Can't wait for his review on FF7 Remake when it comes out

Can't wait for his review on FF7 Remake when it comes out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>metalhead Spoony

I'll give it a pass. He doesn't even like Burzum.

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Never heard of him.

If it's good he'll call it shit and vice versa. The only thing he's right about is Kojima being a hack.

He's disappeared up his own ass with politics. 99% of his videos are about poorly defined gun control politics and muh alt right bullshit.

burzum is shit. the only respectable metal out of europe is iron maiden and priest

>alt right bullshit.
This is how I know you're a dumbass.

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Fuck you.

Anything a cunt hair right of marx is "alt right" to you Bernie Bros.


Wouldn't exactly call him a Redditor if he's been hating Kojima for many years.

Good, Burzum is shit. Razor is pretty much the only /ourguy/ left on j-tube.

>identifying each other through what people consume instead of what they create
pinnacle post-post-epinuveau-postapocalyptic-post-modern culture

>alt right
you CAN NOT not be a shiptoster if you're unironically using the term to describe someone on fucking youtube

Razorfist is a 'black metal fan' but just likes shitty war metal crap and doesn't appreciate the immense talent of one of the most important bands because it's too atmospheric

imagine an escapist vidya videoblogger but actually funny (also more insightful than any of those fuckers on 99% of subject he opines on)

>using more than 1 adjective to describe someone

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>counting prefixes as words
cuntflap education everyone

I meant Burzum, not Rageaholic.

>inside a sentence

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it's painful to look at your retarded posts. Go back to school - it will make your shitposting much more effective.

Imagine honestly anticipating some e-celeb's opinion on something lmao. Fucking pathetic

He's a chad.

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insanely cringy Yas Forums contrarian that only likes Yas Forums core games and doesnt have a single opinion of his own, no wonder Yas Forums would identify with him

no thanks I don't listen to coldsteel edgy sissyboys

>Can't wait for his video on Witcher plagiarism when it comes out.

>I can't wait for him to pretend to play a game and complain about its fanbase!

based, make the libertarian tards seethe

you couldn't be more wrong - allow me to sell you this punch-line sputtering metalhead
(go to 3:45)

lol no, his videos got raided by Yas Forums years ago because he said nv sucks and 3 was better. also he thinks the prequels were the best sw films

He's a douche but I wouldn't call him a Yas Forumsfag. He's more a regular conservative type really.

i remember a time that only my opinion mattered. hey its still that time, this zombie weirdo can apply to be an extra in a least faggoty movie contest. and lose horribly.

ff7 will only be as good as you enjoy it. if this retard gives it a 20/10 review it wont matter to or effect you.

also if this long haired shit says he hates it but it has redeeming qualities. which every contrarian talent less media fagot will claim it wont make a difference to you if you play it.

i benifit nothing from this but play it IF YOU LIKE RPGs or ARPGs i know youll like might even like it if you dont like action/rpg or rpg like the original appealed too (huge plus imo).

but what this loser or any other says doesnt matter. also if anyone check a reviewers scores of plue (ff7remake reviews to see what sort of games they think you should be playing. hint you wont be having any fun that way.

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oops, wrong time
(3:37 for the start of the joke)

What the fuck, this man is a chad if he thinks that!

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gotta have that weekly thread to get a few more views razor, keep the folks of ya back.

more correctly would be to describe him "libertarian-leaning centrist that went straight into right corner after being fed up with cnn and co. fact-skewing media bullshit"
lots of excellent takes vidya he does, too

Didn't he used to be friends with that fat guy who did those 'reviewing a reviewer' videos until that dude went off the deep end and started doing things like going to a water park without his family and stalking former friends?

damn i remember watching this guy when i was like 14

i must've missed it, because eversince my active presence on 4ch (starting from 2012, has been occasionally lurking 4 years prior) he's the ONLY youtuber I've never seen being shilled.
I've only accidentally stumbled across his vids through looking for movieblob tearing vids and someone has made a playlist in which Razor's video was in.
I think he was legitimately thrown into a memory hole pit by by JT (just as many other anti-left channels and videos that you can only find through 100% accurate name search)

Remember, if you don't report the thread you're part of the problem

Who is JT?

oh wait, I get it now...shit I am up too late

Seeing as he had a shitfit during the demo and compared the gameplay to FF13 (he was playing on classic ez mode), he will tard out and demand more episodes of DS9 while ordering another Mauser off gunbroker

Why would you report the thread?

Why? He's a clown.

I’m mixed on Razorfish I find him entertaining but a lot of his opinions are dogshit.
My absolute favorite shit take was when he accused Akira of plagiarizing Blade Runner oh and him boycotting the Witcher for Plagiarizing Elric of Melbourne promised to do an expose video to elaborate never releases and pivoted the conversation to the Witcher being plagiarized to the Witcher being mediocre.

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he has shit taste in most things not-music

I'll still probably watch his FF7 stuff for the entertainment value, though

I think they're friendship blew up when Razor did a boarder wall video endorsing it which sent the fatty into a chimp out. They tried to have a gentlemens debate about it but the fat faggot started some gay ops shit or something I don't remember entirely. Either way they're buddy buddy again which is retarded.

dude Japanese games suck even though I supposedly speak japanese fluently

So does he still model his shtick after Dennis Miller?

Haven't heard about him since he got owned in that one neckbeard podcast


His Michael Jackson debunking videos are good.

Absolute Cringe.
Look up his debate with Kyle Kulinski, he gets totally gobsmacked. All those words he pretends to know didn't help him, had the vocabulary of a child then.

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>alt right

he's an edgy contrarian with terrible opinions
pretty sure he browses here because everything that comes from his mouth stinks like shit

He defended an artist that literally traces porn and google images

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>Caring about the opinion of a know. Diaper and scat fetishist.
Hard pass my dude

looked at it - kyle's best shot was about reps giving away all the good stuff to goldman ex-chair.
Ok, nice to see motherfucker informed (and he is, a lot, compared to anecdotal rebuttals from snakefist), but the joke is dnc would have exactly the same situation of providing financial privileges to some google executive AND two-faced kyle never ever tried to discuss the benefits of immigration (which are none, for common folk - literally zero - and that's when LA has turned into literal shithole with bubonic plague rats roaming around like they own the place AND housing program for immigrants, when they have literal dozens and dozens of thousands of angry hobos shitting and aggravating everyone, everywhere)

RF has lost the debate, but that doesn't make Kyle right on some core aspects he will stand by IF motherfuckers will take the wheel.

t. not even amerilad - have been observing and siding with both sides throughought last 8 years.

>old Yas Forums the character

Most os his gaming reviews are soapboxes for him to bitch about SJWs and shitty fanbases. He doesn't even play most of the games he reviews. He also completely went off the deep end after Trump got elected.

Still waiting on that Witcher video, Räzörcück.

>to bitch about SJWs and shitty fanbases
both are valid points of criticism.

You can't be this stupid.
Do you think obnoxious jeering and outbursts while the other person is calm and collected are good debate skills?
Only underage lefties that thoughts blood sports were good debates thought the rageguy lost that "debate."
Kulinsky is fucking dumb and looked dumb with his rage. I understand that morons think that being loud and spewing all kinds of logical fallacies makes for good discussion, but they are confusing the fact that they were entertained by the passion of the guy who was confirming their biases.
I just watched that debate for the first time a few days ago as I had heard of neither participant and I had been informed that Kyle was a brilliant debater who destoyed the "conservative" metalhead. That is not what happened their. The only answer is that Kyle has a lot of stupid fans who spread this lie far and wide.
tldr, lefties are stupid, the sun rises in the east, water is wet, etc.

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There are a lot of times when the fanbase is correct. He can't tell because he doesn't play the games that he reviews if he already decided not to like them. SJWs are almost never correct so that is a safe bet.

i stopped watching this faggot years ago.
Does he still spam the word Proverbial?


yes, losing your shit and showing even remote signs of nervousness will never win you audience, RF, on the other hand, was a top gentleman, almost always letting the rude bastard to interrupt him and finish a thought (though, half the time deservingly so, because in some cases RF just didn't have a fucking clue about what he was talking about)

which fanbase are you referring to? I think i've seen almost all of his vidya-related content and so far didn't find anything outrageously illogical / against the common consensus.

Yes, actually

I like listening to him but I'd watch his videos more often if his opinions weren't so retarded.

>which fanbase are you referring to? I think i've seen almost all of his vidya-related content and so far didn't find anything outrageously illogical / against the common consensus.
His Fallout: New Vegas review is his shitting on Obsidian fanboys by acting like no NPC has a dialog option (as he said a step down from FO3) while acting like Bethesda created the Fallout IP. Also, he comments on the bad stealth of MGR.

>because in some cases RF just didn't have a fucking clue about what he was talking about
I follow politics and I had trouble following some of Kylie's talking points.
I think the reason for this is that far-left echo chamber-speak is like its own language and it fails when lefties use it in the real world.
When Anita started her shit, a lot of people were very confused by the terminology she used. That language had only been then recently started becoming common in sociology departments outside of Berkeley California. Anita was just a product of that newspeak cult.