Mikey Kelly will never voice Ratchet again

>Mikey Kelly will never voice Ratchet again
>David Bergeaud will never score another soundtrack
>Mr. Zurkon, The Groovitron, and Buzz Blades will always be staples of the series

Darkest timeline

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Also no more head gadgets. Ever.

These are all good things

What's the best way to play the series anyhow, only ever played the PS4 one and I liked it

Is emulation the way to go or does this series have a good HD collection?

You can play Tools at 4K60 now. The same should apply to the HD Collection, even though that was a broken mess on PS3.

The PS3 collection is pretty solid

Hated Mikey Kelly as Ratchet. Was a good decision to replace him

>David Bergeaud will never score another soundtrack
It hurts

The PS3 HD collection has little audio and some graphical issue but from a gameplay standpoint, it's fine and worth playing

Mikey is Ratchet. James' Ratchet is a whip crack away from being Johnny Test tier.


At least we won’t see those things gradually getting stale and soulless.

New outfit when? I don't much care for the orange. I think Ratchet works best wearing green or black.

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With the lads working with sony full time now, I bet they are doing some VR related stuff with Ratchet.
What fun stuff can they come up with there?

Also: 1-10 hows the "the movie- the game - the movie" play?


I thought the remake was really disappointing in terms of gameplay, pretty low in the overall ranking. Most people seemed to think the gameplay was above average for the series though.

Sony has literally never commissioned Insomniac to make a single VR title. From 2014-2018 Insomniac pumped out ten or so games across dozens of platforms.

When Sony acquired them, they said that Ratchet & Clank is their main priority now.

>Also: 1-10 hows the "the movie- the game - the movie" play?
It plays fast.

Okay, James.

nobody gives a shit about this furry bait franchise, sonygro

The PS2 versions are ideal but the HD collections are good. Just be advised that the vita version of the HD collection is very buggy, but good enough if you want a portable game.

Games don't emulate very well unfortunately.


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>Also: 1-10 hows the "the movie- the game - the movie" play?

I'd give it like an 8 if you've never played the PS3 trilogy, or a 6 if you have. It's an alright game but the weapon recycling really kills it, like half the arsenal are just weapons you've already used before, might as well just go play CiT.

>tfw these games are such fucking spaghetti code that modding will pretty much never be possible

Ratchet and Clank 1 would be absolute kino if you could just somehow transplant the controls from 3 into the first game.


gay nigga

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Didn't they announced that they're splitting into two teams, the A one continuing Spoderman and the B one continuing R&C?

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>>David Bergeaud will never score another soundtrack

This is what hurts the most

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Emulation is better than PS3 ports which have small fuckups.


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Mikey was alright, for what it's worth in the back of my mind he delivered an alright performance.
Eh, never cared much for who made the scores to the background tracks. It was good enough.

I miss early 2000's Ratchet. They need to bring back some of that edge.

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>I can breathe easily, and my tail feels like it was shoved right in my ass!

>hating on Obi-Wan

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I honestly miss when games were unapologetically edgy.

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>Well... if it ain't two of my best customers.

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>black Billy Mays

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I'll be frank Taylor still feels less 'edgy' I guess? More so the stigma of pleasanter times with the Clone Wars show that comes with the voice for me. Whereas Mikes's only comes from the first game and, the scooby doo cyberchase movie for me. I mean it really boils down to personal preference.

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Someone fucking sucks at proportions.

Post the sequence too.

Nah, the furfag does fat and inflation art with breast expansion.

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I don't understand the point of this character. Apparently Insomniac wanted to write her out of the series after the 2nd game, but then later mentioned she exists in Crack in Time, but she never actually appears in the game... so does she even exist anymore or what? What was the point of that? She was replaced by Talwyn in the end anyways who is hotter.

>anyways who is hotter
So basically you wanted a waifu fight, and wasted several sentences.

sexual awakening right here

game2 takes place in a different galaxy than the others

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What did yall african american gentlemen think of the Resistance games?


i remember being underwhelmed with number 1, considering it was supposed to be THE fps launch title for THE super ps3 and it was just completely standard issue. BLACK on the ps2 was better, half-life2 on pc was better, etc.

it wasnt bad just normal. never played the others

I like how guns in the third one are basically Ratchet and Clank weapons.

I played on Hard Mode with my friend and we had great fun but we don't know what the story is about aside from aliens

Resistance 2 had some fun multiplayer and i liked the singleplayer campaign more than the first one. 3rd is one of the worst game i've ever played i think.

I though R&C for PS4 was alright. Nothing amazing but still fun.

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Switch 1 & 2 and drop A Crack in Time to A and you're speaking the truth