Narumi is best Touhou!

Narumi is best Touhou!

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I am best touhou

Best Touhou is easily my wife Sanae

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I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive?

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Get in, loser

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Tried my best to not use Malice abuse but fuck Tewi and fuck Kaguya's stage not being practiceable

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Fatchouli will never make sense to me, if anything she’s small

fat shortstack

Based but still out of character

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Where does the fumobile of legends go?


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For me, it's Okuu

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post 1ccs fags

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I did can't wait to rage at cheating AI

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The Yama of Youkai Xanadu pulls no punches.

I’m just waiting for the spider poster

Sure is!

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What's beyond the door?

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Okina's massive stash of Kasen x Yukari doujins

a door into the dragon palace

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Why would someone from the Film Actors Guild be in this thread, much less play Touhou?

Does this count? Defeated SA, and now I'm try to challenge the extra stages and try to capture as many spellacard ad possible

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50% chance a goat, 50% chance a new car

The crippled goddess and her cute airheads.

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They deserve to be shot.

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shes getting pretty old, how long does she have left?

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*blocks your reitaisai*

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>ywn enjoy a long night of snuggling with yamame
>ywn tell her in the morning that you'll go ahead and get up to make some breakfast, only to find that you've been completely immobilized in a web
>ywn have your insides completely liquefied by supernatural spider venom and succ'd out through your neck by yamame
bros... how can I continue on without an earth spider gf...

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She'll be fine.

Does your 2hu drink their coffee black or sweet?

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Who is she?


Touch the cow

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Other Benben

Alright lads whose ready to invade Gensokyo and kill the Youkai scum once and for all

go away Yorihime. im going to destroy the moon.

Fuck off, moonscum

>Not wanting to establish humanity as the dominant force and destroying the barrier to allow travel between the different worlds

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>moonies itt
I'm gonna make reisen's ptsd look like a fucking joke

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the only thing I want to establish is my hand on Reisen's ass

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Junko will help her with her ptsd.

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just started pofv
what the fuck are all these notifications
what the fuck is the purple effect when I focus
what does the number at the bottom meter mean
are hakurei orbs on the left my lives
why does marisa's level 4 seem to be utterly shit

What is this expression trying to convey?

The purple circle “caught” spirit so you can chain their explosions and get rid of small bullets, as well as sending bullets to the enemies

also how the hell does the AI always manage to reach level 4 charge before I can even get level 3

You havent seen anything

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Don’t use anything above level 2. Treat it as your bomb in a normal game

but level 4 is useful for countering an opponents super

so you l have schizophrenia, right

humans are shitters though

only in the windows games

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Malice isn't actually that busted and Solo Marisa is easier than trying to use Team Magic.
Good job.


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pretty sure it is since it lets you skip half of a phase


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You see that combo number on the top left portion of your screen?
Reaching certain thresholds gives you a free level 4

You always want to kill the level 4 for resources, or send it away via your own level 4, don't waste all that gauge on it

also why does the bomb button seemingly do nothing

It's pretty overrated, all things considered, and honestly for low level play I'd say Team Border is easier.
t plays on Lunatic.