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>some anons probably died waiting for Bannerlord

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F for Feasting eternally on the richest butter

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Harlaus would be proud

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Erdogan is holding back the virus, but I dunno how long it can last.

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I've got 3 months left to live and I honest to god expected to die before bannerlord, it was actually something I was slightly sad about. Feels good now though.
But if they delay it? Well, I'll haunt those fuckers. I'll curse bannerlord with endless ctds and bluescreens.

They probably have Bannerlord in heaven.

It fucking feels strange that Bannerlord was announced when I graduated highschool and it's finally coming out now when I have a proper job and two degrees

Also which faction we going boys? Southern Empire here, get to revive the Roman Empire and bang the qt heir apparent.

>"Press X to do Y" should be an alliteration
Press ESC to fuck off.

no way I'm going to heaven with the terrible meaningless life I've lived, but I made my peace with that, I just want to enjoy my last bit of time before I'm incapable of basic motor function.

Nup, you are a follower of the way of butter. Only the best waits in the afterlife for you.

really excited but i'm going to wait until next year when the game is done. i dont want to get burned out on it during ea.

chances are the "EA" is just going to be like vanilla m&b, and the full release will be a warband style equivalent. Mods will fix it within two months. I'd bet serious coin on that.

>risking another year
user, just play it. The chances of you dying are very high.

Godspeed user. Have the best time with the game you can.

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>how fat are you
>none of your business

Bannerlord aye user? It would be a shame if I paid you a visit before it comes out.

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How fucking fat do you have to be to think that margarine is fucking tasty? That shit is disgusting.

if i do buy into ea its not going to be until the full siege, dynasty, and clan/army/kingdom creation and management stuff is in, that (for me) is a minimum requirement.

20 days incubation user
it's everywhere by now

Jokes on you I'm a chink and I would have gotten chink virus by now if I get it at all


im not a 90 year old boomer with one foot already in the grave
come at me

user you're gonna fucking die, just buy it.

You are a chink who isn't in China and speaks English. Probably in Australia or Europe somewhere. Basically, you were smart.

What are you guys doing during these final hours before Bannerlord?
>playing one last vanilla campaign with Dickplomacy
>playing through Perisno since it was the first conversion mod I got into years ago
>dicking around on Napoleonic Wars multiplayer

>Bannerlord comes out
>one of the first mods will be some Chrona Virus meme mod where you play as Chrona chan
calling it now.

i can feel it

>not Dickplomazon

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I'm playing on that vanilla+ pack called bannerpage, it's very buggy and there's some insanely OP units/item additions, but it's real fun to not have a wild total conversion and just go around the game again.

no epic store = no buy

It's on epic store you mentally handicapped child.

If they delay throw up a trip. maybe we can pull one out for old times sake.

seriously? fucking pass.

>noooooo you didn't say the meme right


>Same game with better graphics 3.0
They better fix the retarded AI and repetitive quests

You are unlikely to kill somebody my age and if you send me infertile I can live out my shattered dreams of having a family in bannerlord itself.

Playing doom eternal.

It has better sieges, that's already worth the price of admission.

>no snow

its not really a quest driven game, mate. obviously the AI is improved

Small indie studio please understand.

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god javelins were so fucking busted in the beta, I hope they're toned down a bit. If not that'll be the first fucking adjustment I make.
>200 god damned damage

Hello Upper Austria Bro

Unironically playing Fallout 4's Conqueror mod

Better sieges alone makes It better than Warband already

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>Corona virus may have killed anons waiting for bannerlord

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Are you ready to fight for Empress Rhagaea and her daughter?

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Random question but if I like warband will I like kenshi? I know they're quite different but they both do the whole open ended sandbox thing

that's the plan, and then I'll go for oyakodon ending, even more so when trap mods come out

Its the opposite. I hope coronachan hits my area hard and we get quarantined so I have an excuse to go full neet and plays this 24/7

Not based, not based at all

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You mean seduce and marry? Of course I am.

>not being decadend sexual deviant
>expecting to become an emperor

Never gonna make it.

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please explain to a newfag what an oyakodon ending is
is it the route of enjoying both the mother and the daughter?

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>its not really a quest driven game
Except that's the primary way of earning money, renown and positive relations.
Unless you just exploit the retarded arena AI and grind arena battles instead of quests.

probably not, unless harems are allowed by default
we can only hope there is, we'll find out soon, if not, it shouldn't be too hard to mod it in

Bannerlord's modding tools and way of modding is looking to be more versatile, modular and easy to use. So you bet your fucking ass there will be Dickplomacy: Bonerlord Edition for Bannerlord

no i was asking if that's what "oyakodon" meant