
business people know whats going on here.

Sony cannot afford ps5 to flop, so they let the retard into the lions pit first to test the waters

ps5 price/power will be based UPON the markets' reaction to xbox

99.9% M$ knows this BUT you guys cannot even imagine how much M$ dont give a fuck about video games/xbox success/pc ports/.

if only you guys knew how much M$ dont give a fuck about gaming

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I think microsoft learned from how hard they fucking ruined themselves with the xbone reveal and have been pretty light on details, but are still talking about it. Sony isn't talking about much at all, they also do have more to lose though.

I think the big fight point at the moment is price point, whoever reveals first better be prepared for the opposition to slash by $100.

noooooo not the trannyrino

>whoever reveals first better be prepared for the opposition to slash by $100.

m$ will reveal first. they dont give a fuck about xbox flopping. for them this is a hobby...a laff ....a giggle

They did this last time by letting the Microsoft announce the Xbox One is always-online and you can't use used games. After Sony saw the reaction, they changed their E3 script to make fun of Microsoft's stupid decisions. They're doing the same thing this gen.

Why do people think anything but the week before release matters?

hahahah i remember that. beautiful.

best part is ps4 was probably planning the same or worse drm heheheheh

on a side note these consoles have some god tier anti piracy shit unlike xbox 360

Nothing stands out as a fuckup yet on MS end though.
Only complaint I've heard is the form factor won't fit in peoples entertainment stand.


>Sony cannot afford ps5 to flop
Sony owns FGO, they could do anything right now and still make a profit.

>Sony owns FGO, they could do anything right now and still make a profit.

pay to win games dont last forever. look at fortnite dying

this is a big cope thread

Sony are silent because Microsoft unveiled the flagship console in their 'series' whilst making everyone believe it's the base model, and not mentioning price at all (which will most likely be $700+)

Sony unveiling a weaker console right now without Microsoft giving a price point would be bad

PS5 will be weaker, it will also be much cheaper. Microsoft will make a console to match the PS5 specs and price point

this is a big cope post

u r an educated man. 99.9% ps5 will be $399 and probably its spherical shape

there was an actual photo of this but it vanished from all sites

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PS4 was unveiled before Xbone.

Why does that paper look like its photoshopped onto a stock photo of a work desk?

microsoft has nothing to lose after they lost this gen

they got greedy and got cucked, so they decided to do what their enemy doesn't

all xbox games are getting released on steam, and they promote that

they also have game pass thing

sony is the leading console, they can't delay the announcement for long, can't afford it, that's the price for being on top

microsoft will wait until sony will announce specs and price and then play from that

microsoft can wait all they want, they have all the time in the universe right now

>if only you guys knew how much M$ dont give a fuck about gaming

Three gens of BC
Game Pass
Best hardware on the market
SeX likely stronger than PS5
Invests deeper in first parties than ever before

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there is no point of buying an xbox if there are no exclusives

>there was an actual photo of this but it vanished from all sites
That was a 3D render, not an actual photo.

This. Sony got cornered because MS has the benefit of initial reveal and also underdog position.

>all xbox games are getting released on steam, and they promote that

none of them work UNLESS you have latest windows update also most are w10 only

>microsoft will wait until sony will announce specs and price and then play from that

My bet is that they wont d that. they dont give a fuck about losing. i think they are going after PC gaming not ps5

If a console can only be justified by gatekeeping content to it, it's a bad console.

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Why would sony be using microsoft surface books instead of their own vaio laptops?

> it's a bad console.
All consoles are bad, except for maybe the portable ones. That's why they need exclusives, to prevent getting steamrolled by the PC gigachad.

Nah. Consoles can have their use aswell. For instance XboneX is a great 4K BC console now.

Also great couch co-op machine. What I use my consoles for the most at least.

exclusives are the point of buying a console

No, it's justified by being a solid, easy to set up and use platform that lets you play games that run well enough. Exclusives are a reason to buy it over the competition. This has been the case since forever, and extends far beyond gaming. I'm sure I could use a food analogy here but why don't I just throw it back to fucking amiga and commodore, or intellivision/coleco, or nintendo and god damned sega? They frequently paid third parties to make games better on their respective platforms. That's all that exclusives really are, taking that to a new level. I don't see why people say exclusives are bad either, when a company focuses on one platform you usually get better performance, and less horseshit optimization issues and cutbacks.
>hurr if it was on PC there'd never be cutbacks
but there would, they'd have to optimize for three separate fucking platforms and that eats up loads of devtime.
Frankly exclusives tend to be the best games on platforms because they usually show off the system the best. There's a reason bloodborne still gets talked about.

>man who owns console with no exclusives
>exclusives bad

okay mr fox

But they lost last gen too...

IIRC, PS4 was annnonced first in February

Do you seriously think a gacha can prop-up a dying electronic company? Sony can't afford ps5 bombing else they will go toshiba or sharp route.

from what i read xbox is now rivalling PC gaming hardware. they want PC keks to switch to them. they are happy with being behind PS consoles.
2nd place is ok

playstation brand is profitable. The rest of sony isn't, but it's good that playstation is a separate entity and sony going down doesn't mean much.

also sony dying is about as likely as philips.

>six months before the release of the new Playstation, Sony is waiting to finalize their designs based on drip fed information of the new Xbox
How do I know you'll never ever be responsible for any kind of high level decision making?

because i had sexual relations with your mum?

Don't care about either console currently, but I don't see what Xbox is suppose to offer other than nu-Halo. Is Sony suppose to be scared? Every normie is going to buy the system for their Uncharteds, God of Wars, Spider Mans, Last of Us' etc.

for the same very reason microsoft did it, to shake off the slightly infamous of its last console

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>Sony: You go first
>MS: No you go first
>Sony: I insist
So when is this shit going to end? Who is going to make the first move and announce their console?

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M$ has shitton of money already and are leading OS market on global scale so they can fuck up console market as much as they want.
Sony is only coping because they know PlayStation is pretty much everything they have besides heavy competition on TV and ...do they still make phones?

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Microsoft will. They don't have a choice.

MS is well aware Halo alone is not enough. This is why they'll offer the objectively best system for multiplats. Xbone got hurt a lot being weaker and initially more expensive than PS4.

also like i said before they dont give a fuck

It did. But best multiplat support will mean nothing unless sony announces no backwards compat. If it does have ps4 backwards compat, it wins by default because this generation has been so fucking digital heavy that people will be deathly afraid of losing their libraries.

>This is why they'll offer the objectively best system for multiplats.
No one cares about how multiplats run. The multiplats could run like shit on PS5 and people would still buy it over the Xbox SX because PS5 will have all the good exclusives.

This is Baghdad Bob levels of rejecting reality and substituting your own
Absolutely lethal levels of cope

Jesus Christ OP hold your spaghetti together

From a PCtard point of view only which is irrelevant since most people who game are casuals and they only care about FIFA, CoD and their free to play games in their laptops like league of legends.

>exclusives bad
Yes, everything would be better if you could get everything on PC and a secondary handheld

Nobody is buying PS5 unless it has Versus XV and FF16 on it as launch titles

This. Sony and Microsoft are playing a game of chicken, but Microsoft has been diversifying on the side here so they are in no rush anymore whereas Sony is losing precious time. Honestly, though, Microsoft should've been the dominant company all along had they just played up the PC + Xbox marriage from the get go instead of competing against themselves for three generations. Better to wise up now than never I guess.

Nigga who gives a shit just get a PC are you literally 12 years old?

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>MS - here's $500 SeX price
>Sony - haha we undercut you, $450 PS5
>MS - $300 Lockhart
op is a fag

PS5 will be $399 and no one will give a fuck about the Cuckhart just like no one cared about the cheapo launch PS3 and 360.

based Frankieposter

It's not going to be another XBO v PS4 situation where Sony can just get up on stage after Microsoft embarassed themselves and build their pitch on doing everything opposite. All signs have been pointing to the Xbox being a cheap and powerful machine with no bullshit for once, while sony seems to be going full retard with gimmicks and proprietary hardware.

Microsoft's gonna come swinging out the gate with a 300$ 4k capable xbox and sony's gonna scramble trying to figure out what the fuck they're going to do with their 900$ memebox +heart monitor controller sold separately +controller battery sold separately +memory card sold separately.

>powerful machines with no bullshit for once
pick one retard

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