>stay up all night playing video games, sleep all day
>eat lots of sugar and carbs
>don’t exercise
>don’t attempt basic fundamental grooming or hygiene
>”I’ve got insomnia, depression and social anxiety why is my life so shit xD”
Stay up all night playing video games, sleep all day
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't forget
>he smokes weed
depression is madeup bullshit so Mr Goldberg can hook WASPs on life ending drugs
>sneeze and cough all the time
>chug cold medicine
>don't try to be better, just lay in bed resting all day
>"why do I feel sick"
>have insomnia, depression
>only thing that keeps you sane is playing videogames and tasty food
>"dude just run around and eat leaves and shit"
check yourself if you think you know how to fix peoples lives when you post on an online videogames imageboard lmao
It's the other way around, my depression and anxiety cause me to do these things.
>want to be a normie
>can't convince people outside that you are; too hard
>go post frogs on 4chins instead
great job
Yas Forumsfag here. Good to see some actually redpilled fags. Eating healthy also saves SO MUCH FUCKING money. Biggest reason fitness turned my life around is because it made me start cooking healthy shit instead of ordering out so often AND cooking in bulk for two weeks in advance. Made me able to save $800 a month, no fucking joke. Then the exercise itself totally improved my everyday mood and made me enjoy vidya way more than before. Not even a gym rat, I do cardio and endurance training via sprinting and kickboxing.
Depression is a social construct. Therapy and drugs are financial trapfalls. The two come together in a well orchestrated, libtard fueled scam.
user, if you can’t find any point to living outside of food and vidya then you might as well end it right now. The depth of those only go so far and they passively kill you if all you’re doing is sitting on your ass. Go outside
Don't forget
>masturbates and looks at porn
will i lose weight if i just eat rotisserie chicken and broccoli bros
My god, Yas Forumsfags are so annoying
Exercise as a placebo when it comes to mood.
Don't forget
>It's the jew's fault women won't date me
>t. ngmi
>Depression isn't real, btw I've never had depression and am incapable of putting myself in that mindset
Cool hot take, glad everybody asked for it
save 800 a month? where the fuck do you live, most people cant really save 800 USD a month by only changing the things you eat.
t. makes $800 net income a month
well what else am I supposed to do?
Dude how are mental illnesses real? Just be happy it's that easy!
Not. Fucking. Videogames.
>Depression is a social construct
One day you'll grow up user
Living passively kills you.
I haven't been depressed/anxious for a long ass time but I do have a pretty intimate understanding of mental illness, its way more complicated than somebody who hasn't dealt with it can understand, so if you haven't dealt with it yourself save yourself the face and don't tell people how to live their lives man
>have a shit life
>only way to distract yourself is by shitting on others every day with the same old frog pics
You're fooling nobody but yourself kid
why is everyone so useless for advice
>dude just do this WORKS ON MY MACHINE ;^))))
post body
oh i forgot to mention that i dont know how exercise makes people happy, it makes me fucking miserable since i am not happy at all when i go. that makes my mood even worse and going to the gym actually makes me unable to vidya on workdays due to time reasons.
my kneecaps are fucking killing me and so are my flat feet (not an excuse, but still). thats just with cardio. lifting metal is boring as fuck like i maybe i can see myself doing it when im an old man just trying to live a little longer but not now where i would rather spend my free time actually being happy doing what i want. but for the food, from my experience unless you take a fuck ton of prep time to prepare food (shit i cant even make my own breakfast outside of cereal on workdays cause i cant get up, no time to waste 30min to make pancakes) and chicken and eggs and almonds got old as fuck fast.
what is that
Red pill:
Depression is real but 90% of the cases are misdiagnosed (or not diagnosed at all) and it's actually just laziness and lack of motivation
Prove me wrong
What do you want them to do asshole, read your mind? Only you can figure out a way to cope with your depression, all people can do is give advice based on what worked for them. Though, chances are if going for a jog twice a week fixed their depression then they weren't fucking depressed at all.
>have insomnia, depression
>"dude just do literally nothing at all and be a total fucking mess because it feels good for one second"
Seek help before you kill yourself
white anglo saxan protestants
basically white people from a christian background who may not actually be religious
I just realized shitposting on Yas Forums is akin to doing drugs, every day I come here to chase cheap (you)'s and be angry about shit I don't really care about. When I'm not here I feel like something is wrong until I come back. Not even joking, this place is actually really bad for your health.
>bro mental illness isn't real just lift and all your problems will go away
Lack of motivation can basically be depression all on its own. What's the point of doing anything or even getting out of bed if you have absolutely no reason to do so?
honestly based. fuck normies.
>lack of motivation
Circular logic. Nihilism plays a huge role in depression.
>misdiagnose yourself as mentally ill to cope with your pathetic existence
Do people actually do this?
Sure, actual clinical depression exists. If you have a serious illness that messes with the wiring of your brain and/or your hormone balance, that sucks and that's what anti-depressants were originally designed to combat.
But if you don't realize that hippie libtards and scammy corrupted doctors hijacked the concept of depression and turned the idea into a fucking circus that every little uninformed shit must partake in, you're blind. Most people with "depression" are just feeling the blues from leading unfulfilled lives, being over worked and fucking their hormone systems out of balance by turning to junk food, substance abuse and/or lack of exercise but you do need to eat right, sleep right and do some cardio and strength training 4 times a week. If you DON'T do these, then you're actively fucking your hotmobe balance and you lose the right to diagnose yourself with depression because you are frankly creating your own bad mood and refuse to accept that very fact.
Your Doctor is a normie who went to college and got drilled at an out of date medical theory that 70 year old Careerists refuse to let evolve and is only ever influenced by misguided, unscientific, liberal ideas that young adults bandwagon enough to intimidate the medical field. Science is not the reliable thing it used to be.
It's almost like mental illness is different for people even if they have the same "diagnosis". It's not like a broken bone user, these terms are just used to describe a group of people with somehow similar problems.
who are you quoting?
People naturally tend to find a scapegoat for their hardships
Mental problems are the hot new meme
the reason people get stuck in depression ruts is because they act like you fags
>too lazy to figure out why they themselves are depressed and work out solutions from there
>ask for advice from other people
>suggestions to be healthier and more active don’t work for their retarded gamer brain so they whine instead
Goodnight, shitposters
Mental illness is real, but feeling sad for a week doesn't mean you have clinical depression.
t. psychotic schizo
>samefagging OP just to keep his pathetic thread alive
LMAOing at your life kid
Exercise always makes me feel worse.
>It's almost like mental illness is different for people
Even if they don't have a mental illness are are just pathetic lazy coomers?
You typed that all out goddamn I ain't reading that
No, there's definetely a group that uses it for an excuse, but there's also people that are seriously ill. I've been in the psych ward a couple of times and some of the people you see there, well you just know when you see the, they're broken.
I did have chronic insomnia though which made 11 years of school a nightmare. By college I couldnt take it anymore and dropped out
now I have healthy 10 hours sleep :^)
This is you
its always the same no matter the topic. you ask for advice, someone spews their broscience shit everywhere, if you say that isnt very helpful or didnt work, they call you a fag.
You don't even know what samefag means you faggot
I would ask why you’re on a discussion board but this is Yas Forums
I'm in NYC, I work 6 shifts a week and make $640/week, slightly above minimum wage. I used to barely save any money. I'd order out $12 to $25 meals twice a day. I used to feel like a hopeless shit, I don't even have citizenship, only a work authorization, so this guy can go fuck himself. Then I started kickboxing. Then I started sprinting. Then I kicked caffeine. Then I started cooking. Two boxes of pasta, a pack of Chicken Breasts and some veggies is about $24 and you can cook 8 servings with that. I eat 6 fist sized portions a day and yet I save insane amounts of money compared to my old 2 junk food per day foolish shit.
BPE is the meme-illness king
Every slut with daddy-issues I know claims to have BPE
I have bad anxiety problems that run in the family. Exercise does not help. It's physically healthy but it doesn't stop me from getting panic attacks.
personality disorders are pretty vague desu
i doo all that, but i thi nk i have that pure O type of OCD, it's really fucking me upm i'm worried other people can hear my thoughts
Anons I'm trying to instill in someone a profound sense of nihilism. I think the ultimate goal is antinatalism, any pointers?
>greentexting is only for quotes
Lol newfag, you probably came here 2012-2014
i don't wanna self diagnose tho
i'll bring it up to my doctor in a week
thanks for reading my blog
Go to your doctor and explain the problem, you can usually get some anti-psychotics to calm your mind, I have some bad intrusive thoughts at night that I needed meds to get rid off.
I recommend graduating high-school and growing out of nihilism
because ‘broscience’ is the only solution besides meds. If you’re depressed and have the lifestyle the OP said then there’s nothing else you can do besides make some significant lifestyle change. the standard answers like ‘get a hobby’ and be healthier make sense
Smart people are usually somewhat nihilistic. The smarter you are the harder it is to be ignorant to what this world really is.
gay retard
You misunderstand, I'm a happy and confident guy, but I have a closeted desire to drain someone of their willpower.
It's not very pleasant while you exercise. BUT after you've done a proper workout and your body calms down, you'll feel fucking amazing. It's a feeling that can last the whole day. THEN if you did really good, the next day you'll have sore muscles which is a different kind of joy and that can last up to 3 days.
The good news is you can lessen the torture of the exercise itself by picking the thing that interests you most. Fir example I love swimming and kickboxing. I'd spend literally 6 fucking hours a day doing either of these if I just had the time and not get bored or fatigued. On the flipside, weights and running/sprinting bores me, so the pain of those exercises is much more prevalent. I listen to podcasts or OneyPlays when I do those (but I admit I still avoid weights too often).
exercise to improve your mental health is such a fucking myth it might as well be modern snake oil. eating right is what matters. fuck what Yas Forumsfags tell you
I have lived my entire life with anxiety and a long period of deep depression that I eventually crawled out of. Yeah your average person has no idea what its like, but your average depressed person is absolutely the worst person to ask on what is good for them, because they're fucking addicts that will do anything to avoid getting better. Its not complicated, you're just being overdramatic, your problems are not special or complicated, you're just avoiding taking responsibility for your life.
Unfuck your diet, visit Yas Forums, read the sticky, follow an exercise routine, develop self discipline and I guarantee your anxiety/depression will fade.
Retreating into a cocoon and hiding from reality isn't going to achieve anything, you can either realise that now or on your deathbed looking back on a wasted life.
>stay up all night playing video games, sleep all day
No, I sleep properly and I don't play video games normally either. I can't even sleep in the day unless I'm extremely tired.
>eat lots of sugar and carbs
I like pizza and fast food in general, but I also like to substitute low-sugar cereal for meals often. I'm conscious about how much sugar or fats are in my food, though.
>don’t exercise
This is true. I used to have a daily routine of some sort, but I don't ever actively exercise anymore in the recent years.
>don’t attempt basic fundamental grooming or hygiene
I "forget" to brush my teeth often, but besides that I don't skip out on anything else.
>”I’ve got insomnia, depression and social anxiety why is my life so shit xD”
I don't know what I have, but maybe I can't ever really be fixed. I'm not human, and not in the interesting or cool ways either. I just don't relate to people in my physical vicinity besides my family. I'm taking medication despite the fact that I still don't know how it's supposed to make me better. At this rate I'll probably actually become a NEET.
the whole point of nihilism was either clinging to the values of the past or making your own
it's not an actual philosophy
Smart people don't dwell on it though, weak people do
Smart people acknowledge and accept life's inherent nature and move on
I exercised every day for 6 months and maybe once or twice did it make me feel like anything other than dogshit. And I've always eaten healthy because fast food makes me feel like ass. Still wish I were dead. Your advice is worthless.
this, so much. It's like it's some kind of spiritual journey they think diet and exercise improves your life.
Yas Forumsfags, we know, everyone fucking knows that it's good for you. It's not a religion. Some people just have it harder than others.
Thats because you bitch out and don't stick with it/or do it like a retard.
If you actually stick with a good routine you can very easily get addicted it feels that good.
>t. former obesefag now Yas Forumsfag
So what are you supposed to do when you have a cold?
Depression is neither lack of motivation or laziness. A depressed person's almost complete singular motivation is to change their life. They're not really lazy either because they probably spend every waking hour thinking about it nonstop. Whats happening is that there is a stronger motivator at work called the fear of failure. Everyone fails, its a natural part of life and th4 only way to take risks and succeed, but with a depressed person failure is so endemic they have a complete intolerance for additional failure. Action isn't possible because the depressed person needs complete control and cannot make a move without an almost complete guarantee of success, which is impossible.
I've been doing it for a few months now.
Try /x/
>waaaah woe is me
I don't know who is worse, the "depression isn't real, just lift bro" crowd, or the people who defend their depression at all costs.
What have you been doing?
Because "do it like a retard" is still on the table.
holy based