Enemies stunlock you till you die, armor does nothing

>enemies stunlock you till you die, armor does nothing
Is this the actual worst Dark Souls game? DS2 was more fun 2bh.

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both games are shit, ds2 just has significantly better looking armor sets

You can do that to them too, though. Just attack first.

>start NG+ with an already perfected SL120 build
>2 thieves at High Wall hit you with daggers 30 times in 3 sec, guard breaking and killing you at full health
Thanks Miyazaki, very cool.

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>ds2 just has significantly better looking armor sets

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>ds2 has better looking armor sets

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All the cool ones are in 3, too.


You mean hyperarmor.

That's the way DS3 is perceived by the average Yas Forumstard

alonne armor is not in ds3.

>getting stunlocked in rolling simulator
The fuck dude.


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Gonna roll a heavy build as my 3rd character. What's the best great hammer in the game?

Also, is it true that ultra builds have trouble with faster bosses like Nameless King or Gael?

>still not understanding how poise works

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nothing personnel, kid

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Vordt's hammer is godly and you get it very early game

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What's up with the ahegao? That's inappropriate.

>Hyperarmor through
Too easy

DaS3 is the most linear and simple but also the most polished and aesthetic. DaS2 is the most content heavy and replayable but also the most ugly and loose feeling. DaS1 is the most open world and pure and doesn't really have any drastic compromises.

Also, BB > Sekiro = DaS > DaS2 > DaS3 = DeS

This but this
BB > DeS = DaS > DaS3 > SeK >>>> DaS2

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DS1 is the slowest and has the worst poise mechanic by far, the rolls are gimped (can only roll 4 ways, eats almost as much stamina as blocking) and the game encourages you to stack poise and just tank through everything while chugging your 20 (!) charges of estus as if it was a fucking MMO.

People put DS1 on a pedestal only because of nostalgia. Prove me wrong, I know you can't.

DaS3 armor and poise work differently than the other games. Poise only activates when you are in the middle of an attack animation. Honestly, unless you are total dogshit at the games it really doesn't matter between DaS1-2 poise style and DaS3's different attacking style poise. My only complaint is that small shit-tier weapons like knives and shortswords shouldn't be able to stagger/stunlock heavy poise users inside or outside of that users attack animation.


>People put DS1 on a pedestal only because of nostalgia.
If DS2 wasn't retooled in early beta, they would at the least have deliver on the lightning system, and it would have been the best looking game in the series.
But as it stands, DS1 is still the best looking. The shader advancements from Demon Souls is simply too big.

>wear full havel
>rat bites your toe
>character is stunlocked immediately
>3 rats surround you
>permanent stunlock
It's just artificial difficulty, it's not fun.

i played 3 then 1 then 2. 3 is still the only one i would want to replay since i have no nostalgia for 1 and 2 was just bad. feels the smoothest to control, looks the prettiest, and my favorite weapon is the dual wield doors

>DS1 is still the best looking

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DaS1 has the wood grain ring and Dex shitters all over the place and dexbuilds in PvE and PvP are by far the most powerful, you just proved yourself wrong. 4 way rolling kinda sucks but it's more annoying than it is detrimental to playing the game correctly. Both STR and DEX builds can easily be grinded out to absurd OP levels in all DaS games.

I see no arguments there.
Are you sick in the head user?

that's hyperarmor retard

Not him, but Undead Burg looks like a fucking Morrowind town, not even Oblivion tier. And then places like Darkroot Garden are just silly, 2D trees and low poly everything somewhat masked by low lighting.

I know this place has been stuffed with extra dense retards for years but you're something special.
Bloodborne, Dark Souls III and Sekiro exist, either you're blinded by nostalgia or you're literally blind.

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I see you hate color and contrast.
Meanwhile II had a genuine opportunity to look better than DSII, but somebody thought it was a good idea to axe the light system to rush out the game after changing directors.

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>somewhat masked by low lighting.
that is all of Dark Souls 1

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I mean, it'd be pretty impressive if they were able to play all these games while literally blind.

Retarded faggot

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>And then places like Darkroot Garden are just silly, 2D trees and low poly everything somewhat masked by low lighting.
That is quite a bit dishonest of you.
Most of the extreme low texture low resolution stuff and LOD is masked by the Depth of Field in Dark Souls.
Its one of the few games where its applied correctly.

It baffles me how people can defend shit like this in a DS game.

It's a fantasy hack'n'slash game for fuck's sake, not a cover shooter where you go from one safe cover to another while constantly being shot at.

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Bb is the worst of them all. No wonder this cringe place pretends to like it

No, you can roll out of any stunlock.
And armor and heavy weapons prevent stuns from light and even medium hits as long as you started an attack.

> NOOOOOOOO I have to actually move in this game ? NOOoOoooo

Look at this area connecting Duke's Archives and Crystal Cave.

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>My only complaint is that small shit-tier weapons like knives and shortswords shouldn't be able to stagger/stunlock heavy poise users
That is why the poise in DaS3 is worthless though, along with armor/res calculation being weird/under powered. Poise barely makes a difference to hyper armor thanks to how its breakpoint is calculated, at best you will only be able to tank one or two extra hits which makes it pointless to stack and at worst it does fuck all. If hyper armor wasn't as static or if it covered the entire attack animation instead of just the middle of it, it would have been better then how old poise works.

Without the heavy armor he'd get stunned with the second hit instead of the going through 3 katana hits
hyperarmor and poise and interconnected now

It is better than old poise but it needs improvement. You could no joke walk through all the main game with Havel’s armor.

>Look at this completely unfinished area that is between a finished area and another unfinished area.
Nito's Domain has the same issue. So do everything past Ceaseless discharge.
The KILN isn't finished either, but they had enough textures, shaders and concept art to make it a decent presentation.
Deciding to make Anor Londo first was maybe their best decision, since it means about half the game is finished.

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This guy doesnt know how hyperarmor works. Your average Das3 shitposter.

Or you could grab havel ring + fap, then rush darkroot for stone guardian armor (which is only marginally worse than havel's) and you can start poise tanking through everything even before gargoyles. Shit game design, don't know how fanboys excuse it.

>hyperarmor and poise and interconnected now
They always were, hyperarmor and poise are supposed to work in tandem with each other just like Dark Souls 1 and 2. The poise value in 3 is still set to zero.

ps 3 is the worst souls game

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I played the games in a weird ass order. I played DS2 SOTFS, then 1, then 3. And 1 is my favorite. 3 is my least favorite though.

Usually your least favorite DS game is the one where you got filtered the most. 3 is the only that really tests your reflexes, so I guess you're just a bad player.

DS1 doesn't have hyper armor at all.

DS2 has hyper armor modified by poise.

DS3 has the exact same system as DS2, except hyper armor is limited to heavy weapons.

You goddamn retard.

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>They always were, hyperarmor and poise are supposed to work in tandem with each other just like Dark Souls 1 and 2
What weapons even have Hyper Armor in 1? In Demon Souls its very obvious which is which, but DaS1?

Yeah DS1 is just broken when you get lots of poise, even without great armor you can just chug and trade hits with a bunch of bosses.

No wonder they nerfed it in 2 and 3.

>Also, is it true that ultra builds have trouble with faster bosses like Nameless King or Gael
With bosses in general, yeah.

So heavy builds are shit in PVE but awesome In PVP? Basically the opposite of DEX builds then?

>mentally ill ds2 trannies still don't understand how poise works in ds3 and unironically believe that FromSoftware forgot to turn it on and its value is set to 0 in the code

If DS3 is too hard for you don't ever play Monster Hunter end game where you have a fraction of the i-frames.

No, heavy builds are good for pve and pvp. You can hold the heavy attack and smack almost any enemy around. It's just bad for bosses since you can't stagger them and attacking will punish you a lot of times. So you need a bit of patience with them.

All in all it's not impossible, just take what weapon you like and find cool and play the game.

Poise effects your hype-rarmor retard, that's literally how it works. The more poise you have, the more damage you need to take to get knocked out of moves that provide hyper-armor.

You can literally kill all bosses with any weapon you like. Some bosses are going to be a bit more intricate with ultras but some will be easier. Abyss walkers can be staggered for example and in bosses with brief attack windows like oceiros.

>You can hold the heavy attack and smack almost any enemy around.
I mean, you'll poise through it but still take damage though? While dex characters can just delete everything with winblades.

I'd imagine spacing and predicting will be very important on a heavy build in PVE.

Is it even possible to do a no damage battle with NK on a great hammer build? Or you have to tank and heal?