Patch notes up

Patch notes up.
How much would you price this new dye Yas Forums?

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a whole 2.5 seconds of my gcd

>technician coverall with dress shoes
SE is so fucking stupid.

If I'm a newly capped crafter (all classes) with basic ass scrip gear, is there any way I can make money here? Pls spoon-feed I'm so poor

>introduce crafter rankings
>make no attempt to counter botting


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When will I be able to set different hairstyles for different glams?

Fairly new player here, what's the intention behind the 10% nerf to Eden's Gate?
Is there any reason at all?

>old dinosaur mount
>lmao just kill 2k a marks and 1k s marks bro

>new dinosaur mount
>lmao just have 500k turn ins worth of points for EVERY crafter and EVERY gatherer bro

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They always add echo to the previous raid tier a few weeks into the new tier
As the reason itself, I have no idea.

so can you only get the gathering stuff for ishguard in diadem?

im so far behind in this game i cant even start crafting cause i still need to do regular stuff.

it's old content with no current relevant rewards except orchestrions, minions and a mount

They also nerfed monastery too.
It's shameful.

>Thunder God nerfed

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Why does that mean it needs a nerf?

>Give players only one week with no prior notice.

>We'll never get another alliance raid boss that's even remotely difficult
Hope you're looking forward to the 10+ minute long sponges in the 5.3 raid

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>mfw by the time I got back to doing the Ivalice raids and got past the Red Chocobo filter everyone stopped doing Monastery
>mfw I'll never be able to experience the meme of the Thunder God because the playerbase are a bunch of pussies

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>spreads some AoEs
>stand in a little circle

>attack enemy
>claim loot
wow who said video games were hard lmao

They always nerf old shit. Only noobs who started in sb haven't realized this and are throwing a hissyfit over muh nerfed thunderino cidderino not the heckin good godderino himself!
Should have done it when relevant. Cid wasn't as bad as Wiping City imo.

You could have just queued up on your day off and done shit like quests and crafting while waiting.

Nice try but nothing in Cid's encounter is new or unusual to any player who has reached him.

You can still experience the raid itself, it has some amazing music and cool moments, especially if you played FFT

Bitch ass nigga.

You can look forward to running it with a party of 24 Blue Mages.

Is that new ishgard glam or is it the old one? ishgard restoration/grind crafting seems like literal mind numbing content. i'd rather read a book. but i kind of want the jumpsuit and new dyes

one with new dyes applied

So will Diadem have old stuff back like Darksteel ore and Spruce for Airship building or will it be reduced to skybuilder crap only?

Cid was amazing.
Now he is casul.

Hah, you fuckers laughed when they announced monastery would be needed for save the queen, you laughed at the casuals who would be locked out of content.
Now your boss is nerfed, who's laughing now?

Now XIV really is dying.

>Just released the hardest Savage tier in a long time
>But nerfing old 24 man content that was already braindead is killing the game

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If it was braindead why did they need to nerf it?
It sets an awful precident because it encourages to players to wait for nerfs instead of rising to the challenge presented. I've seen many MMOs fuck themselves with this disasterous nerfing policy. It should be avoided unless absolutely necessary, which this was not.

Because XIV casuals are worse than braindead

Right as you are this is is absolutely nothing new for this game.

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>orbonne nerfed

What in the flying fuck?

Because its required for story and the new relic. So they just want people to steamroll it.

>It sets an awful precident because it encourages to players to wait for nerfs
people are already doing this for current extremes though

The first and only time I went there, we just steamrolled it. It's JP DF but still.

seething trial account wowtard

can you guys believe they actually held back the launch time for the competitive content that is crafter ranking

>say everyone gets a chance to rank
>make classes rank individually
>have super hard crafter recipes that give way more tourney points and will be macro crafted in no time
>instead of giving points by how many individual items you turn-in in general
>or any other way that gives everyone a fair chance
Good job, Yoshi. Shit will be dead after all autist crafters leave.

>why did they need to nerf it?
Because it's old content but because this game doesn't remove content people were intentionally removing their gear to be below the item level to get it in their roulette so new players that wanted to do it would have to wait hours for a group.

It's being nerfed because Orbonne is directly tied in to the 5.25 relic questline, which is casual content for casual soccer mom retards. Learn to read.

>The Echo will take effect upon entering Eden's Gate raids, increasing players' maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing potency by 10%.
>* Unlike other instances, the strength of the Echo will not increase in the event all party members are incapacitated.

People tend to heavily exaggerate the difficulty of the encounter
After they announced it'd be needed for the 5.25 relic weapon I started farming the glamours from Orbonne since I figured more people would queue for it
In the about 15 or so runs that I did only 2 of them got walled by Cid

this happens for literally every raid tier the fuck are you trying to say

Because only 0.00001% of the game's content, the current one, is supposed to remind you that a video game might have some challenge to it. Everything else is supposed to be piss easy and boring af.

can't use macros for expert recipes

>Crafting gets a leaderboard
>Raiding doesn't

The solution isn't to nerf it, it's to make Ivalice raids more rewarding than a 10 minute LOTA run.

Cid was never difficult, only thing that used to kill parties was that bait attack.
From week 2 I don't think I had a wipe in Orbonne till I stopped doing it weekly.

>have to go home for a couple of days to visit family during spring break
>this means that despite being an autistic omnicrafter there is zero chance of me being able to get the highest rankings
they better fucking rerun it

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Grind white and yellow scripts.
Sell materia, then stop being lazy and find your niche on your server.
I've been making housing shit, low ball other servers for mats and sell them for 400% profit without doing anything for it. Its great.
Also join an FC with no dedicated crafter and watch them all wanting to become your best friend in no time.

Can't wait to see all the autistic screeching when bots take the leaderboards and SE has to ban.

>In the about 15 or so runs that I did only 2 of them got walled by Cid
I have never seen a monastery run get walled by Cid, however I play a healer and I'm convinced that the encounter is won/failed by the healers.

They tried that with Prae and it didn't work so they just made it unskippable

Someone explain the absurd concept of competitive raiding to me.
Who the fuck are you competing against? What do you win?

>mfw 8 months in and still no relic

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5000 turn-ins is easier than 1k S ranks.

You do realize eden's gate is the previous tier, not the current one, right?

>If it was braindead why did they need to nerf it?
New quests are going to rely on it and they want to make it as accessible as possible by addressing the most problematic parts as pointed out by people at its launch.

It's like you're part of the mindless masses that can't think ahead, or something.

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Ranking is going to be weekly, I think. You will just need to wait a month until all bots get the titles.


In what world is Praetorium rewarding?

the ARR raids should be in a separate roulette with .75x rewards of the current 24man roulette
HW-SHB roulette should be 1.5x-2x the current roulette to get people to actually queue


How fast would it be if you had 24 parse trannies in one instance though?
I'm pretty sure 24 mans only take so long because 80% of the people in there barely know their proper rotation.

>New quests are going to rely on it

not him but whats this about?

Prae in MSQ Roulette gives the highest exp of anything in the game to the point where it's the only roulette worth doing while leveling from 70-80, not even Leveling scales as well.

People who can't beat pre-nerf T.G. Cid don't deserve relics.
There I said what was on everyone's minds.

Its absolute cancer when you are leveling a class from 60/70 onwards. You get a shitton of exp form killing bosses and clearing the raid alone.

Gate is the launch tier, you fucking moron.

>* Items added in patch 5.21 will be listed at a later date.
>* Recipes added in patch 5.21 will be listed at a later date.

What is the point of this? They're just encouraging data mining.

It doesn't give the highest exp per hour. Yeah it's a rewarding roulette if you ignore the fact it takes 40 minutes to clear, only 5 of which do you actually get to play. It also gives nothing else besides poetics. It's a complete waste of time.

The ranking period is one-time only period of 10 days following this patch release. It's not a regularly repeating thing. They will probably have additional ranking periods later on when they add more steps to the restoration, but it's not something where they rank people every week, you only get limited opportunity.

>Cid nerf
>crafter contest fuckery
>same shit and even more grind in general for Ishgard
Truly Diadem is back and once again comes with the worst patch.

remember Diversion?

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most of it is just ishgard stuff

>Good job, Yoshi. Shit will be dead after all autist crafters leave.

This is a good thing. It means that everyone will be able to get the title since there will be multiple seasons. There already going to be 1100 titles given out per season (8 crafter jobs + 3 gatherers x 100 titles each), so most of the smaller populated servers everyone will have the title within like 3 seasons lmao

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>It doesn't give the highest exp per hour
Yes it quite literally does and if you can get a decent queue it is once more the only roulette worth doing past 70

They are smart enough to have some sort of decay right? Or else the hyper autist poopsockers are just going to get their top ranks and sit on them forever.

pvp daily gives more

>not even Leveling scales as well.

Really? Leveling gives around 1/4 of a level, how much does Prae give compared to Merid?

Relic quests coming in 5.25 are going to be based on Ivalice.

it's actually the best use of time because i can do something worthwhile like cook dinner, eat dinner, and watch some educational youtube content while getting free experience points in a video game

Prae gives at minimum about 70% of a level and can easily be more

>Lower the barrier for Entry for never players, so they can try their hand at this content, since clearing it now easier, would not give them any advantage pushing into the newer stuff
>some of them might go into harder stuff
>keep the ultimates as they are with the level synch and all.
I don't see a problem

Fucking pixie quests give more exp than praetorium.

I miss the spells like Diversion, Lucid Dreaming (the enmity part of it), Protect, Apocatastasis and Palisade
I know that them being gone hardly makes a noticeable difference in the long run but I always just liked the presence of utility spells

Ah, then it's retarded. There should have been limited amount of turn ins and even more difficult so at least it would depend on luck instead of who has the most free time.

The patch notes show that seasonal (i.e. ranking) points and total points are tallied separately. So whenever the second ranking period starts they'll reset everyone's seasonal points to 0 while keeping total points.

i did it today on a 77 AST and got 17m exp

no they don't you fucking retard
pixie quests give 2m each at 79, praetorium gives 23m at 79

>doesnt have laptop


Time to head in Anons.

Player in Queue: 2
Get rekt nerds

>56 in queue on mung
i'll take it

Gatekeeping old casual content that gives out shiny sticks to babies who can't clear Savage is not a very productive pastime, user. It otherwise shouldn't impact you at all unless you're one of the players who benefit from it.

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finally content that I, a gatherer main, can enjoy

>5 minutes of pixies gives 6 million exp
>40 minutes of prae gives 23 million exp

>Durrr Prae is best exp per hour in game!


remember tail armor?
remember stat allocation?
remember when scholar could use thunder, aero, and blizzard II?
remember when you could stack elemental resist materia for a tiny chance to completely negate damage of that element?
remember when GLD could use shade shift to cheese oneshot mechanics?
remember when bard had a healer LB?
remember when CNJ and THM had the option of using shields?

I kinda miss it as well, but then again. As a tank I don't want to worry about 6 other retards remembering to press their cooldown every 30ish seconds. Especially Ninja, Monk and red mage.

Or is it

>queue number too high for me to buy up all the zurvan scales

>phrasing it like you can continue doing pixies after that daily 5 minutes

Nobody is stopping you from clearing it but yourself and other shitters with that mindset.

I've never been in Prae for longer than 30 minutes.
How do you do it user?

It's not a matter of gatekeeping, I'm not trying to take anything from those casuals, it's the opposite, I want them to gain something.
They waited for a nerf, but it wasn't only the boss who got nerfed, they were nerfed too.
They didn't grow, they didn't improve, they took a shortcut and gained nothing.
They experienced a hollow victory, nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad you don't know the difference.

*kicks you out of queue and makes you unable to log in for 30 minutes*

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It is based on total individual turn ins, it just happens that those turn-ins happen to be the expert recipes you need endgame gear for. They aren't going to be macro crafted either.

That's assuming you can't get on the leaderboards more than once. There will be people who get top 100 in every crafter.

oh zurvanite crafted weapons were a lie

guess its fine then

>projecting this hard

For me it only started happening with 5.2. . 5.0 and 5.1 were smoother.

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>DX11 Error
>Back in Queue
T-thanks Yoshi...

>still haven't fixed blizzard 2
I sleep

Yes. Clearly me the one who has done Orbonne a thousand times with no issue is projecting and not you shitters.

How do we get the parasols?

>one minute into Trial
>both DPS's are dead and my health is at 50%
>healer keeps spamming holy

Bad healers are the worst shit ever

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skybuilder scrips or MB
>tfw they're selling for 10m on Balmung

>raid trannies seething

So you could use the old skybuilder scrips after all?
