7 hours from now

7 hours from now...

Attached: Nintendo-Direct-1225087 (2).jpg (413x244, 2.68K)




More like 7 months from now

here's hoping

Just wait a couple more weeks for Reitaisai, they'll do it then.

If it's not announced tommorow then we're not getting a Direct before AC releases

I am utterly baffled. This is the eleventh hour, they've spent so long not telling us about upcoming games that we've reached the end of their confirmed releases.

They have NOTHING for this year confirmed beyond next week do you understand how fucked that is

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Especially fucked when you consider all 3 of those upcoming games on the right are 3rd party

What the hell is Nintendo doing?

worst part about the lack of the direct is that its literally preventing shit like xenoblade chronicles DE from getting its release date
fuck nintendo

wii 2.0
smashed the competition for 3 years then went completely dormant for the remainder of its lifespan

It reminds me more of the GBA

A solid console that lacks an identity of it's own, though at least for now the Switch's gimmick is so strong that it doesn't matter

>the whole world dying of a pandemic
>muh direct
was it autism?

not until I release first, faggot

Attached: animal-crossing-new-horizons-bike-at-back-feb192020.jpg (960x540, 158.08K)


Go the fuck away Yas Forums your Boomer Flu isn't going to end the world

I'm making money shorting during the pandemic. The lack of directs makes me no money, so it's worse.


If Corona was the reason for this then they should make a statement saying as much. Just going completely silent is stupid.

Free me from this torment

Lol no Wii only "smashed" it for 1 year, 2006 was just 1 month of TP and Excite Truck so it doesnt count, 2007 was the only good year for Wii, it technically being the true 1st year.

It is mario day. It has to happen today.

Just like it had to happen for the three year anniversary?

Making mobile games.

>add no sequels
>completely desolate

Not even sure why I'm hyped for a Pikmin 3 port when I'm emulating it already.

Animal Crossing was the Direct. See you at E3!

We don't even have release dates for games that are already confirmed to come out this year (e.g. Rune Factory 5)

...nothing will happen as usual

E3 is getting cancelled.



>no RF5
what else are you lying about?

I don't think they're in-touch enough to even have a Direct this month. They have Animal Crossing and demand everyone be content with that.
There's some gay Japanese custom they've mentioned before where people should be happy with what they get or whatever, I don't know, I found it once when I was trying to Google why Splatoon 2 was so obnoxious to play with friends and why Salmon Run was only available once in a while, making it a nightmare to play with friends with busy schedules.
To them, all Nintendo fans should love Animal Crossing for an entire half a year. Admittedly, it's a time sink game so it's not the worst one to fill this role. Still would nice to have anything else announced, at this point I'm not even expecting a game release at all before late summer.

I don't believe they have canceled their existing games but they could have easily postponed them all to shit out a dozen mobile games to see what sticks.

This shit is just SARS/Swine 2.0, the only difference is we live in the social media and clickbait era.


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It has content exclusive to the switch version, their attempts to get people to pay full price for each game when you can get all 3 in the HD collection on steam for a fraction of the price failed so for 3 they added extra incentive.

switch edition has unique shit not seen in other dmc3's

Make your predictions, boys

>Smash Character tease
>BotW 2 teaser with real title, 2020 release
>Paper Mario
>3D World port
>Pikmin 3 port
>Xenoblade remake
>More ports
>That's it

Attached: 20200225_110257.png (154x229, 46.95K)

>Rune Factory 5 blows the fans away with a comfy trailer packed with new info
>everyone else is disappointed
>just like in the direct that miraculously announced RF5 to begin with

Nothing because it's not happening. They're not even going to e3. Nintendo is busy with phone shit now as they have now completely abandoned the Shitch. Enjoy ;^)

please just give me mario oddesey 2

Do you stupid niggers intend to do this shit every monday and tuesday of every week?

wii u ports and shit like a new kirby, mario sports and another casual ip like labo, basically 2018 redux

I like how the image gets more and more artifacts

>If it's not announced tommorow then we're not getting a Direct before AC releases

thus should be obvious by now. They are waiting for AC to release and put all attention on it. They worked long and hard on it and they want it to be a big success. So they also don't want any other release to overshadow the release of AC.
We will get a direct in April.

What's it to ya?

Hello anons, what are you guys watching while waiting?

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You know this shit won't take off, right?
No matter how many times you keep shoving it down our throats

Hardcore gay sex.

A waifu thread died for this

If we don't get a Direct this week, I almost wanna see them try and ride their silence through April into the investors meeting.
>yeah, sorry, we aren't sharing any plans for our future titles yet besides Xenoblade, and don't expect to hear shit until the end of this next fiscal quarter either [E3]. Sorry. Fuck you.
I bet the investors would LOVE that.

that's all they live for user

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It gives me something to look forward to in the morning. I don't even care about the Direct. I'll be sad when a Direct is announced, because these threads won't be made anymore.

Ah, good taste

>Sorry, Nintendo directus have been cancerred. Prease subscribe to our Nintendo mobire channel for new mobire game revears and updates. Prease comprehend.

Attached: nintendo president whatever the fuck his name is.jpg (500x600, 37.12K)

Nintendo directs have been directed into the trash indefinitely. See you at E3!

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Wait for animal crossing to release you stupid fucks


>Mobilefag is back at it again

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