How is Liara so superior? How can other girls even compete?

How is Liara so superior? How can other girls even compete?

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>30 threads are already up about coomer shit and "her game"
>posts another one anyway
fuck i hate coomers you are the real corona

>How is Liara so superior?
Because you are biodrone
>How can other girls even compete?
By not being forced into player's throat

I wanted to fuck Saggy Samara

Seethe more

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Mac, please...

Sounds like an excellent writer dude

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Go fatter

Now show her without telepatic camouflage

Okay. Imagine still believing that crap.

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>How is Liara so superior?
>not included into best game of the series

>lying in the internet

>race literally was sleeping on prothean beacons with all schematics and warnings about Reapers
>in the age of 100 years got caught by a primitive bubble trap
>useless after being saved
>cannot get cipher from Shepard's mind which makes her useless in any further researches about protheans
>Cannot recognize prothean artifact
>becames most famous information trader and head of the largest spy network in the Milky Way
>still gets infiltrated by Cerberus
>because even being 109 yo isn't enough to learn how to perform multiple tasks at one time
>trolled to tears by Javik
>fanbase mostly passive homosexuals who loves to imagine her with horse cocks
An excellent example of Bioware's Fall From Grace, probably can compete with DA2

Any adult asari was more interesting

>How can other girls even compete?
By being humans?
At least Jack and Miranda stays on Earth, unlike Genestealer and Gipsy

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Who gives a fuck about earth?

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Literally a tranny cute tho

She's hot and smart and is the only girl that doesn't give up on you when you die.

>tfw no blue gf
>tfw we will never get another good ME game.

>Literally a tranny

>Who gives a fuck about earth?
Well, more people than about Tessia or Palaven
Also, Shepard
Also2, literally centre of the Galaxy after war with Reapers

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She's intellectually superior. It's all up to you.
In 3, she actually makes a space capsule, because she doesn't think any of us are going to make it. She's a cool character in that way.

She's the intellectual choice in the sense that, what you leave is not at all what you take with you. Liara becomes a character as much as you do in the series.

Earth and humanity was going to become more important. Just look at the movie they made with the James character. The universe has huge potential but is plagued with bad writers.

Start posting porn already

My art comes at a price nigger.

>In 3, she actually makes a space capsule, because she doesn't think any of us are going to make it.
Alien defeatists, when will they learn

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>cute blue face
>big ble tits
>big blue butt
>big blue cock

Yes, i'm thinking she's perfect.

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>Earth and humanity was going to become more important.
>Just look at the movie they made with the James character.
If you mean Paragon Lost, than I didn't see clear connection.
>The universe has huge potential but is plagued with bad writers.
Well no shit, original author built ME as a story about humanity.


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She is worst girl she is for simps

>need divine intervention to learn how to count beyond 10
>especially since you cannot prove it or disprove due to her race procreation process where children inherits only mother genes (sound familliar, huh)

Most popular girl.

Begone degenerate

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I love fucking Liara in Mass Effect 2, making her think we're gonna continue a relationship, while the whole time I've had casual sex with Jack and fucked Tali too.

>High Gothic
>is not in High Gothic

At some monents ME3 looks like it was supposed to be good game with cool moments

>humanoid asexual squid
>imagine choosing a disgusting alien over your own species

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* hits red sand*
Is marrying Asari the ultimate cuckoldry?

This one cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than marrying Asari. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, supporting and preparing a girl for all your life solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man the second you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful wife - getting money, making her go to the gym, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, marrying her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Married the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who wasn’t even born when she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you taught her. Your own daughters, which themselves are the near ultimate cuckoldry and all you’re ever going to get, aren’t even made from your DNA.

As a man who has Married an Asari you are LITERALLY dedicating the rest of of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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>miranda is barren
>ashley has a manface
>chavkas is old and barren
>Jack is flat ugly tatooed whore
there's no choice

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>not fixable

Reminder that he was day 1 dlc. I only saw him years after release.

Isn't it funny
>about how humanity becomes strongest super-power in the galaxy
>other races are openly hostile to humans and trying to stop it advance through galactic global government
>human waifu comes before alien
>about humans genetical superiority and how rogue group of humans stops mysterious and advanced race which living in the galactic core
>2 human waifu 1 alien
Both games are universally appreciated and made series famous

>lol forget guys diversity is our strength
>all human LI butchered
>race is social construct
Both games are terrible and basically killed the franchise

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And even more
It wouldn't even be your child

She should dress in tight latex, as well.

Attached: Miranda, latex butt.webm (1436x814, 2.59M)

That's not very practical

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You will never be a woman


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Shouldn't you attempt to commit suicide with 40% chances of probability after it?

What the fuck are you on about? Are you in the wrong thread or something?

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It's great, it would look so good on Liara, some dark blue latex on her light blue skin.

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Nah, make it red

>What the fuck are you on about?
About your mental illness

Mine? You're the one suddenly popping up to tell me I will never become a woman even thought I never expressed such desire and then to commit suicide because reasons.

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>There are people here that didn't romance Traynor.

The fuck.

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>even thought I never expressed such desire and then to commit suicide because reasons.
>lying on the internet

she's ACTUALLY boring

I think it clashes a bit too much, Miranda and Ashley can wear red, but blue or purple fits Liara more, I think. And green actually.

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>>There are people here that didn't romance Traynor.
Is it supposed to be some kind of shocking of relavation since only 18% of players rolled Femshep?

Alright, point the post where I did that

Fine, all black.

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im still mad

>Alright, point the post where I did that
Each post with avatar, tourist

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i'm a liarafag but it's essentially canon
listen to the bachelor party on illium in me2
the human, turian, and salarian are sitting at the table and all three of them go "what? no asari look exactly like [race]"
then they go "wait do you think they just make us think they look like them?"
and the turian goes "I don't wanna think about it"