I literally played every game that ever existed

i literally played every game that ever existed
ask me anythijng

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What cat is best cat

what's the best game?

is bannerlord any good

Recomend me a good platform game.

is the cat typing this?

Do you sleep, eat and shit?

Did you play that one shit game I made in 2 days and never uploaded anywhere?
Was it good?

Was it all worth it?

How do I shot web?

is coffee good for me

who be the best character in this wee swordfighter

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My cat

How can a cat play video games?

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post cat

paul you dumb fuck, my life is as shit as ever.


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>playing with the devs during closed beta on the skyscraper mall map
I want to go back

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Brush him

I think you've got the wrong person Paul, my life's as shit as ever.


is has game good?

spare me, paul

Spare me, Paul

Spare me, Paul
This time is actually starting to go well

niggerman is best cat

did you ever have sex though?

Hey bro you have something in your nose, let me help

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fuck off, paul.



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Spare me, Paul

what the fuck is that, how did it enter the cat's nose?

Fuck that thing, burn it in hell
Poor kitty

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Jesus Christ, the poor thing.

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Looks like a botfly larva, a botfly laid an egg in the cat's nose.
Fun fact, humans can be infected by botflies too.

wtf based i want a botfly larva in my body now

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Yeah, i don't have those in my country

Hows your social life?

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Spare me, Paul

How the hell did he get so many?

>“I began to notice a sort of discomfort exactly in the very top of my head,” Carlton told, recalling his horrifying experience in 1997, “and I didn't think much of it.” He’d known about botflies, what with being an entomologist and all. But he didn’t draw the connection until an intense pain hit him every 15 to 20 minutes. That's when he remembered that when the larvae reach a certain size, they “rotate in their little burrows in your skin, and this creates this sort of intense shooting periodic pain. So at that point the typical reaction is that you know you have a maggot in your body, and you must get it out.”
tfw no qtie botfly larva that puts you in immense pain as it moves under your skin

Do you like Tomba?

My cat

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How's that one farming game where you kill your wife and have to hide the body?

Whats past the zombie koopa in Ultra Kaizo Mario 2?

Where is diablo 2 on your best games ranking?

Spare me, Paul

No, mine are

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just fuck my shit up paul

Spare me, Paul

My life is finally starting to go well I'm not risking it call me retarded

Spare me, Paul.

Hmmmm, I think I remember playing that between the year 2000 and 2010, but I don't know on laptop I had it

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Ooh spare me paul

how can m*tt cats even compare to aryanGODS like that?

Even porn games ?

Oh, don't say that, all cats are cute, but thank you for calling them AryanGODS

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name ONE (1) game

Spare me, Paul

Paul! UNATCO hurt my weenie

They're very cute, but the best? Who can say
Torties are a very pure breed!

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Torties are literally not a breed.

She looks like a good girl

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>my name is paul
spare me, paul, for i also paul

Spare me, Paul

She is, and I love Siamese cats too

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is it wrong to racemix?

Spare me, paul.