Roast someone in public chat

>roast someone in public chat
>he quits the server

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>someone in a thread completely blows the fuck out of my argument using objective facts and examples and without resorting to petty insults or name calling
>call them a retard and hide the thread

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>get called a retard in game
>report him
>he gets a week ban

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>Call someone a retard
>They keep replying with the same anime girl
>Call the cleaning crew to dispose of them for using an avatar
Works every time

>try to roast someone
>"lol u mad"

>go into political thread
>post this copy pasta that gets me like 20 replies everytime

I love (You)s

nothing better than blocking someone for being an annoying tard and then later on hearing them complain about being blocked

There are plenty of things better. Having sex for example, you should try it sometime.

>having sex
>better than winning internet arguments
tits or gtfo

Is there a word or a name for this? Not snitching because you're a butthurt fag, but doing it purely to spite the person knowing they'll get in trouble?


karma bitttttttch

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>start losing an argument
>another user backs you up and oblitirates the other side with legit points and examples you haven't even thought of

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people that want to be internet janitors for free but cant even get that far

Don't call people names if you can't handle the consequences

>someone accuses the two of you of being a samefag

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literally have sex my dude

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>realize opposition in thread argument has better logic and evidence
>switch sides
>reply to people on my original side using stuff from opponent's (my current side's) argument and act like a huge asshat about it

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>match ends
>someone specifically thanks you for helping them out during the match
Is there a better feeling?

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die tranny

>rando faggot uses anime for his profile
>kill him and call him a kissless virgin
>he spends the rest of the game telling you why he doesn't need women anyway because all they do is manipulate men for material needs

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He's not wrong

Oh no no no

>he spends the rest of the game telling you the truth
Hmm sounds like a bro

>post good bait to get both sides against me
>come back an hour later to find many (you)s and retards arguing on my behalf

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t. simp who refuses to listen

>Someone makes a sound argument towards another user
>Pretend to be that other user and sound extremely butthurt

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>rando faggot uses anime for his profile
>kill him and call him kissless virgin
>he agress and just play the game more

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>they just can't help themselves
Have sex

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Yes user, spiteful. Unless you provoked them to produce that outcome, in which case, that means that you are an asshole. Nothing wrong with either though. That's the spirit of shit-talking on the internet.

Kevin Nash was raped at gunpoint by a pack of wild niggers in the summer of 92.

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>made super bad post about something
>some user respond clearly taking a bait
>other people start to reply to him attacking him

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you forgot:

>on the internet.
Oh I would do it IRL too. Like, rappers threaten to kill each other and shit all the time, I'd fucking have a field day. I'm sure I'd get a lot of people sent away for a long long time. And I wouldn't do it because I'm scared, no, it just seems like the best way to fuck up their life legally.

>arguing online
>stop and realise what a stupid and pointless endeavour it is
>do something else


>things that never happened

He's correct though.

>do this very obviously a little as a joke
>everyone takes it seriously
>keep doing it and getting replies and get addicted to (you)s
>goes on for months
>become the bane of the community I once enjoyed for what it was
>they become irreparably damaged and continue to act the same way amomgst one another even without my involvement, getting worse all on their own now
Anonymity and paranoia are a hell of a drug.

>post a Stonetoss comic and literally say in the OP you’re doing it just to troll restarts
>400 replies before thread gets deleted

friendless nerds who nobody wants to hang out with because they get triggered by any mention of their tranny axe wounds

I know that feel bro

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>Call somebody a faggot for posting anime on Yas Forums
>They seethe and call me a normalfag and to go back2Leddit
>I've been here since 2005

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What is it about racist Shmorky that makes Yas Forums so insanely butthurt?

trolling and reverse trolling

wtf are you me user

This is the one thing that will ALWAYS get you replies here, I'm honestly amazed these wannabe oldfags haven't caught on yet

>make fun of the other side by using extremely exaggerated ad absurdum strawmen that absolutely no one in his right mind would take seriously
>fast forward a year and the strawman is now the new norm and unironically being argued for

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>been here 10 years
>still get called underaged and to lurk more

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>post anonymously
>make claims literally anyone could make
>people don't know who you are
Who cares

This isn't the new norm, one crazy cunt said it, or maybe she didn't, seeing as the article is from the express, a known shit rag.

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>going on the internet just to tell lies

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>try to roast someone
>they make a ur mom joke with my roast
Is there a worse feeling?

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>user btfo my argument
>Come with a quick, flimsy retort that only serves to make myself look like a tool
>Hours later come with the perfect counterargument when the discussion is already over
I hate when that happens

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>>someone in a thread completely blows the fuck out of my argument using objective facts and examples and without resorting to petty insults or name calling
when has this EVER happened here?

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>tfw I can derail any thread into mindless seething
>tfw it's more interesting than listening to zoomer opinions

HE'S IN threads

>ITT: underaged shitters coping with the fact that they cant even argue properly

LMAOing at your life kids. No need to reply, Im out as soon as I hit "post", stay mad :^)

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