomer.

The poison mine was like four rooms, never really felt too long to me. Just that the boss was a pain in the ass to fight.

never played the first one because I heard it was repetitive as fuck

Some side missions used the same maps as the main game and by the third region you've seen all enemy types.
Other than that its hardly repetitive unless you're using meme exploits like the iai loop.

bro's...the the amount of weebs streaming this game guarantees death in the west

does odachi still have groundquake? it was really over powered when i used it in the first one.

who's this bba

Yes but now it also has a parry that can be used on Magatsu Warriors and is just generally a really fucking good weapon to use.

>diablo loot
Not. Even. Once. Dark Souls loot or bust.

>views equal ~10% of subscriber count
rude subscribers!

I just need to know if ninja tools are as busted as they were in 1. I had so much fun just tossing shit at everyone and almost never using my actual weapon.

t. falseflagging faggot


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What hype? The first one was shit and the second one wont be better

>if you don't like this game you're falseflagging!
Ok retard.

I see I’m going to have a grand old time again. I’m excited for when it hits pc, have fun sonyfriends

well he's like level 70 in a level 14 mission

>Dude where is the hype for another Demon's Souls clone
>It's only the 13th identical game in 9 years

I thought it release on the 24th? I'm running through Ni-oh 1 right now, absolutely amazing game. In any other circumstance I'd wait for the PC port but I think I'm getting 2 on PS4

Gonna be plenty more to discuss without getting spoiled when Friday rolls around and we get a chance to play the full game.

Nioh is just diablo with ninja gaiden combat, barely anything like demon souls game design wise.

we're waiting for the actual release of the game, user. :)

says the tranny hyped for nudoom and animal crossing

just stop lying user
the game is literally an upgrade in every way compared to the first nioh with more new stuff added than any souls sequels added to the previous games

if you actually played and enjoyed the first nioh enough to platinum it like you say then your complaint towards nioh2 wouldn't be crap like that "the loot is shit" when it's literally better than in the first game

Does the base PS4 run at 60fps?

I don't want to wait for PC release but I also don't want to play an action game at 30fps for the first time in 5 years.

shit does pc version not release this weekend?

>Does the base PS4 run at 60fps?
yes at 720p

looks and plays like a chinese knock off souls game. hard pass

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It has 60fps action mode but I think on non-pro it drops to 720p

time to borrow a mates PS4 Pro.

PC version has no confirmed release at all.

My isp is fucking retarded, and my internet is moving at a snail's pace, probably gonna have to wait until stores open on Friday if this shit doesn't correct itself.

plays better than any fromsoftware game

This. Game looks great but I’m waiting for a PC release personally. Loved the first game.


Every PS4 thread.

Trolls gonna troll.

>tfw got nioh 1 for free during my last month of psplus
>didnt renew or play it yet
>want to play through it now but don't want to pay for shitty psplus
>buy it on steam
>love it
>realize I'll need psplus to fucking co-op
ugh, fuck that stupid ass fake fucking online charge such bullshit, the demo mostly threw me off because they disabled requiring psplus to play co-op, I'm still going to play but fuck I really enjoyed the expeditions with harder yokai and new enemy placement.

Eh, I'm burnt out on it even though the last time I played was at the start of 2019. I dunno. The betas seemed extremely easy apart from the weasel. I am conflicted.

>not leeching on your friends' ps+
what are you, some kind of loser?

I tried but he's a scared little bitch that thinks he will get banned for letting me do that.

I like the souls games and nioh and I recognize that they both have their own appeal.

>diablo loot
>unsatisfying animations
>weeb weapons
Nah, objectively it doesn't

>ign gave it a 6.7


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>expeditions with harder yokai and new enemy placement
I didn't even know about this. All I used co-op for in nioh 1 was running through missions for glory. Maybe it'll actually be worthwhile as an experience this time around.

Got my preorder waiting for me at gaymestop.
Gonna pick up some sushi right after. Gonna be a good day friday.

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I know a lot of people that do it. Personally me and my wife do the whole leeching account thing. Particularly good when a game with online coop comes out. I buy the game once on my account, then they can download it on theirs and we play together

haha epic nice le made up scores we should suddenly care about
hang yourself dumb Yas Forumsermin

Is Wirriam in the game at all?

Why lie?