What's the most money you've ever spent on a single game?

What's the most money you've ever spent on a single game?
That includes any merchandise, peripherals/hardware you bought mainly for that game, travel costs for tournaments etc.

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100 dollars on CSGO skins.

$110 on BF1 and its expansions

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$107.98 on rule of rose

I havent even tallied how much I've spent yet but at this point its gotta be 2-3k

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Post support

40k on WWE superstars

pretty sad how this is still not even impressive for gachatards standards

Kind of a lucklet whale desu took like 600 dollars to get one semiramis

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A shitty huniepop ripoff called pussy saga, you had to pay for more storage space for CGs and I was too autistic to just delete old ones. Probably spent around 500 dollars.
But at least I can take solace in knowing that despite being retarded enough to do that I have never spent a cent on gacha shit.

probably sm4sh since I bought both versions and dlc for both

Bruh you spent thousands on some literal who game that no girl or normal people will every know/care about. In fact they'd laugh and call you weird if they knew you played that game. At least spend it on some normie shit like LoL or Overwatch. All my friends are jelly of my LoL skins, and the only reason to spend in games is to make your friends jelly.

>Raikoufag (true)
You're alright by me user.

Not him, but lording your wealth over poorfag gacha autists is the best, because they have to save up for months just to fail to get one copy of an SSR and literally have to be talked down from suicide, while you rub your 5 copies in their face

$734 of tax return money on Apex Legends crates and around $400 on V-Bucks for Fortnite.

nearly $4000 on warframe since the open beta
thats grandmaster founders and max tier of every new prime access since they started plus the occasional plat buy when the discount pops
it looks like alot but since it took 6 years to reach that number i dont regret it one bit

I recently spent 70 bucks to get into bless unleashed early access.

Needless to say I regretted it 5 minutes into the game.

You managed to create and cum to a character that fast? Impressive

$700 on Star Citizen wayyyyy back during the initial crowdfunding.

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That comes out to the price of 11 brand new AAA games per year. That's an entire gaming habit that could be used to basically play a new game a month that you've dropped into a single game.

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Probably Automata. I got the Black Box edition, multiple figurines, all soundtracks, and some of the books.

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No. I lagged continuously in the intro section and said “fuck this shit” when I saw how bad the combat was. I guess I’m an jackass for watching the trailers and thinking it looked like it was worth trying.

$600 just to play pirated witcher 2

Well I have over 1000 skins on LoL. That's gotta be a lot of money.

And if he gets his enjoyment from that one game then more power to him. I basically budget a "hobby" allowance each month, sometimes I buy a bunch of new games, sometimes I blow it all on the same game for a couple of months in a row, sometimes I go buy a bunch of 40k shit and upset myself with my shitty painting. I never feel short changed because I'm always the one choosing what will best entertain me this month as my mood and trends change.

Around $1200 on dota but I've been playing for 8 years and have 5.5k hours in it so I dont regret it

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I'm not telling him how to spend his money, I'm just putting it alongside some context so that other people can see it more clearly.

I spent 600 bucks on a small form factor pc just to realise the graphics card was shit and I couldn’t return it and my other graphics card wouldn’t fit in it so I tried putting the motherboard in a new tower and fucked up putting in the cooling fan for the processor. Altogether I lost about 900 bucks.

100 for Borderlands 3 and the season pass
1400 on a brand new computer specifically to play Borderlands 3

I don't regret my decision but I wish BL3 was better game

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The time I bought a PS3 to play Red Dead Redemption. It was worth it for all the other games I got afterwards.

Around 300 on Path of Exile I think

To the devs or to our mutual friend Mr. Chang?

I've spent more than a couple grand on my Legendia collection without a doubt. I would say about 5k+ at this point and continues. My Tales series collection in general, probably puts it to more than I would like to admit.

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My brother has so far spent at least 400 britbongdollarydoos on video game funko pop toys.

He’s 39 years old.

Honestly what's the point in owning more than 10 copies of the same game? I own 2 copies of FF7-9 and Lunar SSSC, and that's because I kept one to play, one for collection, but beyond that buying and keeping 10 copies is excessive

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Spent 250 on the RE2 collector's edition when it came out. I also bought a VR for the launch of RE7 and I got the deluxe edition of the game that came with the season pass. So probably well over 300- almost 400

Whichever gives me supporter packs

Probably either Smash Wii U or Ultimate since I've bought the game at launch at full price (Wii U with the GC controller adapter) and the DLC characters & stages after that (skipped the Mii fighters though, aside from Sans who came with a fucking music track, the devious bastards).

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It honestly just accumulated over the 10+ years span of collecting for this game. I also like collecting games and won't pass up on a good deal.

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Took out a loan to buy the valve index just for boneworks

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I bought a Wii strictly for punchout.

waist not big enough

70 dollars on some obscure japanese game that i never played cause i dont speak japanese.

Game is Mizzurna Falls, it's actually super interesting because it's a ps1 open world 3d game. Think Deadly Premoniton on the ps1. Amazing they were able to pull it off on such hardware.

A couple thousand on my MTG decks? I don't know the exact numbers, I've got decks ranging from $30 to $2000.

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What is the story behind this user? I must know.

>caring about what other people think
>caring about what normalfags think
>only consuming products acceptable to normalfags
Literal NPC.

Dota 2
Got a few of the figurines and the dragon knight nendoroid. And a couple shirts.
Got a golden doom and death prophet out of pure luck sold the golden hats for like $800 total so at least I got my money's worth

A couple of thousand on Path of Exile over the course of three years.

$80 for BotW
I don't normally buy games new

Honestly, you sound a little dumb.

I paid full price for Death Stranding and then after playing it for a couple days I got hammered and pre-ordered the deluxe Sam Bridges Nendoroid. Like $150 total. I don't even like the game that much but I'm hype for this dumb little figurine when it arrives in fucking August or whatever

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fuck canada

Yeah I had only ever seen YouTube tutorials on putting a pc together but not transferring from one tower to another.

But whatever I agree I am pretty dumb for letting that happen.

You guys are surprisingly frugal. I wanted to see some massive whales.

Civ 6 season pass at launch + the expansions at launch was over 130 dollars.

give me one of those lunars user

user please. that would be a terrible deal for me.

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I need it for my collection of games user, please
I don't wanna spend the gorillions people ask for it

$400 on Disney Infinity.
$200+ on skins/boxes in Overwatch
I spent $15 in Fortnite BR. I plan on buying a $100 V-bucks pack too which will probably cover everything I like in the game (the shop is randomized every day so I won't spend it all at once and the Battle Pass pays for itself after the first). If I'm still playing when it runs out I'm not against an another $100 pack.
Generally I don't care about skins/stuff in games and I never buy anything brand new so I tell myself I deserve some luxury from time to time. My only other vice is achievement hunting, so I buy DLCs on sale for most of my games but at the same time this makes them very long so I don't play many games. Excuses, excuses...

actually, if you count in merchandise, it's probably tied between the sheer amount of KOS-MOS figures I have or the amount of yuffie figures I have

>Was trying to complete the Disney Infinity collection
>They released a D23 only power disc for KH Mickey instantly making it impossible to complete unless you had 500 bucks to drop on a single coin sized scrap of plastic
I've never been so fucking mad.