I actually liked all four routes in the game, equally...

I actually liked all four routes in the game, equally. Each one had elements missing from the others that made them all individually appealing. Anyone who says otherwise is an immature manchild too heavily invested in a universe that does not exist.

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And what are these elements that make each route valuable?

yeah but for me it's rhea

There's no "superior" route. CF got to see Seiros in her full glory, BE got to see the duality of man in Dimitri, VW had the more neutral approach, and SS had sex with Rhea.

But yeah, let's condemn people for choosing a different path than you and actually believing it as if it were some investment of some kind, when it's just a game.

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Eh, Temple route is a fucking copy paste with actually less content. Edelgard is short as fuck.

This game has 2,5 routes stretched out a little too much. Still pretty good.

This is just another game where I was like "Im totally going to 100% this" and then beat it once and never looked at it again. It was fun though.

Is SS only obtainable if i side with rhea after starting with black eagles?


It's the hidden route.

Edelgard's route is canon

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Not really. It's there for the player to chicken out of playing the token evil route.

Edelgard is probably least "canon" out of all of them, being super short and all.

>I'm too scared to hold an even minutely divisive opinion so i'm just going to claim everything is equally as good
Okay fag lol
Azure Moon > Verdant Wind > Silver Snow >>>> Crimson Flower

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The first two can be switched around depending on one's preference, but objectively yes.

I'd agree with you but CF was a bit too short and missed some opportunities, which is a shame

now rank your favorite units, your favorite foods in the game, your favorite fucking building, and favorite paralogue.

it's pointless to rank everything like some contest. The point of the game was to chose your own path you thought was best, with neither of them being best or worst.

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>I'm too scared to hold an even minutely divisive opinion
As opposed to you, a faggot who just parrots the popular opinion trying to fit in?

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I agree except VW = SS just because I like Seteth slightly more than Claude.

I guess I could go with the popular opinion of liking the BL route best. The problem is, it's missing a ton of things the other routes have. Such as the Slither base in VW and SS, Seiros and Edelgard character developments in CF. So, to say AM is the best is just ignorant of the other routes and ignoring their unique appeal. The same can be said for thinking VW, SS, CF are superior. Or Pokemon Red is superior to Blue. Nintendo just wants you to play the same shit multiple times because they are gook jews.

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Wait, you can play as a dude?

I started out with Black Eagles and found Dimitri absolutely unbearable by the time the skip came around. Just a seriously annoying and unlikable piece of shit. It made me drop the game entirely. I also don't like that the route becomes complete braindead church dicksucking without any option to veer away from it unlike Edelgard's path allegedly letting you side with the church instead of her. During Dimitri's path I'm literally sitting with the controller thinking "why cant i just switch to edelgards side right now, shes right".

*Blue Lions.

>Edelgard character development
You mean her going from ruthless pragmatist to "What would Sensei do?" off screen? Stunning development.

>Edelgard and Dimitri all die outside their own routes, with Edelgard having a personal cut scene of when, how, and where she killed, mostly by Byleth.
>Claude lives in VW (obviously) and AM and has a chance to survive in CF and SS routes. With SS, saying he's only missing, probably because Edelgard spared him and let him return home if he surrendered, just like when Byleth can decide his fate in CF
It's not fair. All the other lords get the short end of the stick, but Claude can just dip and live to become King in every route. Edelgard and Dimitri deserve better.

>the route becomes complete braindead church dicksucking
>Rhea is in the rape dungeon the entire route
>only Church characters are the ones you recruit and Giblert who is literally nothing
I get the feeling you didn't actually play Azure Moon.
>why cant i just switch to edelgards side right now, shes right
Except she's absolutely wrong, nice try Edeltard.

Claude has the least reason to stick around so it makes sense that he bugs out when the going gets rough. Edelgard won't accept any scenario that doesn't end with her being in charge of Fodlan so sparing her isn't an option. Dimitri needs to be slapped out of being THE BOAR, until then he's a rabid animal and dies like one as a result.

>wahhhh he doesn't like my queen Edelgard's route!

I finished all 3 main routes yesterday (AM, VW, CF), should I even bother with church? I heard it's super similar to golden deer besides the final boss.

>can join you on all 4 routes even on your first run

How can anyone be more based?

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Do you really care about Blyat's origins? If yes, play it. It's probably got the hardest final map of all the routes so it does have that going for it.

Felix (alongside Ingrid and Sylvain) joining you in all routes besides BL is dumb, especially if they join BE. Some characters should have been house locked.

>can join you on all 4 routes even on your first run

How can anyone be more based?

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I used to like all routes equally until I played CF with the Ashen Wolves.

>most routes = Yuri flirts with you and prays for you
>CF = Yuri hates you and is super dismissive

Fuck, that hurt. Way to rub it in.

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You actually can't get Edelgard's route if you don't have enough support with her. I purposefully didn't up my supports with her on my SS run and saw you can't even choose to side with her.

He's stressed from being overworked.

He knows that, he is just acting/is retarded with a low effort bait. SS is the true BE route and CF is the secret one

Overworked because siding with the Empire cut off his resources that helped him and his gang. which makes him joining Byleth in CF very OOC.

CF wouldn't be so bad if it ever gave you the truth to Edelgard's lies. But no, you end the route with dumb shit like "Seiros was evil and Nemesis was good and Seiros forced humans to have crests and forced humans to worship crest culture also Seiros did all those bad things in the past that the Agarthans actually did like trick Loog into attacking the Empire". The fact that it treats Edelgard's lies like truth is why 3H discussions are so bad in the first place.

That's just because you used the frog

Yuri literally only joins in CF because he knows El-chan will murder him and his Abyss family otherwise for not siding with her, he says so himself. It's why Lorenz sides with the Empire too.

No, he says the same no matter the gender.
*nervously stares at over 500h playtime

There is no reason to play SS when GD exists.
Playing an inferior version that cut Gronder and the Nemesis map for a shitty finale aren't enough to warrant playing it just for a bit more exposition from Rhea.
SS felt like a legit waste of time

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SS should have become Yuri/The Ashen Wolves' route. Missed opportunity right there.

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She was always senseisexual, you just get to see how she is when they're actually around


No. Hubert is just demanding as fuck.
He complains about him specifically.
Hubert relies on him a fuckton and it's kind of hilarious.
And "_____ joining in ____ is OOC" is the most tiresome argument and I'm really sick of seeing it.

She's always obsessed yes, but my point is she goes from using people transformed against their will as attack dogs and Dubstepper aid to not using those very effective assets because she thinks Sensei wouldn't like that. It just makes her come off as arbitrary/retarded, especially since she switches over the time skip when Blyat isn't even around.

What I don't like about CF is the fact that it tries to prove Edelgard "right" about everything she assumes is true. Church is corrupt, malicious, deceptive and tyrannical when in reality, the Church is much more complex than that. Just like the Empire. It's weird, because the other routes have no problem showing Dimitri is wrong about clinging to the past and his vengeance or Claude being wrong about presuming the Saints, the Goddess, and the Children are false, or even Rhea assuming Byleth is her mother reincarnated. It's only CF where Edelgard is proven right, and Byleth doesn't question or correct her on anything.

I felt retarded when Edelgard goes about how the Church supports Crest Discrimination when the Church actually doesn't (look at Seteth's support with Ingrid or the Church funding Hanneman's work to find a way to bridge the gap between Crest users and the Crestless) or when she rants how the Goddess isn't real when you literally can talk to her and the basis for your OP powers. Or the fact that she thinks the Church controls everyone and is behind everything bad in FodIan when they couldn't even stop the Kingdom from separating or the Alliance separating from the Kingdom, let alone stop the Empire from removing the Church from their territory.

>And "_____ joining in ____ is OOC" is the most tiresome argument and I'm really sick of seeing it.
It's true, though.
The game should have never let you recruit people from other houses into your house. That shit is stupid as fuck and contributes to the game's bad writing.

It's because the game spends three routes breaking Edelgard down and showing her at her worst.

They're written multiple ways. People are capable of changing their minds, allegiances, and morals.
Ignoring these parts of their character because you like another part better is ridiculous and disingenuous.

Don't worry, it's okay to have shit taste.

People are capable of changing their minds, but not as instantaneous as in FETH.

>it makes sense for Felix, Sylvain and Ingrid to join up with the people invading the Kingdom because it's a different route
>it makes sense for Mercedes and Marianne to side with the people who are trying to destroy the church because it's a different route
>it makes sense for Annette to decide to kill her dad because it's a different route
>it makes sense for Ashe to join up with the person who instigated Lonato's rebellion because it's a different route
>it makes sense for Leonie to side with Jeralt's killers because it's a different route
At that point they're completely different characters. People can change but to have such a vast difference because their teacher sided with the person who tried to kill them multiple times is ridiculous.

>says this to the woman who was going to marry his dead brother

Top jej, Felix may be a cunt, but he has bantz

This. The character consistency is really off when you can recruit so many characters who shouldn't be recruitable, given their backstory. I played CF first, and I was honestly surprised to learn that Felix didn't actually hate Dimitri or his family. When in CF, his hidden heart of concern for his friends and family shown in AM, VW, and AM is actually just real, genuine contempt for them when he joins the Empire. It's baffling, because Felix doesn't even need to develop any relationship with Dimitri at all to have a growing attachment and respect for him later on.

In Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, after believing Dimitri is dead and joining the respective route, his dialogue after Dimitri's death has him obsessed with the sole desire to avenge Dimitri and becomes the bloodthirsty avenger he hated Dimitri for being. That is something I would expect from a childhood friend of Dimitri and his second-in-command of the nobles house of the Kindom to react to his king dying. It doesn't happen in CF. Felix really acts like hated Dimitri and there was nothing going on between them since then.

He wants her to avoid becoming a knight because he doesn't want her dying like his brother did. Pretty much all of Felix's cuntish behavior is him trying to protect the people he loves but having no idea how to go about that other than telling them to go home and be family men.

Based idort user. Could not have said it better myself. Preferences are unavoidable, but each route offers a new experience (albeit there is some overlap with SS and VW.) I grow tired of autistic manchildren bickering over a "canon" route that does not exist as it undermines the concept of the diverging routes. But Yas Forumsirgins need something to bitch about or they don't get their validation fix. But it's sadly not just this shithole this particular instance. Seems pervasive in many other communities as well. Just goes to show how effeminate this world is growing with so many manchildren getting so caught up in their emotions they subscribe to tribalism over a video game story. Glad sensible people like you exist.

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It makes sense because they get caught up in their own issues.
Sylvain fucked up because of his libido.
Felix saw this as a chance to separate himself from Dimitri and realizing too late that it's not fixing his actual issues.
Ingrid's desires win out over her duty to her homeland.
You choose to kill Annette's dad or not. He abandoned her and placed Dimitri over his own family.
Ashe is siding against Lonato's killers.
Leonie is siding with Jeralt's family.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they can't be swayed to these other sides, for better or for worse.
They then also have five years to mull over their allegiances.
They're multifaceted characters whose loyalty is swayed by exposure to those around them and authority figures.
Pretending it's OOC is ridiculous.
They lock out characters from being recruited plenty because it'd be too unbelievable for them to side with others.
Gilbert being AM exclusive.
Jeritza being CF exclusive.
Catherine, Cyril, Hilda, Flayn, and Seteth not available on CF.
Dedue and Hubert staying loyal.
If it helps you cope, just don't recruit them I guess but don't pretend like it's OOC.

>(albeit there is some overlap with SS and VW.)

So why are they mostly consistent across all the other routes? CF is the only one where they get swayed to the point where they basically change into different characters. As says regarding Felix the differences between him in VW/SS and AM make sense while one of the key parts of his character, his love for his friends and family despite his outward aggression, is completely ignored for CF.

They see Rhea show her true self in chapter 11 and they see Byleth trust Edelgard.

Okay user, a lot.

I agree with everything else you said though, there is no Canon route and 0 evidence any of the 4 being one

So Ingrid throws away all her ideals, Sylvain decides to listen to his dick which is absolutely OOC for him, Felix decides to say fuck everyone, Annette forgets the entire reason she worked to get into Garreg Mach and Leonie starts working for the person using the same crest beasts that were used by the people who killed Jeralt because
>Dragon Bad
That's retarded.

>an immature manchild too heavily invested in a universe that does not exist.
why yes that's me

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im not the person who wrote that, although Edelgard did help Leonie get revenge on Kronya in crimson flower, Annette could have felt that Gilbert was still avoiding her and thought she didnt like him or something, Sylvain could get behind Edelgards dislike of crests, Felix definitely could justify siding against a kingdom with the Boar king, and Ingrid might realize that her dream as a knight isnt practical because her birth situation/crest and get behind Edelgard because of that.

You have to remember these people are Edelgards friends in Black Eagles and trust her. That as well as seeing Rhea turn ito the immaculate one would raise quite a few questions

>Leonie get revenge on Kronya in crimson flower
meant white clouds BE

And at that point they are basically completely different characters, hence saying they're OOC. Sylvain is not just his resentment of crests and Felix is not just his resentment of THE BOAR.
>You have to remember these people are Edelgards friends
Didn't stop Edelgard trying to kill them multiple times.