KOREA TIME (sorta)

Round of 16 Group selection. No games this week.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Of course i forget the link.


Time for banter-kino.

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not expecting a huge thread for this.

Hopefully they don't all die of coronavirus.

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>Mong made it
>Soma made it
>Larva made it
>Flash's shoulders made it
Blessed tournament. If only Mini didn't lynch himself.

If only Jadedong were here, it would be perfect.

is there a list of all the r16 players?

Does he still stream StarCraft regularly, I wonder?

What's the ultimate mini pain moment?

Barracks really impressed me so much, I'll be rooting for him to get to at least the round of 4.

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>Terran 5
>Protoss 6
>Zerg 5
Suitably balanced.

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In a perfect world, protoss would not even make it to the RO24. But this is not a perfect world.

How much of that was luck and weaker players? Mini and Rush aren't the best and Mini played very stupid. Ima suicide all these Reavers and units onto your bases. Whoops I have nothing to stop your push.

The most painful mini moment is that often posted webm of his shuttle being slowly chased across the map and killed by a single corsair.
My favorite Mini moment (though certainly not his most painful) was ASL7 vs Effort. By the 5th game he was basically in tears and yet he still managed to win.

Thanks, OP. i was gonna make a thread but i forgot about it till just now. let's hope we get an english cast but i can't imagine so

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Mini did play especially shitty this season. Like, really shitty. Uncharacteristically so.
>How much of that was luck and weaker players?
I thought they all deserved the spot, there wasn't an upset victory that I considered undeserved amongst the ro16 players.

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>God's Arbiter recalls Mini's soul out of his body and directly to Heaven after Mini bungles his shuttle play for the last time.jpg

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me too, he did really fucking well. Is he an old pro? I've never heard of him before

>By the 5th game he was basically in tears and yet he still managed to win.

>even when he's winning he's in pain
Imagine being Mini.

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Jesus Tasteless he looks like he's going to burst

Can't Day9 offer him some dieting tips?

Looks like the pc is exploding in his face like a star trek console to me.


On what SHOULDER-DEFCON are we at?

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artosis gives off such feeder vibes, haven't you seen his wife

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It's alcoholic bloat.

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he was on kt rolster and every time he appeared in proleague he was a free win for the other team

Larva's been doing BJJ to lose weight and get into shape.

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My theory as to why he did so shitty this time around is that he felt he wasn't suffering enough as group favorite so he threw the first game to put himself back in the underdog position.

Stargirl 1 was so much better.

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He doesn't look right without the chub.

mong gives off such fat chad confidence

>korea time
hell ye
>no games
what's the point


>no games
Seriously nigger? What do you even watch this for?

You can tell her level of confidence in a player based on how many shoulders are showing, and how exposed they are.

>that second where she adjusted her shoulder to expose it a little more


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Bad shitposting in real life. Also Flash asserting his dominance.

>not wanting to watch a Korean prostitute sit awkwardly next to dorks while they draw pieces of folded paper from a cup while stock sound effects play at random
You don't understand Starcraft.

>all those masks

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when this is over someone give me a tl;dr about how it all went down

I love you /scv/

>gooks baneposting irl

eh, these things are usually a bit of a laugh with pros bantsing eachother. usually they're just at the end of the last day of games but cause of plague i guess they had to try and limit the number of ;people they could check into the studio

>pure Andycasting
This is what it should always be.

Nigger I used to watch tournies like 10+ years ago and in /scv/, non-game streams are always the worst threads by a significant margin. No amount of comfy or coom posting will change that.

>Korean prostitute

legit? I doubt she could work as a call girl as korea is conservative and would call that out.

>no games last sunday
>no games today
My week is fucking ruined, thanks a lot you dog-eating flu tumors.

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what's his name?

Tasteless is almost as fat as me and that's saying something



Also.. Stork. and Rain should be there as well.

That would have been amazing. Anyone know what happened to Rain, btw?

Where are the video games? I only see k-star posting in this thread

Nice shirt.

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I always wonder wehre that's from.

Rain's wrists spontaneously exploded before the tournament started

Any choices/groups being selected already or are we just going through the participants and asking each other's opinions?

Mask is doing a good job I see

The latter. You haven't missed much at all

He's just afraid of being absolutely demolished by flash a second time, biding his time until he drops from the tournament scene for real.

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>no tastosis
>Nick is probably in his underwear watching twitch with booze in his hand

it's always amusing to see grp selections. everyone running scared and trying to dodge flash.

That's quite cynical of you. Were you to be even more cynical you might say he dropped out to avoid being dethroned as "best protoss player" by Bisu


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If my post ends in 5, then we'll get the fated all-Zerg group of knife fights & under-2-hour broadcasts.

If my post ends in 0 instead, then we'll get a full Terran group.

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Wrong thread buddy.

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a tumbler of scotch in one hand and thicc suzy on his lap

Someone post that story about Nick msaturbating in front of his brother. It's such a fucking weird insight into Nick's mindset.

rain is notoriously lazy and practicing starcraft is a lot of work so I'm not surprised he switched to streaming other stuff

>all Korean casters not wearing masks
RIP Caster Park.

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>thicc suzy

Lil Suzy? She's lived in Cali. Really I think Nick should have just hooked up with her and married her. I doubt he's going to do any better. He's going to die alone and childless.

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He'll take one of Artosis'
He's got enough he won't miss it

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please for the love of god have Cadenzie as the backup caster than Rapdly No Regret. Those two goofballs know nothing of starcraft. There should be a rule that you have to play the game before you cast.

Fuck I remember Rapid's last time casting and he kept contradicting himself.

>Group Stages
Alright boys, time for sleeve pulling and handholding between pro players when selecting groups. It always look slightly homo.

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