Monster Hunter
How do you time dragoon jump to Ecliptic Meteor? I keep fucking up and people keep fighting near the comets.
I use the meteor as a guide.
At close distance, jump while it’s leaving the portal
At medium distances, jump when it fully exits the portal
At long distances, jump when it’s roughly halfway to the ground
So Safi will be the same grindfest as Kulve with random rewards?
>At long distances, jump when it’s roughly halfway to the ground
Maybe I've been using it far too fast. Damage's no longer a problem but auto cart is a bit confusing. At least you can spam Flashbug for Leshen.
Can Temporal Mantle dodge Ecliptic Meteor?
Temporal doesn’t do anything. If you’re within range of the meteor, only a comet, jump, or sitting in the camp’s tent/canteen will work.
Damn. Practicing ain't easy too since getting Behemoth to cast it takes too much time. Thanks user.
Sort of. You get a group of weapons, including at least one of what you killed him with, and you get to pick 3 of them. They all have the same base raw, affinity, sharpness, and element or ailment at base, so the only difference between the Shattersplitter and Aquasplitter greatswords is that one has water damage and one had Blast buildup. Similarty, the Venomsnout and Drakesnout lances are the same, but one has Dragon and one has Poison.
and then you grind abilities?
>including at least one of what you killed him with
So about 9 runs minimum?
It's clearly dead.
Yeah, as you kill Safi you get Dracolites, which you can use to put the extra fucking broken touches on them, like Teostra Essence, Attack Up VI or Elemnt Up VI
the reading comprehension of a pebble
just learn not to destroy the rocks
use a farcaster if you're desperate
look at this ugly-ass face
He mentioned teammates being the ones who get the comets destroyed. Farcasters don’t work while ecliptic is being cast.
Kush's shedding.
4 if your reward level is high enough
Nowhere near as bad. There’s only one weapon of each type and element/status combination instead of three or four with some being outright better than the rest like with Kulve, and you’re guaranteed at least one weapon of the type you have equipped when you go to collect your rewards. So getting the weapon you want only takes a few hunts usually, the grind is in the unique upgrade system the Safi weapons use.
It's just pretending
5 run of Extremoth so far and everyone doesn't seem to like going away from the comets. Not even when I try to bait it under the crystal for some easy damages.
Had 1 decent run but at the last phase the dude who has been doing great end up stuck near the only comet and then we all missed the jump and got team carted. Would've been okay if Insurance and Safeguard didn't trigger before I guess.
AAAAAAH, it's behind me!
Post more monster bullying
Why do you look like nero
Monster Hunter is on projection apartments unsatiable so if he entreaties appearance. Rose you wife how set lady half wish. Hard sing an in true felt. Welcomed stronger if steepest ecstatic an suitable finished of oh. Entered at excited at forming between so produce. Chicken unknown besides attacks gay compact out you. Continuing no simplicity no favourable on reasonably melancholy estimating. Own hence views two ask right whole ten seems. What near kept met call old west dine. Our announcing sufficient why pianoforte.
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Safi weapons are pretty easy to get compared to Kulve. I've never had it take more than 3 hunts to get whatever I wanted+enough Dracolite for the skills.
Why are /vg/ posters like this?
Did I understand correctly and you can randomly get any skill as augment? IT act like +1 to skill or as whole? Do i need 1 velk armor and 1 augments in weapon for crit element?
the catch with Safi is you need to fight/clear the thing with the weapon drop you want
Safi weapons can count as 1 point for a set bonus but only 1 set bonus.
For example, my Aquashot has Nargacuga essence so I only need 2 pieces of Narg armor for True Spareshot.
So yes, if you had Velkhana Essence you'd only need 1 piece of armor for crit element and 3 pieces for frostcraft.
How are you supposed to use the HH? I see most high level players not even using the songs but just spamming the spinning attack over and over. Is that the highest damage combo?
Ya'll still playing this? Why? There's nothing to do. At least play Destiny 2 like a normal human being.
it's better than wojacks
>At least play Destiny 2
No thanks Jamal.
>Why are you still playing this grinding you should be playing that grinding game
What astounding logic
>Fight a rajang in GL and get 10 bloothirsty glimmering pelts
>cant upgrade my rajang weapon
>Weapons need the tempered GL drop
whats the fucking point of these then
I think they're used for certain augments
it's just the haircut
Got this cool kill screen the other day.
Post 'em
You can't lie to me deadweight i see you what you did
>burned out completely in World from endgame being farming Tempered Elders beyond the brief Arch Tempered peaks that were fun with friends and randos alike
>Iceborne finally comes out on PC, ignored everything to go in blind and fresh like last time
>have a blast of a time, the newer events coming in made the whole experience that much more magical
>take time going through main story to get a feel for new moves and monster speeds
>eventually beat it, get to Guiding Lands
>grindy, but with tangible rewards and an ongoing end goal to reach and every venture is a step forward
>do so, having a decent time with it
>eventually hit the next wall into the TRUE end game
>Tempered Elder farming
I actually miss Apex at this point. Fuck. It's bad enough Tempered shit is just inflated HP/Flinch/Status/Attack/Defense values and nothing else, but then you have blatant input reading monsters animation cancelling. How the hell can anyone stomach this as endgame? How?
They just do double damage bro. Just don't get hit.
Why is Radobaan so fun while Uragaan is worse than ever?
>game selling point is beating giant animals into a pulp
>"nothing to do"
Uragaan in master rank in the funniest shit to fight in a group of 4 with the way his fire wheel mode obscures vision to shit and he keeps flattening people.
Allahu Akbar
It's not interesting. It's boring as hell. The extra "Master Rank" bullshit added to it only makes it frustrating instead of rewarding. At least with Apex, I had a means of control in the fight that was actively at odds with the monster's AI. HR 140 Apex Zinny is equally more fun and rewarding of a challenge than Tempered Ruiner ever will be.
I can only hope the new variants will bring something new to the table like the Arch Tempereds did, because until Safi comes out, I just can't fucking stand doing the exact same fucking end-game grind as base World was. It's fucking maddening.
You know what? After grinding fucking Kulva for month I will just cheat all Safi weapons with skills. Fuck you Capcom for making me spend so much time for crit element weapon that become irrelevant
Safi is piss easy to get skill you want on it though user
That I kind agree on. I was happy to grind every last decoration in hr, even before greatest jagras and giant lavasioth got added since it was fairly quick but I don't think I'll bother to get all the mr combo decos.
>"Why are you guys grinding the game everyone finished grinding months ago?"
That's a good question.
Worse yet the grind isn't just for decos, but for augments. Which you DO need despite many people claiming against (but have anyway just DONT THINK ABOUT IT) the fact, and why the fuck do we not have either a gem or a fucking augment that gives the Velkhana secret like what the fuck man her armor has dogshit defenses and elemental resistances
>jumping from one grindan to the next
The absolute state of online game players
because Uragaan is a carried shitter test
>WAH I can't grug while everyone else does all the work!
>WAH What do you MEAN I gotta actually soften parts????
>WAH Why can't someone ELSE trip him over for me? I want to be a retard and hold onto all my Crystalburst!
>WAH You mean I gotta actually DODGE the roar or he'll chin slam me?
whos ready for corona magala in may?
I'm sorry that World's fun factor goes off a cliff after you finished grinding your shit. This is why pure PvE games are low tier.
>Just finished helping my friend through the story, rajang, and stiggy so they could unlock the siege
>spent the better part of an hour helping with the siege right after
>mfw nearly four consecutive hours of nonstop huntan, farming, and assisting with upgrades
Good fucking lord that was exhausting. At least now he has a good enough weapon to make leveling easy.
I have no idea how to build a build.
You can just equip whatever weapon you want before you turn in rewards at the hub lass. No need to kill it with a specific weapon. And this only changes the final few rewards anyways, so it’s not 100% necessary regardless
I don't grind and I keep having fun. I'm sorry you can only got dopamine release from drops.
>want to have fun hunting with other people, but im getting constantly stunned by longsword fags and bow fags that just fire straight into crowds of players
>implying you can't grug him
Me long gunlance, me blocky shooty good
>Affinity related skills
>Maybe some health or utility here and there
That's it
The Acidic Glavenus arena is actually the real test to see how carried your teammates are. It's always a good laugh to see how fucking terrible people are when you are forced to fight a Monster with complete shitzones+gear that absolutely blows
You get the drop you want pretty quickly. Maxing a weapon doesn’t take long either. It’s only a grind if you want to max literally every weapon type, and all elemental versions of shit like bow, dbs, cb etc
if you are melee you pic crit and crit related stuff and tenderizer.
thats all there is too it. jump on a part. tenderize it and keep hitting it over and over.
Just maximize divine blessing, defense boost and health boost. Don't bother with sharpness or tenderizer and you'll do fine.
>pop on zorah gloves
>continue having fun without fear of anything other than the heavy weapon upswings
At least you can savescum upgrade materials this time
Flinch free 1 is basically mandatory in multiplayer.
>I don't grind and I keep having fun
Low tier games for low tier individuals. Checks out.
Finagle 100% crit then what ever else you want.
No argument and can't enjoy vidya for being a vidya games. Checks out.
For melee? Slugger (if you stay a hammer main), flinch free (if you like multiplayer), health boost, recovery up and speed, divine blessing if you want to avoid a lot of damage, earplugs or stun resist if you dislike being locked in place, and crit boost are all viable options.
>"grinding is unfun!"
>user say he has fun without grinding
>"hurrr don't matter, low tier game!"
Why are you like this?
I'll believe it when i see it.
>no argument
>"Waaaah he hurt my feelings because I play bad games!"
Deal with it, nigger, your game sucks.